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第一节:阅读下列短文, 从每题后面所给的选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。


Selfie is a photograph taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam (网络摄像头) and uploaded to a social media website.

In the digital age, selfies have taken off in a way that no one could have predicted. The art of the selfie is one that lots of people have practiced and perfected in recent years. A recent study shows 91 percent of teens have posted a photo of themselves online. Some celebrities (名人) are regular selfie posters, too. It seems that selfies are more than just a trend. They are here to stay.

Why are selfies so popular? The appeal of selfies comes from how easy they are to create and share. And posting selfies is popular for another reason: you can control your own image. “I like having the power to choose how I look,” admits Samantha, a 19-year-old girl from Missouri, “even if I’m making a face.” Actually, the most common selfie is the one where you look cute, partly because it’s a quick way to get positive comments about your appearance. “If I feel pretty, I take one,” says Andrew, a 23-year-old girl from Maryland, “when other people Like (点赞) it, it’s a mini boost of confidence.”

Sure, showing off a new coat or that you’re at a cool event is fun, but can be a trap to fall in. There’s a danger that your self-respect may start to be tied to the comments and Likes you get when you post a selfie, and they aren’t based on who you are—they are based on what you look like. Seeking validation (认可) is totally normal, and it’s a healthy way for teenagers to develop their identity. But with social networks, where it’s easy to get quick approval almost constantly, the selfie thing can quickly go out of control. It may even start to feel like an addiction: when you get a “LIKE”, you’re up. But when you get nothing, your confidence can decrease quickly.

Overall, opinions vary on selfie culture. It’s up to you to shape the future of the habit. Ask yourself: are my selfies for fun, or do I need the comments? If you belong to the latter, it’s recommended that you change your view. That could mean cutting selfies out entirely or just cutting down and making them more fun. So maybe you like to travel, or read or dance, or create crazy 3-D nail art…post them! Take it from us: it’s so much more interesting.

41. According to the passage, selfie is a type of _______.

A. photo B. smartphone C. webcam D. website

42. By saying “They are here to stay”, the writer believes_______.

A. celebrities will continue to post selfies B. selfies are taking root in people’s life

C. people will be addicted to posting selfies D. selfies have raised wide public concern

43. People enjoy posting selfies partly because _______.

A. it is a way to show off their high-technique

B. celebrities have set good examples to them

C. they can control how they present themselves

D. selfies are followed by comments and likes

44. Paragraph 4 mainly talks about _______ of posting selfies online.

A. the negative effects B. the growing trend

C. the dangerous example D. the possible causes

45. The writer may think it better for people to selfie for_______.

A. confidence B. popularity C. comment D. pleasure


Nowadays, so many people are becoming interested in adventurous trip in the wild. No one intentionally gets lost in the wild, but circumstances such as weather conditions or medical emergencies may require the use of wilderness survival. With key survival techniques, a person can survive in the wild until help arrives. Here are some of the tips:

1. Remain dry to conserve body warmth. Do not intentionally get wet. Avoid frostbite by staying out of the wind. Uncovered skin can become frostbitten in a matter of seconds under the right conditions. Wind is the biggest factor. Stay out of direct sunlight and find shade where possible. Direct sun can cause heatstroke (中暑) or result in dehydration (脱水).

2. Look for a cave or other natural weather shelter. Check for other wildlife like bears, snakes before entering the shelter. Build a shelter with branches and with rope. Use as many branches as possible for added stability and protection against the wind and weather. If you are in a desert environment, try to build an underground shade shelter to avoid prolonged sun exposure so you can travel more comfortably in cooler temperatures.

3. Light a fire using one of several methods: matches or lighters if available; striking a flint (燧石) or a sharp edged rock with steel from a knife blade; focusing the sun through an eyeglass on cotton or dry grass or other excellent fire starting materials; using dry wood and sticks to start your fire: you can take two pieces of dry wood, sharpen one of them and use it to drill into the other piece, with anything easy to catch fire next to the drill bit. The moment the tiny wood pieces catch a spark, put them onto a nest of leaves or twigs or dry bark.

4. Humans can live without food longer than they do without water. Dig a hole with hands or a stick several feet from a river or lake. Let the hole fill in by itself and use that water to drink. Collect the dew, which is water. Drink sap (汁液) from birch trees or maple trees by cutting a branch with a knife or breaking it off. The sap is mostly water and slightly sweet. Follow dry river beds to the water source. Check a dry river bed at night and it may contain water not found during the day. Conserve water by traveling at night and resting in the shade during the day. Boil water for 15 minutes. Use iodine tablets (碘片) if available.

5. Eat only known plant specimens like berries, nuts and fruit. This is not the time to test your wild mushroom knowledge. Watch for signs of wildlife. If the animals eat it, it is probably safe for humans too. Dig up the roots of plants like wild onions and carrots to eat raw or boiled in water. Gather worms for protein. Maintain protein levels by capturing and eating available meat sources. Dig trap holes to catch rabbits or small mammals. Fish and snakes are also available sources of protein that require little hunting skill.

6. A quick way to get rescued is to create a smoke signal. Creating a visible SOS sign has the same effect.

7. Remember to take things you may need: survival kit, rope and tape, whistle, matches and tinder, pencil and very small notebook, brightly colored cloth, knife, water, tents, traps for hunting, a compass, a gun if possible.

46. You can find access to drinking water under the guidance of _______.

A. Tip 1 B. Tip 2 C. Tip 4 D. Tip 7

47. How many ways are mentioned on starting a fire without matches or lighters?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.

48. It is unwise to look for_______ as food in the wild.

A. berries, nuts and fruit B. unknown mushrooms

C. wild onions and carrots D. rabbits, fish or snakes

49. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. Adventurous Trips in the Wild B. Survival Things Needed in the Wild

C. Tips on Getting Rescued Quickly D. Wilderness Survival Techniques


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