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Herbert found the treasure while he was searching in a friend’s field over five days in July. He said his discovery was more fun than winning the lottery. “This is what treasure hunters dream of, finding stuff like this. The great amount there is just unbelievable,” he said.

41. Terry Herbert used a metal detector to search for treasure because _______  .

A. he had researched the area and was sure there was treasure there.

B. he was very interested in British history .

C. he wanted to be an archaeologist .

D. he enjoyed searching for treasure.

42. Herbert’s discovery is very important because    _______.

A. the treasure he found belongs to an ancient English king.

B. the treasure has changed people’s understanding of early English history.

C. the treasure is proving a big help to the British economy.

D. it is the find that many British treasure hunters have been hoping for years.

43. On the basis of the article, which of the following is TRUE?

A. It might take three years for scientists to look through all of the treasure.

B. Ancient English people buried treasure in the fields for future use.

C. At the time England was a more violent and religious land than historians thought.

D. Herbert prefers the fun of treasure hunting over the money he will earn for his discovery.

44. Which of the following headlines best sums up the article?

A. British treasure hunter makes big find.

B. Scientists find out about the dark ages.

C. How to find treasures using a metal detector.

D. Archeologists win big lottery prize.


(选自高三阅读练习)                                                   (改编)

Come October and everybody is busy making Christmas plans. The most important thing other than making decisions on buying gifts is decorating your Christmas tree.

Decorating Christmas trees involves every member in the family to contribute and do whatever they can to help with the decorations.

Decorating Christmas trees is a fun activity that everyone in the family enjoys doing. Therefore, for innovative ideas, it is best to get the whole family together after dinner and have a brain storming session for new ideas. Children are really innovative and can come up with great suggestions. Well here are some additional ideas that can be beneficial and help you create that new look for your Christmas tree this year.

For decorative purposes it is better that you get an artificial tree. Select a unique theme and look for ideas to create your own decorations. The internet is a good source for unique ideas and themes. Go in for light decorations that are truly different. Start your shopping early to look for those special lights especially at your local stores. You can even have a personalized Christmas tree theme where you have all our family members’ photos hung from various branches. Hang out of the world decorative pieces that truly stand out. Search for these at your local store or even your attic(阁楼)where you are sure to find some of those long forgotten decorative pieces that have been handed down to you by your grandmother. You can even use dried flowers or make some of your own artificial flowers as decorations.

If you feel you cannot come up with any great ideas, there is no reason to worry. The internet is full of them. Make a thorough search and you are sure to find a good idea. You can then try innovating on that idea by making your own unique decorations. Enjoy yourself!

45. What does the passage mainly deal with?

A. Process to celebrate Christmas.

B. Ways to decorate Christmas trees.

C. Places to buy Christmas gifts.

B. Get-together for family members.

46. Why does the author suggest getting children involved in the decoration?

A. Because they like Christmas very much.

B. Because they wish to get more gifts.

C. Because they can come up with new ideas.

D. Because they are more innovative.

47. In order to make Christmas tree theme personalized, you can _________.

A. hang photos of your family members on the branches

B. get an artificial tree from the local shop

C. hang some colored lights on it

D. use long forgotten decorative pieces in the attic

48. Why does the author suggest searching the attic?

A. Because we can find the Christmas tree.

B. Because we can find our grandmothers.

C. Because we can find the long forgotten decorative pieces.

D. Because we can find some dried flowers.

49. From the passage we can infer that _________.

A. nothing is more important than decorating the Christmas tree

B. fresh flowers is the best choice to decorate the Christmas tree

C. most of the people shop their Christmas tree on the Internet

D. people begin making preparations for Christmas long before it begins


(选自http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-child_policy)                                     (原创)

The one-child policy (simplified Chinese: 计划生育政策; traditional Chinese: 計劃生育政策; pinyin: jìhuà shēngyù zhèngcè; literally "policy of birth planning") refers to the one-child limitation on most families in the population control policy of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The Chinese government refers to it under the official translation of family planning policy. It officially restricts the number of children. Married urban couples can have to one, although it allows exemptions(免除) for several cases, including rural couples, ethnic minorities, and parents without any siblings themselves. A spokesperson of the Committee on the One-Child Policy has said that approximately 35.9% of China's population is currently subject to the one-child restriction. The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are completely exempted from the policy.

The policy was introduced in 1978 and initially applied to first-born children in the year of 1979. It was created by the Chinese government to alleviate(减轻,缓解) social, economic, and environmental problems in China, and authorities claim that the policy has prevented between 250 and 300 million births from its implementation until 2000, and 400 million births from 1979 to 2010. The policy is controversial both within and outside China because of the manner in which the policy has been implemented, and because of concerns about negative social consequences. The policy has been implicated in an increase in forced abortions, female infanticide, and underreporting of female births, and has been suggested as a possible cause behind China's gender imbalance. Nonetheless, a 2008 survey undertaken by the Pew Research Center reported that 76% of the Chinese population supports the policy.

The policy is enforced at the provincial level through fines that are imposed based on the income of the family and other factors. Population and Family Planning Commissions (Chinese:计划生育委员会) exist at every level of government to raise awareness about the issue and carry out registration and inspection work. Despite this policy, there are still many citizens that continue to have more than one child.

In 2008, China's National Population and Family Planning Commission said that the policy will remain in place for at least another decade. In 2010, it was announced that the majority of the citizens first subject to the policy are no longer of reproductive age and it has been speculated(推测,推断)that many citizens simply disregard or violate the policy in more recent years. Still, the deputy director of the Commission stated that the policy would remain unchanged until at least 2015. However, in March 2011, the Chinese government reviewed the policy and expressed considerations to allow for couples to have a second child.

50. The passage is likely to have been written by _________.

A. a foreigner

B. a Chinese

C. Population and Family Planning Commissions

D. parents

51. In which part can the passage be included?

A. encyclopedia                            B. advertisement

C. entertainment                           D. opinion


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