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单项填空:(共15小题,每小题l分,满分15分〉 21-25 BABDC  26-30 BAACD 31-35 BCADD 完型填空:(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分〉 36-40 DBCAC       41-45 CABDB       46-50 BACAB   51-55 DCBCD 阅读理解:(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 56-59 CDBC 60-63 ADCA 64-67 BADA 68-71 CCAB 72. how to improve your study habits/ How to improve your grades/ How to become a top student. 73. when you begin to work, you should be able to concentrate on the subject. 74. don't worry too much about a single test! don't worry if you fail a single test 75. 复习那些你仍然感到困惑的以及课堂上提到的重要知识点。


对话填空:(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)        76 like    77 usually      78 early  79. home      80. takes 81 office        82 off     83 dinner    84 looking  85 sounds /seems 书面表达〈共1题,满分25分〉 possible version: The world-famous scientist Steven Hawking has expressed his concern about the future of human beings. He warns that greatest danger that human beings are faced with is nuclear war because both America and Russia have plenty of nuclear warheads to destroy our earth several times. He also worries that the changing climate is threatening our living environment. Pro. Hawking,therefore, suggests that we move to other planets. Personally, I cannot / don't agree with Pro. Hawking. It is certain that nuclear warheads may ruin the earth, however, knowing the danger, America and Russia are unlikely to use them on purpose. On the other hand, it is not practical for humans to move to other planets. At present we have neither ability nor money to do that What we should do now is to make our earth a better place for human race. 

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