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第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节: 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. In fact, you can easily fake up an excuse to ________ going out with him.

A. manage B. avoid C. arrange D. refuse

2. ---You look excited!

---I ________ the expensive dictionary that I left in the library yesterday.

A. am finding B. found C. have found D. had found

3. Anyone ________ bags, boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police in Egypt.

A. seen carry B. saw to carry C. seen carrying D. saw carrying

4. The new president spoke at the APEC meeting for nearly an hour without ________ his notes.

A. bringing up B. looking for C. trying on D. referring to

5. The only way she thought of ________ money was to sell her Olympic gold.

A. got B. getting C. to get D. get

6. He’ll never forget his stay in the park ________ he found his cellphone which had gone missing days before.

A. that B. when C. where D. which

7. He’s been sitting there in the restaurant for more than an hour, not making any trouble ________ anything either.

A. and not order B. but not to order

C. but not ordering D. and didn’t order

8. I’ve promised my daughter to go to Beijing with her, but I have to ________ because of the meeting.

A. take it up B. make it up C. give it up D. put it off

9. Visitors to Wendeng City are usually ________ by the great number of bridges.

A. drawn B. struck C. pushed D. rushed

10. ---I’d like to go to the movie with you, Dad.

---Sorry, my son, but only the grown-ups are ________ into the cinema.

A. required B. intended C. supposed D. admitted

11. While previewing his lessons, the little boy will make a question mark ________ there is a question.

A. where B. when C. because D. which

12. It is the only one of the most exciting movies ________ been shown this year.

A. that has B. that have C. which has D. which have

13. Come and see me whenever ______.

A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient

C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you

14. It was getting dark; I found a car _____ in a pool by the side of the road.

A. to be stuck B. stuck C. sticking D. stick

15. Those young men were ________ by the police with making trouble in the neighbourhood.

A. charged B. blamed C. scolded D. accused

第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Kids have their own ideas about money---some are sensible and others are not so wise.

Twelve-year-old Amanda thinks it’s 16 to save and not blow your money right away “ so you can 17 other things”.

When it comes to credit cards, eight-year-old Jeremie says when the monthly 18 comes in “ you sign it and then you give it back” ---leaving out the part about actually 19 it.

These kids are 20 far away from the working world, but the ideas they’re forming about 21 could affect how much they save, how they use credit cards and how much debt they finally take on in later life.

High school business teacher Jeff Balch said his students had 22 knowledge about money other than spending. “ They don’t know most things because 23 talks to them about them---as in their parents,” said Balch, “The discussions tend to be in terms of kids 24 too much money, but no one tells them why, where their money goes.

Mitch Murphy said students’ message to the task force was to “ make it 25 ”. “ It may be difficult to have a 14-or 15-year-old student get too 26 about retirement planning, ” Murphy said, “ But if you want to talk about a cellphone contract or a debt card,they will be engaged in.” Murphy said learning financial literacy (能力) 27, well 28 getting into the work force, should stay with Canadians for life and 29 the country as a result.

Sandra Martin said children can start learning about money when they learn to 30 . “ Sit down with the flyers and look at how much things cost,” Martin said. Babysitting and birthday money could be 31 and there would be a(n) 32 as to how much could be debited(借) every month, she said.

“ The reality is that we’re not spending with cash anymore. If you’re always in 33 of your child’s money, then they’re never going to learn what it means to save for something that’s 34.”

Balch said he tries to make his students realize the differences between needs, wants and priorities(优先权). If they haven’t learned self-control and if they haven’t learned how to 35 money, they can easily spiral(螺旋上升) out of control.

16. A. good B. difficult C. easy D. hard

17. A. sell B. exchange C. buy D. involve

18. A. material B. bill C. catalogue D. figure

19. A. paying B. replacing C. recycling D. adopting

20. A. already B. still C. even D. almost

21. A. belief B. part C. discipline D. money

22. A. much B. more C. little D. many

23. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody

24. A. spending B. costing C. taking D. sparing

25. A. amazing B. real C. active D. legal

26. A. disappointed B. skeptical C. enthusiastic D. fortunate

27. A. correctly B. early C. late D. patiently

28. A. before B. after C. when D. while

29. A. benefit B. bother C. contact D. educate

30. A. cook B. trade C. count D. paint

31. A. stood B. banned C. displayed D. deposited

32. A. attitude B. conclusion C. limit D. data

33. A. search B. control C. need D. place

34. A. important B. formal C. scientific D. independent

35. A. borrow B. lend C. increase D. handle

第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)



When asked to point out one or two things that are most important to themselves, many put friends ahead of homes, jobs, clothes and cars.

A true friendship carries a long history of experience that determines who we are and keeps us connected. It is a treasure we should protect. Unfortunately, the better friends you are, the more probably you’ll have disagreements. And the result can be what you don’t want ---an end to the relationship.

The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended. First, don’t let your pride get in your way. Most of us can forgive each other when differences are brought out in the open. Second, apologize when your’re wrong---even if you’ve been wronged. Over the course of a friendship, even the best people make mistakes. Sometimes, it may be best if the wronged person takes the lead and apologizes. When you apologize, give your friend a chance to admit that he has been wrong also. Third, see things from your friend’s point of view. And finally, accept that friendships change as our needs and lifestyle change. Making friends can sometimes seem easy. The hard part is keeping the connections strong during the natural ups and downs that have an effect on all relationships. My suggestion: consider friendship an honour and a gift, and worth the effort to treasure and nurture.

