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第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共35分)

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



When you feel sad,you may think that the feeling will last forever.

(76)H ,feelings of sadness don’t usually last very long—a few moments

or maybe a day or two.But sometimes sad feelings can go (77) for a

long time,hurt deeply,and make(78) hard for you to enjoy the

good things about your life.This(79)k of sadness that lasts a lot

longer is called depression.People of all(80) (年龄)can become

depressed,(81)i kids.Depression brings down a person’s spirits

and energy.It can affect(82) people think about themselves and

their situation.If you think you have depression or you just have sadness

that simply will not go away,sharing it(83) someone who cares

can help.There is always somebody to talk to when you are sad or

depressed. You feel better when someone(84) (知道)what you are

going through.Plus,the other person can help you think of ways to make

the situation better.But don’t spend all your time(85)t about

what i s wrong.Be sure to sharethe good things,too.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)











3.词数1 20左右;


Many people fail in life because they do not realize how close they are to success when

they give up.

In this picture,we can see




(Text 1)

W:How should I take it??

M:Three times a day, with boiled water, after meals.?

(Text 2)?

W:Do you know when the Summer Supermarket closes??

M:At 9:30 pm, I think. You’d better hurry, then. You only have 15 minutes left.?

(Text 3)?

M:Jane, I want to meet you. Are you free this evening??

W:I’m afraid not. My friend is coming to see me. How about tomorrow afternoon??

M:OK. See you then.?

(Text 4)?

W:Hi, Billy, I heard your birthday is coming up.?

M:Yeah, just two days away.?

W:Has your brother bought you anything??

M:Well, not yet, but he never forgets.?

(Text 5)?

W:Can I help you??

M:Yes, I can’t find the novel Gone with the Wind. I checked the place on the shelf where the novel should be, but it isn’t there.?

W:The books on the shelf may be slightly out of order. Have a good look along the shelf and I’m sure you’ll find it.

(Text 6)?

M:Can I help you, Madam??

W:Yes. I’d like to buy a calculator.?

M:There are various models here. Which one do you prefer??

W:Well, it’s really difficult for me to decide. Any advice??

M:What is it mainly used for??

W:Just for simple counting. You see, I’m a fruit store keeper.?

M:OK. What about this one? It’s quite useful and inexpensive.?

W:It looks great. How much is it??

M:It’s 19 dollars.?

W:OK. I’ll take one.?

(Text 7)?

M:Hi, is this where I can get information on tours??

W:Yes, I can help you with that. What type of tour are you thinking about? There are some great city tours that are one-day or two-day overnight.?

M:I think I’m interested in trips to the mountains. Are the overnight trips expensive??

W:Not at all. They are very reasonably priced, starting at $9 and up.?

M:Do I need to book ahead??

W:Yes, the travel company requires that you book 48 hours ahead.?

M:Can I book that here at the hotel tour desk, or do I have to call the company directly??

W:I can book that for you. Just stop by when you’ve made a decision and I’ll take care of it for you.?

M:That’s great. Thanks a lot for your help.?

(Text 8)?

W:Sit down, please. Now, there are several questions I must ask you if you don’t mind.?

M:Not at all. Go ahead.?

W:What’s the purpose of your visit to the States??

M:I’m going to attend a conference on air pollution.?

W:When and where is this conference being held??

M:It’s being held in the first two weeks of February at the University of Stanford in California. ?

W:Who will pay your expenses??

M:The University of Stanford. Here is the official letter of invitation.?

W:I see. Fine. When do you want to go??

M:I’d like to leave in mid-January if my passport is ready by then.?

W:That shouldn’t be difficult. Why don’t you phone me about January 10th? I should be able to give you an answer then.?

M:Thank you.?

(Text 9)?

W:What do you hope to do when you finish university??

M:I’d like to go into management. I’ve applied for several jobs already and I’m hopeful that I’ll get some job offers. How about you??

W:After I graduate, I have to do some more studies to pass exams to become a lawyer. I think I’ve got a good chance of passing. There’s a possibility of getting a job with a firm in London if I do well.?

M:We both have to overcome several difficulties if we are to achieve our ambitions.?

W:If life were easy, then we’d achieve our ambitions quickly and then get bored.?

M:Unfortunately, some people always work hard yet they never succeed.?

W:That’s why ambitions need to be realistic. You can’t achieve anything that’s totally unrealistic.?

M:As long as you plan carefully, most things are possible. ?

W:I think it’s important to be successful in a field you are truly interested in, not something that other people force you to be interested in.?

M:My father wants me to become a doctor, but I know it will be impossible for me.?

W:I hope my parents won’t try to force me to do their favorite job.?

(Text 10)

Mary Smith is studying psychology at New York University. She was once a waitress working at Top Club in New York for a few weeks.

One day, Jack Williams, an English businessman, came to the club. He happened to be interested in psychology and he talked a lot with Mary. Finally he gave her a check for $10,000 to pay for her last year of college, which was really a big tip for her.

Mary described Mr Williams as “a nice English gentleman” and told the story again and again on television in the US. Unfortunately, Mary’s bank wouldn’t pay the money because Mr Williams didn’t have $10,000 in the bank and he didn’t even remember giving the tip at all.

But there was a happy ending to the story. Top Club in New York was so pleased that the club’s name was in every newspaper in Britain and the United States and the boss of the club gave Mary the $10,000 to pay for her last year at New York University.?


1~5 BACBC 6~10 CBACB 11~15 ACBCA 16~20 ABABC?

21~25 CBDAD 26~30 CADBC 31~35 ADBAC?

36~40 ABDCA 41~45 CACBD 46~50 BDCAB 51~55 CDABD?

56~59 CABD 60~63 CBDA 64~66 BDA 67~71 BACDA?72~75 CBCD

76.However 77.on 78.it 79.kind 80.ages 81.including 82.how 83.with 84.knows 85.talking


One possible version:

Many people fail in life because they do not realize how close they are to success when they give up.

In this picture, we can see a man is cutting earth in a tunnel, hoping to find some diamonds. He makes great efforts in his work. However, after a long time of pains without gains, he decides to give up. With one or two more attempts of cutting, he would have seen those diamonds right in front of him.

This story tells us a very simple but important piece of truth: we should be confident in what we have chosen to do and never stop our efforts until we succeed.

As a student preparing for the entrance examinations, I should learn a lesson from the man. Just like the diamonds in the picture, success is just waiting for my last efforts. I have been cutting earth for so many years, so I will never give up before I succeed.






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