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A ground-based system that uses much stronger signals than GPS can find your location in cities and indoors. It is a new positioning system that could compete with GPS to make sure you never lose your directions again.

Instead of satellites, Locata uses ground-based equipment to send a radio signal over a localized area that is a million times stronger on arrival than GPS. It can work indoors as well as outdoors, and the makers claim that the receivers can be shrunk(缩小) to fit inside a regular cell phone. Even the US armies, which invented GPS technology, signed a file last month agreeing to a test of Locata at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

“This is one of the most important technology developments for the future of the positioning industry,” says Nunzio Gambale, CEO and co-founder of the firm Locata, based in Griffith, Australia.

As for the Locata’s correctness, Christopher Morin of the US Air Force tested it recently at White Sands, and it worked to within 18cm along any axis(轴). Morin said it should be possible to get the exactitude down to 5cm.

The tests were performed in an open desert where GPS also worked beautifully, but its signal was weak—like a car headlight from 20,000 kilometers away—and easily cut off by solid objects(实心的物体). Locata’s signal was far stronger, though not guaranteed to work in a complex urban environment, said David, speaker of the UK’ s General Lighthouse Authorities.

Locata’s technology will face competition in the race to transform indoor navigation. But it could shine in specific areas, Gambale said. Robots with Locata could easily navigate inside buildings without the complex optical(视觉的) systems they need at the moment. And the process that handles correct location data could not only guide you around a mall, railway station or airport, but also take you to the exact shelf in a shop for the product you want. It would be small and cheap enough for smart phones and it should be available within five years—a similar path to the one GPS took on its way towards the world, he said.

The passage is written mainly to ______.

encourage people to buy the Locata

tell us the disadvantages of the GPS

introduce a new positioning system Locata

tell us that Locata will replace GPS one day

Which of the following is NOT true about Locata?

Without the help of the satellites, Locata can tell you where you are.

Locata will be popular with most people even including the US armies.

Locata has a better signal than GPS in some bad environments.

In five years, Locata will take the place of GPS.

According to the passage, Gambale______.

did the experiment at White Sands last month

believed the Locata would help to develop smart robots’ creation

doubted whether Locata can work in a complex environment or not

was worried about the competition the Locata faced

Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exactitude” in Paragraph 4?

Accuracy. B. Speed. C. Determination D. Length

What can we know from the passage?

Locata is as small as a cell phone.

GPS is the most practical position system at present.

Locata will tell you how to get what you want in the future.

Locata will enter our lives through the cell phone, just like GPS.


Young children from poor families are more likely to consume junk food and fizzy drinks(汽水) than their richer companions. A study of 1,800 four- and five-year-olds found more than half of those from poor backgrounds drank at least one a week, compared to just four in ten oofy kids. They also drank less milk and consumed more fruit juice which is also linked to child obesity (肥胖) caused by high sugar intake(摄取量).

The phenomenon also relates to children who spend more than two hours a day in front of a TV or playing computer games—whatever their social circumstances. A companion study also found children from poor families were more likely to eat chips, sweets and chocolate. Professor Kate Storey said, “when you are looking at that age group, and such a large percentage of very young kids in the study are consuming a large amount of soda(苏打汽水),it is quite concerning. ”

The researchers carried out the study by surveying the parents of their participants to find out their dietary habits. Professor Storey said, “If you are drinking a lot of soda and fruit juice, they can displace(取代)consumption of water and milk, which are important not just for ending thirst, but for developing healthy bones and teeth, and health and wellness in general.”

Co-researcher Dr John Spence said, “Dietary behavior and intake patterns are influenced heavily by what happens in the first few years with children, and they maintain those patterns throughout childhood and into adolescence(青少年时期).” In addition to basic health education, this study identifies a need in how we are dealing with poverty and recognizing there is more to poverty than simply the number of dollars people have.

Professor Storey said that shows how education can make a difference and lead to healthier eating habits, regardless of what is happening at home. “Many families live in places that might not be very healthy for them and, as a result, they make unhealthy food choices. You can start making a difference in different places. It calls for action in multiple settings, schools and communities, for example. That light-bulb moment can happen in a variety of places,” Professor Storey added.

51. What does the underlined word “oofy” mean in Para.1?

Wealthy. B. Healthy. C. Fat D. Weak.

52. According to the passage, Professor Storey thinks it helpful for children ______.

A. to drink more coffee B. to drink more milk

C. to drink more soda D. to drink more fruit juice

53. According to Dr John Spence, children’s habits in the early stage of life can even affect _____.

A. their attitude towards life B. their living patterns of youth

C. health in their old age D. living quality of all their life

54. Professor Storey considers that healthier eating habits can be _____.

A. finally determined by parents’ life habits B. gently changed by parents’ life habits

C. suddenly changed by family situation D. gradually changed by education

55. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Young people like eating junk food.

B. Junk food is bad for both young children and adults.

C. Children from poor families are more likely to eat junk food.

D. Junk food causes more and more children to become overweight.


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