36. What is likely to happen if you have disagreements with your friends?

A. An end to the friendships. B. Getting experience for the later life.

C. Quarrelling with each other. D. Sitting down and have a talk.

37. The author wrote the article mainly to tell us ________.

A. how to make friends B. the benefits of making friends

C. what is a true friendship D. how to mend a troubled friendship

38. The underlined word “nurture” probably means ________.

A. mend B. develop C. keep D. accept

39. What causes the change of friendships?

A. Our characters. B. Our hobbies.

C. Our living habits. D. Our needs and lifestyle.

40. Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A. A true friend can never have a disagreement with each other.

B. Most troubled friendships can be mended.

C. You don’t need to apologize when you know you are wronged.

D. Friends are more important than jobs, homes and cars.


Ceaseless technology. A punishing workweek. That to –do list that keeps multiplying. It is no wonder many of us find it difficult to have a sufficient amount of sleep. But will sleeping more on the weekend make up for hours of lost snoozing (小睡)? One sleep expert, W. Christopher Winter raised the question.

Sleeping binge

Getting eight hours of shut-eye each night is generally recommended, but many people don’t. As the week rolls from Monday to Friday, they accumulate a sleep debt. Spending a few extra hours in bed on a Saturday morning, people assume, will help them “ catch up” on lost sleep. They’re likely right, “ Nobody knows how long the horizon is, probably a few nights, but studies show that recovery sleep in the short term does work,” says Dr. Winter, a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Sleep banking

Recent data suggests that banking sleep in advance of a long night can actually offset (补偿) upcoming sleep deprivation(丧失). If you knew you were going to have to stay up all night on a particular day, for example, you could sleep for 10 hours a day for multiple days before the event, and be fine, Dr. Winter says. Just plan ahead.

Routine (惯例的)naps

A scheduled nap is healthier than catching up on or banking sleep. “ Because sleep extension can make you feel groggy (昏昏沉沉), I always recommend a short nap [if a person feels they need it ], at the same time, every day,” says Dr. Winter. He adds that 25 minutes is ideal. “ When you schedule a short nap, your body anticipates it and slows down, without falling into a deep dream sleep,” he says. That refreshing, scheduled break is better than an occasional weekend lie-in. “ The body likes routine,” he says, “ When it’s prepared, it works more efficiently.”

41. From Monday to Friday, many people _________.

A. accumulate a sleep debt B. have no time to sleep

C. work hard to achieve their goals D. have to stay up all nights

42. Research shows that in the short term________.

A. a nap have no effect on work B. a nap have effect on work

C. recovery sleep does work D. recovery sleep doesn’t work

43. If a soccer fan wants to stay up all night to watch two World Cup semi-finals, it may help if ________.

A. he keeps taking a nap for a week B. he sleeps for 8 hours a day for days

C. he keeps sleeping for 2 days D. he banks sleep in advance

44. What is better than banking sleep, according to Dr. Winter?

A. Sleeping binge B. Recovery sleep

C. Scheduled naps D. Sleep extension

45. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Sleep Matters B. Disadvantage of Sleeping Binge

C. Advantage of Routine Naps D. How to Sleep Well


Is It OK to Snap (拍照) Your Food?

Have you ever taken a snap of a luxurious cake or photographed a juicy steak when you eat in restaurants? You may want to share what you eat with your friends or just post part of your daily life onto the Internet. However, such action may be very annoying(讨厌的) to other diners, or even to chefs and restaurant owners. Currently, more and more people begin to consider “ foodstagramming” as very silly and a bad manner.

In many restaurants, diners complain of being blinded by flasher(闪光灯), snapped without their permission and disturbed by people climbing on to chairs for a better angle. Even chefs and restaurant owners are annoyed at food photography. A Michelin-starred(米其林星级) chef said, “It’s hard to build a memorable evening when flashes are flying every six minutes.”

At the start of 2013, the debate on whether it is OK to take photographs of your food in restaurants seemed to swing (摇摆) towards a definite “no.” According to several chefs in New York City, some restaurants there have started banning customers from taking photos of their food. Policies around the ban of food photography vary from restaurant to restaurant, ranging from restrictions on using a flash to outright(完全的) bans. If other restaurants follow such policies, it may signal the death of “ foodstagramming”.

Nevertheless, instead of banning food photography, some restaurants are offering food photography courses. In Spain, the restaurant group Grupo Gourmet has started running a “ Fotografia para foodies” course to instruct its customers to better take food pictures. The course teaches customers to take photos in a proper way without disturbing other dinners, such as never use a flash.

46. Who are annoyed with food photography in restaurants?

A. Restaurant owners. B. Other diners.

C. Chefs. D. The above all.

47. What did some New York restaurants do about food photography?

A. They started to ban customers from taking photos of their food.

B. They had no idea about taking photos for the profits.

C. They wanted to talk with some customers.

D. They decided to learn from Spain.

48. What did the Spanish restaurant group do about food photography?

A. It told the customers when to take food pictures.

B. It asked the customers to pay for taking food pictures.

C. It ran a course to instruct customers to better take food pictures.

D. It also prevented the customers from taking food pictures.

49. What is foodstagramming?

A. It’s a popular practice where diners take photos of their meals and share them online.

B. It’s a popular practice where dinners take photos of their meals and sells to others.

C. It’s a habit that people take photos when they eat.

D. It’s an idea how to take photos of their meals.

50. Which of the following is True?

A. Customers in America like others to use flashes when they eat.

B. Restaurants in Spain think of a methord to meet people’s need.

C. American government is discussing the problem of foodstagramming.

D. People in China are trying to think of an idea to deal with the problem.






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