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—John seems happy, even though his wife left him and he lost his job.

—I think he ____ to put on a brave face.

A. will try B. has tried C. tries D. is trying


【解析】 考查时态。句意:——约翰似乎很高兴,即使他妻子离开了他,他失去了工作。——我想他在竭力扮出一副勇敢的样子。表示目前正在干某事,用现在进行时。

—Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?

—No, but we ____ to get in touch with them ever since.

A.have tried B.have been trying

C.had tried D.had been trying


【解析】 考查时态。根据答语中的时间状语可知自从那对夫妇在山中失踪以后,人们一直在尽力和他们取得联系,所以用现在完成进行时,表示这个动作一直持续到现在,而且还有可能继续进行下去。

With the country's population reaching 1.6 billion in the mid of this century, most of China's rivers, including the Yellow River, ____.

A.is drying up B.will be drying up

C.dry up D.have dried up


【解析】 考查时态。根据句中的时间状语 in the mid of this century 再结合语意可知本题应该使用将来进行时表示在将来某一段时间内发生的变化。

—Come on, Kitty.

—Oh, good heavens! Both my legs are nearly to give out.

I ____ for hours like a dog.

A.have been walking B.had walked

C.was walking D.walked


【解析】 考查动词的时态。根据句中的 my legs are nearly to give out 可知本题应该使用现在完成进行时,表示答话人一直走了几个小时的路,因此腿上没有一点儿力气了。

The writer and teacher Smith ______ through millions of ups and downs since he moved to Sydney.

A.have gone B.had gone C.went D.has gone


【解析】 考查时态和主谓一致。语意表示既是作家又是教师的史密斯自从搬到悉尼经历了无数的成败,由句中 since 可知主句要用现在完成时,且主语表示史密斯身兼两职,为单数,故选D项。

—Did you finish your homework yet?

—Yeah. We turned it in, and now it ____.

A. is grading B. is graded

C. is being graded D. has graded


【解析】 考查时态和语态。语意表示“我们已经把家庭作业交了,现在正在被打分”,根据语意可知空处表示动作正在进行,并且 it (homework) 和 grade 之间为动宾关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态。

Mr. Irving, who ____ in a high school for forty years, is now living in retirement.

A. has taught B. taught

C. had taught D. has been teaching


【解析】 考查时态。语意表示 Mr. Irving 过去在高中教了四十年,动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。

People ____ less tolerant of smoking in public places these days.

A.become B.have become

C.will become D.are, becoming


【解析】 考查动词的时态。根据句中的时间状语 "these days" 可知,此处表示最近一段时间的状况,所以用现在进行时。

My father and my mother have been married for 30 years, and never once ____ with each other.

A.have they quarreled B.they have quarreled

C.did they quarrel D.had they quarreled


【解析】 考查倒装和时态。当 never 放在句首时,句子要部分倒装,排除B项;同时从前一分句 have been married 可知,用现在完成时态,所以选A项。

—How long ____ you ____ in the country with your grandparents, Henry?

—About four weeks. I'll return as soon as school starts.

A.are; staying B.did; stay

C.do; stay D.had; stayed


【解析】 考查时态。根据答语并结合第一句句意“你将在乡下与你祖父母待多长时间呀,Henry?”可知此处应该表示“将来”,be+v. -ing往往可表示马上就要发生的行为或安排好要做的事,据此选A项。

I have to walk upstairs. The lift ____ down.

A.was breaking B.broke C.will break D.has broken


【解析】 考查动词的时态。break down 的意思是“坏掉”。句意:我不得不步行上楼,因为电梯坏了。根据句意,应用现在完成时,表示电梯坏掉这件事对我的影响,即必须步行上楼。

The examination will begin at 10:30.Those who come late ____ to the examination room.

A.have not been admitted

B.don’t admit

C.will not be admitted

D.didn’t admit


【解析】 考查动词的时态和语态。admit 和定语从句的先行词 those 是动宾关系,因此要用被动语态,由此可以排除B、D两项;另外,根据题干中第一句话的时态可知,第二句话应该用一般将来时。故选C项。

—Hello, I ____ to ask if I can book two tickets for tonight’s film.

—Sorry, we’ve already sold out.

A.phone B.will phone C.am phoning D.have phoned


【解析】 考查动词的时态。根据句意可知,这句话是打电话的人正在通话时说的,因此用现在进行时。句意:“喂,我打电话是想问我是否可以订两张今晚的电影票。”“对不起,票已经卖完了。”

He hoped that he would ____ a more suitable job.

