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阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Some people have travelled to Canada while others may have just heard of it . As is known to

all, the Canadian red and white maple leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada.

The Canadian flag shows a stylized red maple leaf with 11 points on a white background, with red

borders down each side. The Canadian flag is twice as long as its width. The white square containing

the red maple leaf is the same width as the flag. Canada is a very large country, too. It is the second

largest country in the world.By contrast, it has a very small population. There are only about 29

millinon people there. Most Canadians are of British or French origin, and French is an official

language as well English. About 45 % of the people are of British origin, that is, they or their parents

or grandparents, etc, come from Britain. Nearly 30 % are of French origin. Most of the French-Canadians live in the province of quebec. Over the years people have come to live in Canada from many countries in the world. They are mostly from European countries and also from China, as well as other Asian countries.

However , Canada was not an empty country when the Europeans began to arrive. Canadian-Indian lived along the coast, bythe rivers and lakes and in forests. Today there are only 350,000 Canadian-Indians in the whole country, with their own language. In the far north live the Inuits.

There are only 27, 000 Canadian-Inuits. Their life is hard in such a harsh climate.

21. What is the populatin of Quebec?

A. More than 29, 000.000 B. About 30% of the total population.

C. Over 45% of th etotal population D. Less than 30% of the French-Canadians.

22.Which of the following stands for Canada?

23. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

A. The Canadian flag I stwice as wide as its length.

B. Most Indians are now forced to live along the coast.

C. Nowadays Inuit still have difficult living conditions.

D. Nobody existed when the Europeans began to arrive in Canada.


The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women. During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the proportion of a woman's life spent in caring for the children. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties ,and would be likely to have seven or eight children, four or five of whom lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work.. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman's youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five years and can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has to take care of children, her work is lightened by moder living conditions.

This important change in women's life-patterns has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position. Even a few years ago most girls took a full-time job after they left school.. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school- leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women usually marry older, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Many more afterwards return to full-or-part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money, and running the home, according to the abilities and interests of each of them.

24. At what age did most wo






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