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第一部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节: 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. Have you ever met a man who is always the centre of attention _____ he goes?

A. whenever B. however C. wherever D. where

2. He is a deep thinker _____ opinions are worth much.

A. who B. whose C. that D. which

3. — You’ve left the light on.

— Oh, so I have. _____ and turn it off.

A. I go B. I’ve gone C. I’ll go D. I’m going

4. — Lucy is not coming tonight.

— But she _____!

A. promised B. will promise C. had promised D. promises

5. I’ve put a cross on the map to show _____ that famous hotel is.

A. where B. wherever C. what D. whatever

6. Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can’t remember _____.

A. who B. there C. which D. what

7. I’ll raise both hands _____ banning smoking inside the school yard.

A. in favour of B. in memory of C. in honour of D. in search of

8. The younger singer is beginning _____ into notice through The Voice of China.

A. come B. to come C. coming D. came

9. Though badly _____, the girl remained outwardly calm.

A. frighten B. frightened C. frightening D. fright

10. In _____ 1870’s Marx found it important to study _____ situation in Russia.

A. a; the B. an; a C. / ; / D. the; the

11. — Hello, may I have an appointment with the doctor?

— _____

A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B. Why didn’t you call earlier?

C. Certainly, may I have your name? D. Sorry, he doesn’t want to see you.

12. — Are you almost ready to go, mom? I’ll go and pull the car out of the garage.

— OK- just _____. I’ll have a last look at the windows.

A. wait B. a minute C. calm down D. no way

13. When and where this took place _____ still unknown.

A. is B. has C. were D. are

14. My partner wants to keep the company small _____ I’d like to expand it.

A. and B. or C. however D. while

15. The weight of the moon is only about _____ of that of the earth.

A. one eighty B. one of eighty C. one the eightieth D. one eightieth

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题15,满分30分)


WHEN John Gurdon was 15, he ranked last out of the 250 boys in his grade at biology. He also came in last for every other science subject. His teacher wrote in a 16 : “I believe he has ideas about becoming a 17 ; on his present showing this is quite foolish.”

Luckily, the teacher’s words didn’t 18 Gurdon’s love for science. He kept working hard. He went to lab earlier and left 19 than anyone else.

On Oct 8, 2012, 64 years later, the British professor 20 the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka had contributed to the research and therefore 21 the award.

Gurdon got the honor 22 his research into cells and cloning. When he was studying at Oxford, he did some 23 on cells. He took a cell from an adult frog, moved its 24 , and put them into an egg cell. The egg cell then 25 into a clone of the adult frog. His research 26 for the first time that every cell in the body contains the same genes.

At that time, many people 27 accept Gurdon’s idea. But later it helped to 28 Dolly the sheep in 1996, the first cloned mammal in history. It also led to important findings in the 29 use of cells. For example, 30 from someone’s skin can turn into any type of tissue in the body. This is good news for those 31 who have diseased or damaged tissue.

Gurdon always remembers the 32 he had when he was 15. He even put the report on his desk as a daily 33 to himself.

“When you have 34 , like an experiment doesn’t work, it’s nice to remind yourself that perhaps you are not so good at your job and the teacher may be 35 ,” he said.

However, the facts suggest Gurdon is pretty good indeed.

16.A. report B. letter C. passage D. program

17.A. musician B. scientist C. manager D. millionaire

18.A. stop B. mean C. inspire D. reflect

19.A. sooner B. later C. more hurriedly D. more happily

20.A. won B. founded C. dreamed of D. applied for

21.A. accepted B. refused C. collected D. shared

22.A. instead of B. in spite of C. because of D. in place of

23.A. reading B. writing C. change D. research

24.A. baby B. power C. genes D. features

25.A. cut B. grew C. went D. formed

26.A. predicted B. studied C. proved D. provided

27.A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t

28.A. save B. drive C. feed D. create

29.A. everyday B. medical C. physical D. illegal

30.A. cells B. hairs C. water D. blood

31.A. fools B. scientists C. patients D. doctors

32.A. friend B. teacher C. classmate D. neighbor

33.A. rule B. paper C. reminder D. reward

34.A. prizes B. diseases C. meals D. problems

35.A. right B. wrong C. happy D. welcome

第二部分 阅读理解(共30小题;每小题2分,满分60分)



WHEN there are some strangers in front of us, which of them will we trust?

According to a new study in the online PloS One (《公共科学图书馆•综合》), people make their decisions to trust others largely based on their faces. Your appearance can do a lot for you, especially if you are in the financial industry. The more trustworthy you look, the more likely people will buy what you’re selling.

Researchers from Britain’s University of Warwick Business School, University College London, and Dartmouth College, US, did a number of experiments.

The research team used computer software to make 40 faces, from the least to the most trustworthy-looking.

The study said that the difference between a trustworthy face and one that isn’t as trustworthy comes from features that look slightly angry or slightly happy, even when the face is at rest. However, a slightly happy face is more likely to be trusted.

Researchers gave participants some money and asked them which face they trusted to invest the money for them. Then researchers gave some good and bad information about the people with these faces, and asked the participants again whom they trusted.

The results showed that even if they got different information, the participants didn’t change their choices. They were still more likely to invest their money with the more trustworthy-looking faces.

Chris Olivola, one of the study’s authors, said in the University of Warwick’s press release: “It seems we are still willing to go with our own instincts (本能) about whether we think someone looks like we can trust them. The temptation (诱惑) to judge strangers by their faces is hard to resist.”

36. Which of the following can be a proper title for this passage?

A. What kind of face do you trust? B. Who did the experiments?

C. Why do you trust him or her? D. Why did they do the experiments?

37. According to the study, which of the following faces is most likely to be trusted?

A. A sad face. B. A smiling face. C. A crying face. D. An angry face.

38. Which of the following about the experiment is TRUE?

A. The trustworthy faces were given good information.

B. Researchers took photos of the 40 people’s faces in college.

C. Most participants gave their money to the trustworthy-looking faces.

D. Participants liked to choose the faces with good information.

39. What did the researchers learn from their experiment?

A. People can’t refuse temptations. B. People always do things with their instincts.

C. People often judge strangers by their faces. D. People don’t trust strangers with sad faces.






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