A.be assigned B.assign

C.have been assigned D.have assigned


【解析】 考查时态和语态。句意:他希望自己能被安排一份更加适合的工作。此处 hoped 后的宾语从句用的是过去将来时,he 与 assign 之间是动宾关系,故选A项。

—Beg your pardon, but I didn't follow you.

—Oh, I ____ myself.

A.would talk to B.talked to

C.had talked to D.was talking to


【解析】 考查时态。此处所要表达的意思是在说话之前的那段时间答话人在自言自语,所以用过去进行时。

二、 完型填空

All 34 of my students I taught at Saint Mary's School in Morris, Minnesota were dear to me, but Mark was one in a million. His happy-to-be-alive attitude made even his occasional naughtiness 16 .

Mark 17 constantly in class. I had to remind him again and again that talking without permission was 18 . What 19 me so much, though, was his sincere response every time I had to 20 him for misbehaving," Thank you for correcting me, Madam!" I didn't know what to make of it at first, but before long I became 21 hearing it many times a day.

One morning my 22 was growing thin when Mark talked once too often. I 23 Mark," If you say one more word, I am going to tape your mouth shut!"

It wasn't ten seconds later 24 Chuck blurted out(脱口说出),"Mark is talking again." I hadn't asked any of the students to help me 25 Mark, but since I had stated the 26 in front of the class, I had to act on it.

Taking out a roll of masking tape(胶纸带)from the drawer(抽屉)of my desk, I 27 to Mark's desk, 28 two pieces of tape and made a big X with them over his 29 . I then returned to the 30 of the room.

As I glanced at Mark see how he was doing, he winked(眨眼)at me naughtily. That he did so funnily! I started 31 . The entire class 32 as I walked back to Mark's desk, 33 the tape, and shrugged my shoulders. His first 34 were, "Thank you for correcting me, Madam!"

Several years passed until one cold rainy day when my father 35 the news to me that Mark was killed in Vietnam war, I broke down and cried in my heart, "Mark, I would give all the masking tape in the world if only you could talk to me!"

16.A.attractive B.delightful C.striking D.annoying

17.A.talked B.argued C.quarreled D.disrupted

18.A.troublesome B.shamefulC.irresponsible D.unacceptable

19.A.annoyed B.impressed C.puzzled D.delighted

20.A.punish B.blame C.correct D.scold

21.A.accustomed to B.unbearable ofC.fond of D.curious about

22.A.body B.patience C.confidence D.spirit

23.A.warned B.advised C.asked D.frightened

24.A.then B.when C.after D.until

25.A.criticize B.report C.watch D.in form

26.A.opinion B.view C.punishment D.evidence

27.A.threw B.flew C.walked D.pointed

28.A.tore off B.put up C.cut into D.took out

29.A.face B.mouth C.hand D.head

30.A.back B.centre C.front D.entrance

31.A.screaming B.laughingC.complaining D.criticizing

32.A.cheered B.protested C.froze D.disturbed

33.A.stuck B.fastened C.recovered D.removed

34.A.expectations B.actionsC.movements D.words

35.A.indicated B.broke C.presented D.unfolded

【解题导语】 作者回顾她在教书时遇到的一个学生,这个学生乐观的性格给作者留下深刻的印象。后来,这个学生在战场上牺牲了,但对这个学生的回忆永远刻在作者的脑海里。

16.A.attractive B.delightful C.striking D.annoying

答案:B 结合生活常识考虑,遇到对方顽皮的时候.我们会觉得烦恼,可是 Mark 那乐观的生活态度使他偶尔的顽皮也让我们感受到快乐。选B项表示“令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的”。attractive 有吸引力的,引起注意的;striking 显著的,引人注目的;annoying 使人气恼的,讨厌的。

17.A.talked B.argued C.quarreled D.disrupted

答案:A 下文说,“我不得不一次次提醒他,不经允许就说话……”,由此可知这里表示他上课总是讲话,因此选A。

18.A.troublesome B.shameful

C.irresponsible D.unacceptable

答案:D 结合四个形容词的含义看,本空选D:我不得不提醒他,上课的时候未经允许就讲话是不对的,unacceptable“不能接受的,不能允许的”。troublesome 令人烦恼的,讨厌的;shameful 可耻的;irresponsible 无责任感的,不负责任的。

