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根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。summer and you are looking forward to your senior year. Every month you will receive the scholarship newsletter. 36 Scholarships will be announced in the newsletter and on the bulletin boards in Guidance and in the cafeteria.

You should bring all of your scholarship applications to Guidance to be processed and mailed out.If the scholarship application requires SAT or ACT scores, you are responsible for providing those.

If you have any questions about scholarships, see Mrs. Fontaine in Guidance. Meanwhile, here are some helpful tips for completing scholarship applications:

37 Your time is valuable so don’t waste it applying for scholarships you are not qualified for. There will be plenty of scholarships you will be qualified for.

Pay attention to directions. Some organizations have very specific rules along with their applications,so make sure your application is completed to their specifications.

Pay attention to deadlines. 38 This means the due date on the application may be different from the due date On the newsletter.Please go by the deadline on the newsletter to ensure your application will go out on time.

Keep track of the scholarships you apply for. As you fill out the applications, write the names down and keep it with your scholarship information. 39 .

Keep copies of your essays. 40 Your essay may be able to be used for more than one application.

A.Pay attention to the criteria.

B.Believe in yourself and have a try.

C.Not all scholarships require essays, but some do.

D.Guidance needs two weeks to process your applications.

E.It will inform you of any scholarships we have in Guidance.

F.There will be some scholarships at the beginning of the year.

G.In the late winter or spring when there are so many applications, it is easy to lose track of which ones you filled out.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。41 of fertile land and prosperous crops, pleasant weather and breathtaking 42 .

One day, he decided he was 43   of his current life and felt it was time to improve it. So he packed his bags, left his home and started climbing the hill 44 greener pastures(牧场).

The climb was extremely 45   both physically and mentally. At some points, the hill was very 46 indeed, and many times, he really felt like giving up. But the 47 of a better life kept him going.

One day, the man came to a very steep part of the hill—it was 48 vertical. And at the top lay some very thick vegetation. All those days of 49 and bashing through vegetation had taken their toil(困苦)on him. And, all this time, he had no results to 50 , no fruits to enjoy. He was sick and tired. He decided all this 51 wasn’t really worth it. So 52 he got to the other side of the hill? There was no 53 that it held what the tales 54 . His old home wasn’t that bad anyway. He 55 to give up. He turned around and set off for home.

Little did the man know, that 56 that steep slope and thick vegetation, was already the peak of the hill. After that, it was to be a 57 journey downhill. And, indeed, on the other side of the hill, was 58 what the tales had promised. 59 , even better than what they claimed.

He had already done the hard part, but he chose to 60 just when things were going to get much better.

41. A. Stories B. Anecdotes C. Accounts D. Records

42. A. standard B. conditions C. scenery D. attraction

43. A. fed B. tired C. fond D. cautious

44. A. in sight of B. in need of C. in case of D. in search of

45. A. rewarding B. trying C. amazing D. confusing

46. A. straight B. sharp C. shallow D. steep

47. A. thought B. idea C. imagination D. concept

48. A. still B. already C. almost D. yet

49. A. climbing B. planning C. crawling D. traveling

50. A. gain B. reach C. make D. show

51. A. damaging B. exercising C. suffering D. sweating

52. A. what if B. even though C. if only D. even when

53. A. doubt B. wonder C. hope D. guarantee

54. A. indicated B. retold C. promised D. suggested

55. A. decided B. managed C. tried D. used

56 .A. within B. through C. across D. beyond

57. A. short B. smooth C. comfortable D. endless

58. A. finally B. naturally C. exactly D. totally

59. A. In general B. After all C. Above all D. In fact

60. A. change B. rest C. quit D. pause


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