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56. New fashions in clothing are created for ________.

A. the commercial exploitation of women          B. the women’s strength’s of character

C. basic qualities of inconstancy and instability     D. an important contribution to society

57. By saying “the conclusions to be drawn are obvious” (Line 1 to line 2, Para. 4), the writer means that _________.

A. women’s inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed at

B. women are better able to put up with discomfort

C. men are also exploited greatly by fashion designers

D. men are more reasonable in the matter of fashion


WENZHOU(Xinhua)—— “The train collision in east China’s Zhejiang Province has killed 39 people and left 192 others injured on Sunday night,” said a spokesman with the Ministry of Railways.

“A total of 132 people are still being treated in hospital,” said Wang Yongping, spokesman with the ministry at a press conference. “Eleven people remain in critical condition,” said Chen Jianguo, head of the Health Bureau in the city of Wenzhou, where the collision happened on Saturday night. Chen said at the press conference that 52 people who suffered slight injuries had been discharged from hospital. Wang expressed condolences(哀悼)to the concerning families and sincere apology to all the passengers.

“The train’s ‘black box’ has been discovered and the ministry is investigating the cause of crash,” Wang said. He said the ministry will make public the cause of the accident as soon as the investigation is done and public the names of the killed and injured.

Wang said the crash has caused large number of casualties and great property losses(人员和财产损失). The ministry will find out the cause through thorough investigation and take effective measures to prevent similar accidents.

Despite the accident, the spokesman said the ministry is confident in the high-speed train. “China’s high-speed train is advanced and qualified. We have confidence in it,” he said.

“The damaged rails have  been repaired and were ready to restart operation but the reopening was delayed by the stormy weather,” according to Wang. Wang did not provide the exact time when the line would start operat ing again.

The accident occurred at about 8:30 p. m. Saturday on a bridge near Wenzhou when bullet train D301 rear-ended(追尾) D3115, which reportedly lost power after lightning strike.

58. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The Railway Ministry is investigating the cause with the help of the “black box”.

B. Bullet train D301 hit the train D3115 that stopped ahead of it due to lack of power.

C. Bullet train D3115 was forced to stop as a result of human interference.

D. The operation of the line would be restarted with the stormy weather over.

59. What can be the best title of the passage?[来源:学§科§网]

A. Trains Crashed Causing Deaths and Damage.          B. Terrible Weather Leading to Train’s Collision.

C. Investigations upon Train’s Collision.     D. Confidence in Development of High-speed Trains.

60. This passage is most likely to be taken from __________.

A. a science fiction          B. an essay          C. a travel brochure     D. a newspaper



A. The secret of the writer’s success

B. A writer with enduring popularity

C. Well-received creation to encourage Brits

D. The insight into human nature

E. Writing styles in different stages

F. The story appreciates for school students

61. ______________ __

Charles Dickens is often thought of as one of England’s great writers. Yet for many his language is old-fashioned and his story plots are of ten improbable. Why, Dickens, out of so many other great English writers, has made the list? How then to explain Dickens’s enduring popularity?

62. _______________

One reason undoubtedly is the British government’s insistence that every child studies a Dickens’ novel at school. Alongside William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens is a compulsory(必读的)writer on every English literature school reading list. His stories, though often over-long by today’s standard, are superbly written moral tales. They are filled with colorful characters.

63. ________________

But what makes his books stand out from other English writers is his insight into human nature. Dickens, like Shakespeare, tells us truths about human behavior that are as true to citizens of the 21st century as they were to his readers in the 19th century. Readers have returned to Dickens’s books again and again over the years to see what he has to say about readers’ own time.

64. ________________

The BBC adapted one of his less well-known novels, Little Dorrit, into a popular television drama that introduced many Brits to the novel for the first time. A dark story about greed and money, it was the perfect story to illustrate the bad times. No surprise then that it was Dickens  Britons turned to, during the economic crisis last year, to make sense of world rapidly falling apart.

65. ________________

Readers of the 19th and early 20th century usually prized Dickens’s earlier novels for their humor and pathos(悲痛). While recognizing the virtues of these books, critics today tend to rank more highly the later works because of their formal coherence and acute perception(洞察力)of the human condition. For as long as Dickens’s novels have something to say to modern audience, it seems likely that he will remain one of Britain’s best loved writers.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)

第三部分  写作(共三节,满分55分)

第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66. The tablets should be eaten ____________(两次)a day.

67. She made a few minor ________________(调整)to the focus of her camera.

68. Santa Claus ____________________(代表)the spirit of Christmas.

69. The PRC ______________(由……组成)of 23 provinces, 4 municipality cities, 5 autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions.

70. Recently, I have had an _____________________(采访)with university students about their opinions on job choosing.

71. People are angry with the terrorists’ ______________(残忍)deeds.

72. In North Chin a, the weather in __________________(十一月)could be very cold.

73. To live is to learn, which means our knowledge needs ________________(更新)in case of falling behind.

74. The police are ______________(呼吁)for information about the incident.

75. At one time we met each other _______________________(频繁;经常).

第二节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Are you looking for something interested? Would you like to give a hand to other people in your spare time? Then joining us and be a volunteer! We have job for people of all ages. Anyone from students to old people can become ours members. You can help people in many ways. Some schools need volunteers to help take the care of children. Volunteers are needed in hospitals help the patients. Animal lovers can help save dogs and cats without homes. There is nothing for everyone. “I often played computer games when I was freely before. Now I help old people learn to use computers,” said a volunteer aged 18. Unless everyone helps out a lot, we’ll all have better and warmer world to live in.

第三节 书面表达(满分30分)

假设你是李华,你收到你的美国笔友Mike 的一封E-mail,请根据邮件内容给Mike 回一封电子邮件。

Dear Li Hua,

How are you going on recently?

I’m so glad to tell you that I have planned to go to Xi’an to attend a training school to study Chinese in my coming holiday. Would you please give me some suggestions on how to learn Chinese well?

Write back soon.






注    意:



Dear Mike,

I’m so glad to learn that … __






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