19.A.annoyed B.impressed C.puzzled D.delighted

答案:B 我每次纠正他的错误时,他总是很真诚地回答说,“谢谢你指出我的错误。”这样的回答给我留下深刻的印象,以至于多年之后我还记得他。

20.A.punish B.blame C.correct D.scold

答案:C 从下文的 "Thank you for correcting me, Madam!" 可知本题选C项表示“改正,纠正”。

21.A.accustomed to B.unbearable of

C.fond of D.curious about

答案:A 刚开始我不知道说些什么,但是每天听他说这句话说得太多,我慢慢地就习惯了。

22.A.body B.patience C.confidence D.spirit

答案:B 从段末我说的话可知,一天早上当他又一次说这句已说过很多次的话时,我不耐烦了。

23.A.warned B.advised C.asked D.frightened

答案:A 我就警告他说,“你敢再说一句,我就把你的嘴巴用胶带给封起来。”

24.A.then B.when C.after D.until

答案:B 我说完这句话不到10秒钟,Chuck 就脱口而出,“Mark 又说话了。”

25.A.criticize B.report C.watch D.in form

答案:C 我没有叫班上的学生监督他,可是既然我在全班同学面前说出了如何惩罚,就只能那样做,因此选C表示“监视”。

26.A.opinion B.view C.punishment D.evidence

答案:C 既然我已经在全班学生面前警告过如何惩罚他,我就只能这样去做了:给他的嘴贴上胶带。因此选C。

27.A.threw B.flew C.walked D.pointed

答案:C 我从办公桌的抽屉里拿出一卷胶带,走到 Mark 面前。这里用 walk 而不是 fly 来说明此时的动作:其实我也不太愿意这样惩罚他,可是,班上其他学生都看着呢,我说话得算数。

28.A.tore off B.put up C.cut into D.took out

答案:A 我扯下两截胶带,选A项。

29.A.face B.mouth C.hand D.head

答案:B 根据第三段段末的话可知,要给 Mark 封口,因此选B。

30.A.back B.centre C.front D.entrance

答案:C 做完之后,我回到教室前面继续上课。

31.A.screaming B.laughing

C.complaining D.criticizing

答案:B 我把他的嘴封住了,可是他还在顽皮地冲我眨眼,从语境的 funnily 判断选B,看见他这模样,我忍不住笑了,而不是“尖叫、埋怨、批评”。

32.A.cheered B.protested C.froze D.disturbed

答案:A 下文说我把他嘴上的封条给揭了,结合选项可判断选A,此时班上的同学都很高兴。


Today we will explain a very gold saying that has had a big influence on rock-and-roll music. That saying is "A rolling stone gathers no moss". It has several meanings. One meaning is that a person who never settles down in one place will not be successful. Another is that someone who is always moving, with no roots in one place, avoids responsibilities.

This proverb was said to be first used in the 1500s. But in the 1960s, the expression "rolling stone" became famous in the world of rock-and-roll music. It became the name of a song, a rock group and a magazine.

Experts say it all started with a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters. He was one of the country's top blues musicians until his death in 1983. His music influenced singers like Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan. In 1950, Muddy Waters recorded a song called "Rolling Stone".

A British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters' song. The Rolling Stones performed for the first time in 1962. The group's members called themselves "the world's greatest rock and roll band".

In 1965, Bob Dylan released his song "Like a Rolling Stone". It is one of his best known and most influential works.

It is an angry song about a woman who was once rich and successful. But now she is on her own, "with no direction home, like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone".

In 1967, a young man named Jann Wenner started a magazine and he named it "Rolling Stone". The magazine reported on rock music arid the popular culture that the music created. By 1971 "Rolling Stone" had become the leading rock music and counterculture publication. It is still popular today.

58.Which person can be described as a rolling stone according to the proverb?

A.A person who always changes his jobs.

B.A person who has a successful career.

C.A person who has no family.

D.A person who is cut of work.

59.All of them are musicians except ____.

A.Elvis Presley B.Bob Dylan C.Muddy Waters D.Jann Wenner

60. Who first used "rolling stone" as a name for music?

A.Jann Wenner. B.Bob Dylan. C.Elvis Presley. D.Muddy Waters.

【解题导语】 本文讲述的是谚语A rolling stone gathers no moss.“滚石不生苔,改行不攒财”对滚石音乐的影响以及《滚石》杂志的诞生。

58.A 推理判断题。从第一段的最后两句话可知这句谚语指的一种是那些不安心呆在某个地方的人不会成功,另一种是那些扎不下来根儿的人不负责任。A项指的是经常换工作的人,符合题意。

59.D 细节理解题。根据第三段可知 Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan 和 Muddy Waters 都是音乐家;根据最一段可知 Jann Wenner 是开办杂志《滚石》的人。故选D。60.D 细节理解题。根据第三段的第一句 "Experts say it all started with a song by the American singer and guitarist Muddy Waters." 可知,rolling stone 作为音乐的名字最早是被 Muddy Waters 使用的。





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