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____16____ sales of more than 1 billion records, the British pop group known ____17___the Beatles was the supreme rock and roll band of 18 . The Beatles 19 Western pop music to audiences around the world. _20__ the Beatles went, 21 was a phenomenon ___22___ Beatlemania ----thousands of fans would surround them, screaming and 23 crazy trying to see them. In 1965, the Beatles held a concert at Shea Stadium in Ney York 24 was attended by approximately 55000 people. It was one of the first concerts 25 in a sports stadium and perhaps the largest concert held up to that time. 26 many, many ways, the Beatles 27 pioneers for what was to come. Nowadays, concerts held in sports stadiums 28 common, and it seems 29 every 30 years there is a new boy band trying 31 back the magic of the Beatles. 32 ,even though the Beatles 33 in 1970, no group since ever 34 close to being as popular or selling as 35 records.

( )16. A With B as C Along D On

( )17. A to B as C for D at

( )18. A 1960 B 1960s C the 1960 D the 1960s

( )19. A bringed B brought C bought D broughted

( )20. A Whatever B Whenever C Wherever D However

( )21. A There B It C This D That

( )22. A calling B called C calls D to call

( )23. A goes B gone C went D going

( )24. A what B who C whose D that

( )25. A held B holding C hold D holds

( )26. A On B With C In D At

( )27. A was B were C is D are

( )28. A are B is C am D be

( )29. A which B when C that D how

( )30. A a little B little C a few D few

( )31. A to bring B to bringing C bringing D bring

( )32. A But B However C Moreover D And

( )33. A broke down B broke away C broke out D broke up

( )34. A had come B is coming C has come D will come

( )35. A a great deal of B many C a good many of D much


1、特征,独特的_________________ 2、虐待,辱骂____________________

3、罪犯__________________________ 4、慷慨的,大方的__________________

5、猛烈的,暴力的_______________ 6、判刑__________________________

7、令人不安的____________________ 8、不情愿的_____________________

9、逐渐的________________________ 10、偏见________________________11、解散_________________________ 12、突然出现____________________

13、扎根于_______________________ 14、以……为背景________________

15、向……求婚____________________ 16、爱上……____________________

17、向……告别____________________ 18、出版________________________

19、只要__________________________ 20、决心做……__________________


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