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22. 【答案】D

23. 【答案】B

24. 【答案】A



【解析】第二段最后一句,what is best对应题目中的prefer, that is to say作为暗示直接引出之后的things that can be bought,选择D






【解析】十一段引文中can reduce violent behavior,直接对应C选项


29. 【答案】A

【解析】根据第一段最后一句”but it took near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.” 直到她的四个女儿不停的抱怨,她才意识到自己出了问题。

30. 【答案】D


31. 【答案】C

【解析】据第七段最后一句,”…can be solved by encouraging people to prioritize other life goals and plans…” 解决这个问题的办法就是将生命中其他的目标和计划摆到重要位置。



【解析】本题的题干关键词是more and more,low-income students和pursuing higher education。由此即可定位到原文第二段,全文的主旨段。原文第二段指出:“But with low-income students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population in coming years, some schools are re-examining whether that aid, typically known as merit aid, is the most effective use of precious institutional dollars.”原文中with low-income students projected to make up an ever-larger share of the college-bound population和题干中with more and more low-income students pursuing higher education意思一致;原文中re-examining和B选项中revise意思相同。所以答案为B。

33. 【答案】C

【解析】本题的题干关键词是rankings-conscious和purpose,由此可定位到原文第七段。原文第七段指出:“But for rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profiles.”原文中的recruit表示“招收”,和答案C中的attract意思相似,所以答案为C。

34. 【答案】B

【解析】本题的题干关键词是merit-based aid和increased,由此即可定位到原文第十二段第二句。原文第十二段第二句指出:“typically in a bid to enroll top students in the state’s public institutions.” in a bid to 可以理解为“为了……,力求……”。enroll top students in the state’s public institutions符合原题意思,所以答案为B

35. 【答案】A

【解析】本题的题干关键词是David Laird,attitude,private colleges和merit aid,由此即可定位到原文第十四段。原文第十四段指出:“David Laird, president of the Minnesota Private College Council, says many of his schools would like to reduce their merit aid”。原文和答案A项They would like to see it reduced意思一致,所以答案为A。




37. 【答案】G

38. 【答案】A

39. 【答案】B

40. 【答案】E


41. B 词义辨析题。原句意为“要做一名优秀教师,你得具备做一名优秀演员的一些天赋;你必须能________学生的注意力和兴趣。”由此可知,应该意为“抓住、吸引”的单词,所以B正确。 pay attention 一般与 to 搭配,意为“注意...”,此处与句意不符,故排除A。

42. A 词义辨析题。空格后由 with 引导的部分是对 speaker 的具体说明,结合其中提到的 a good, strong...voice 可知,选项中只有 clear(清晰的)与之相符,所以A正确。

43. D 词义辨析题。 frightening 意为“令人恐惧的”, fearing意为“令人害怕的”, exciting 意为“令人兴奋的”, pleasing 意为“愉悦的,使人高兴的”,结合句意可知,D正确。

44. A 词义辨析题。文章一开始就将教师与源源的角色联系在了一起,再结合句意可知,本句所要表达的是根据教学内容进行表演以使讲解清晰易懂,所以A正确。

45. C 词义辨析题。listen 和look 为不及物动词,应与介词连用才能接宾语,故排除; observe(观察)虽然在语法上正确,但意义过于严肃,故排除;只有 watch 在意思和语法上均符合,故选C。

46. B 介词语法题。结合上下问可知,好教师并不是一动不动地坐在讲台前的,所以B正确。要注意的是,此处 class 指的是班级里的学生,而不是课程。

47. D 词义辨析题。结合空格后的 hands and fingers 可知,空格处应填入与之相近的词,以表达“教师借动作来表情达意,解释教学内容”,所以D正确。

48. A 词义辨析题。空格前的 listen to 表示“听”的动作,再结合表并列的and 及空格后的内容可知,本句所要表达的是听到教师上课时那抑扬顿挫、悦耳动听的讲课声,而 hear 表示的就是“听”的结果,所以应选A。

49. B 词义辨析题。结合上下文可知,本句的意思是教师根据所讲的内容不断改变语调,所以B正确。

50. A 惯用搭配题。选项中 talk 和say 在含义上都符合句意,但 say 是及物动词,强调说的内容,不能与 about 搭配,故排除,talk 可作不及物动词,与 about 构成固定搭配,意为“谈论”,所以A正确。

51. D 词义辨析题。 tell 意为“告诉”,express 意为“表明”,show 意为“表达”,mean 意为“意味着”,结合句意可知,D正确。

52. C 词义辨析题。act 为动词,应用副词修饰,首先可排除A;badly 意为“恶劣地、非常地”, actively 意为“意味着”,结合句意可知,D正确。

53. B 词义辨析题。由下文对演员和教师的职业特点的比较可知,此处指的应该是两者的区别,所以B正确。此处 there are differences between...and... 意为“...与...有区别”。

54. B 逻辑衔接题。上文提到,演员只需将事先背好的台词说出来就可以了,也就是说演员在演一个固定的角色时,台词都是相同的,所以用 the same,故选B。

55. D 逻辑衔接题。结合上下问可知,空格后内容与前文是递进关系,即除了台词一样以外,甚至连动作,以及说话的方式都是事先安排好的,故选D。

56. C 词义辨析题。结合上下文以及本句句意可知,台词甚至是动作,以及说话的方式都应该是事先安排好的,所以C正确。

57. A 词义辨析题。结合句意可知,演员们所要做的就是把准备好的台词和动作在舞台上自然地表演出来,所以A正确。

58. B 逻辑衔接题。结合上下文及本句句意可知,教师与演员在工作方式上有很大的区别,所以B正确。本句是过度句,与上文形成了对比。

59. C 词义辨析题。take an active part in 意为“在…中起着积极的作用”,因为本段讲的是教师的工作,所以应选C。

60. A 词义辨析题。本句的意思是“教师无法把所有要讲的内容全背下来,他必须在讲课的过程中________。”由此可知,A正确,此时 invent it 指的就是创造性地进行教学。discover 意为“发现”,指的是原本就存在的东西现在发现了,与句意不符,故排除。


【答案】61.it          62.telling           63.Whoever         64.and          65. next

66.away      67.successful      68.again             69.One          70.but



Dear Sally,

Now I’d like to tell you something about my part-time job this summer vacation, of which I worked like a guide in a travel

in               as

agency. The work was interesting but tired. I think it was helpful to work  this  holiday. It  was  the  first  time that  I  have

tiring                                                           had

earned money  on  my  own. I’ve  come  to understand how hard my parents work to support for the family. I used to keep on ask

删去for                               asking

them for money, but now I’ll never waste money and learn to share worry with my parent.. I've learnt how to get along well


with others. What's worse, I've gained some working and social experience and I have learnt something can' t be learnt from

more                                                      在something后加that

textbooks. All these will be good for my future. In a word, I had the wonderful and valuable summer vacation.



Li Bing


Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Li Hua. I would like to serve as a volunteer for the coming Winter Asian Games.

I am a 17-year-old Senior Three student at No.23 High School and I am good at English and I enjoy talking with foreigners.

I believe I would do a good job at the Games. First of all, I appreciate sports and I know the city very well; secondly, I can easily get along with others, which is important for a volunteer and also, I’m ready to offer my help whenever needed. I make a promise that if I were to be chosen as a youth volunteer, I would offer the best service possible to the people at the Games.

Please consider my request, and I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua






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