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1. What colour does the woman prefer?

A. Red.           B. Black.          C. Blue.

2. What is the man probably doing?

A. Studying for an exam.    B. Writing an article.           C. Reading a magazine.

3. Who are the speakers talking about?

A. The man’s cousin.      B. Their friend.            C. A singer.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a hospital.             B. In a library.            C. In a classroom.

5. How does the woman feel about her job?

A. Worried.        B. Confident.      C. Satisfied.




6. Why is the woman against going to the Mexican restaurant?

A. It must be full.            B. It isn’t open any more.       C. The food is expensive.

7. Where does the man suggest going in the end?

A. To a theatre.            B. To a sports field.           C. To a swimming pool.

8. What is the man going to do?

A. Buy a pair of new shoes.

B. Go to get a coat.

C. Watch a game.


9. What are the speakers talking about?

A. The man’s dad.

B. The man’s birthday party.

C. The woman’s brother.

10. What does the man think of his father’s look at his birthday party?

A. Professional.    B. Funny.     C. Great.

11. How will the man help the woman?

A. Make up with a funny look.

B. Ask his father to perform at a party.

C. Make stuff with balloons.


12. Who is Ms Tyler probably?

A. A cook.           B. A waiter.      C. A restaurant owner.

13. What does the speaker complain?

A. He can’t arrange time to stay with his family.

B. He doesn’t get along well with his children.

C. His working hours are long.

14. What do we know about the speaker?

A. He is tired of his work.

B. He doesn’t take work seriously.

C. He can rest for two days a week.

15. What does the speaker want Ms Tyler to do?

A. Be grateful to others.

B. Fix the working hours.

C. Give monthly working plan.




1. What is the man’s pen-friend wearing in the photo?

A. Shorts.          B. Jeans.         C. Sunglasses.

2. Where will the speakers probably go next?

A. To a restaurant.      B. To their house.       C. To a gas station.

3. What does the boy want to be?

A. An engineer.        B. An astronaut.          C. A doctor.

4. What does the woman think of the ads?

A. Funny.              B. Meaningless.          C. Ineffective.

5. Where are the speakers probably?

A. In a classroom.   B. On a bus.     C. At home.




6. How will the man get to San Francisco?

A. By train.              B. By plane.          C. By bus.

7. When will the man get to the hotel in San Francisco?

A. On the 21st.            B. On the 23rd.         C. On the 28th.

8. Why did the man decide to change the transportation?

A. He couldn’t find suitable food easily.

B. He wanted to arrive earlier.

C. He couldn’t stand buses.


9. What is one of the reasons the man chooses the woman’s college?

A. He wants to live in his city.

B. He is influenced by his friend.

C. He can be taught by famous teachers.

10. What worries the man most about this course?

A. He has to work hard.

B. He is not good at maths.

C. He doesn’t know how to control a class.

11. What is the man going to do?

A. Take the train.   B. E-mail the man.      C. Go into training.


12. Why are the two speakers upset?

A. It may snow during their vacation.

B. They may not be able be able take their vacation.

C. They may fail to join the graduation ceremony.

13. What can we learn about their vacation?

A. They are going skiing.

B. They have made bookings for their plane.

C. Their flight has been cancelled.

14. What made them miss so many classes?

A. The earthquake.

B. The bad winter.

C. A terrible flu.

15. What are they going to do right now?

A. Talk to their professors.

B. Speak to all of the other people.

C. Call the travel agency.



第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满45分)


1-5 CCBAB      6-10 BDBDA      11-15 BCBAD


16-20 ABCDD   21-25 ACABC      26-30 DBDAC     31-35 BADCB

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2.5分,满分50分)

36-40 CBACC    41-45 BCCBA     46-50 DDBCC      51-55 BDADC

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)


56. Because she needed training to be a gymnast.

57. She felt uneasy.

58. Soar./Rise rapidly./Increase suddenly/ greatly.

59. No, she isn’t. She is the first black woman to do so.

60. She is strong-minded. After she won the game, she said “I was just like, believe, don’t fear, believe.”


61. One possible version:

Dear Bruce,

I’d like to study English in your language center this summer vacation. I think it will greatly improve my spoken English and also I’ll learn about American culture. Studying in a traditional class in our country, I’d like a change. I think it’s better to discuss in class and it’ll be interesting to make a survey of society. If I have a chance to stay in an American family, that will be better. Living there, I can enjoy their culture and foods. I am wondering if I have a chance to live near the language center. If so, I can go to school on foot, which I think is easy for me to get to know the place quickly.

Besides, I’d like some information about your fees. I’d be grateful if you give me a hand. Looking forward to your reply.

Best whishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


试卷A:1-5 CAABA     6-10 ABCAB      11-15 BCACC

试卷B:1-5 BCBCC     6-10 BBAAC      11-15 ABBBA






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