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[1] Alice Munro wins the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature, becoming the first Canadianwoman to take the award since it was founded in 1901.

[2] Munro,82, only the 13th woman given the award, was praised by the Swedish Academy during the Nobel announcement in Stockholm as the "master of the contemporary short story. " "We're not saying just that she can say a lot in just 20 pages-more than an average novel writer can-but also that she can cover ground. She can have a single short story that covers decades, and it works, " said Peter Englund, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy.

[ 3] Munro said she always viewed her chances of winning the Nobel as " one of those pipe dreams" that "might happen,but it probably wouldn't. " Munro's daughter woke her up to tell

her the news. "It just seems impossible. A splendid thing to happen…More than I can say, " she said,overcome with emotion. " My stories have gotten around quite remarkably for short stories. I would really hope that this would make people see the short story as an important art, not something you play around with until you got a novel written. "

[4] Bom in Ontario in 193I,Alice Anne Laidlaw studied journalism at the University of Western Ontario in London before dropping out to marry James Munro,a fellow student. She became a full-time housewife and mother of their children. She then moved to Victoria with her first husband and later returned to Ontario following their divorce. She married Fremlin in 1976.

[5] Three years ago, in an interview at Toronto's International Festival of Authors, Munro said she had battled cancer, but did n ot provide specifics. In June, she told the National Post she was "probably not going to write anymore. " Asked on Thursday whether she would reconsider that statement, Munro said______, " because I am getting rather old. "

66. What is the text mainly about? ( no more than 15 words)



67. What did Peter Englund's words focus on? ( no more than 5 words)


68. Complete the following statement with a phrase from Paragraph 3.

Alice Munro sees her winning the Nobel Prize as something of a_____________________.

69. What does the underlined word "It" in Paragraph 3 refer to? (no more than 5 words) __________________________________________________________________________

70. What is Alice Munro's attitude to the short story? ( no more than 10 words)


71. Which paragraph does the following sentence probably belong to?

The family's decision to open a bookstore in 1963 helped her take up writing again.


72. Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words. (no more than 5 words)







注意:1.词数:120 -150;



Dear Tom,

I'm IA Hua,a student of Xinhua Middle School.___________________________________



Best wishes.


Li Hua






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