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66. If there were no greenhouse effect,_______. 66. B

A. all plants would not grow on our planet

B. soil would reduce the temperature by 30 degrees

C. man would breathe the cleaner air

D. people eouldn’t live in the earth

67. Which of the followiring is not true? 67. D

A. Burning too much coal and oil produces lots of greenhouse gases.

B. It has become warm on thc earth now than in the past.

C. Gases put into the atmosphere now will affect the earth years later.

D. The temperature in a greenhouse is as high as that in the atmosphere.

68. Suppose the earth’s temperature rose by 3 degrees, _______.  68. A

A. great harm will be done to mankind

B. the sea level would go up by 10 centimetres

C. all the land in the world would be flooded

D. crops would be unable to grow on the earth

69. This passage mainly deals with ________.69. C

A. the concept (概念) and the harm of the greenhouse

B. the relatitm between greenhouse gases and man

C. the concept and change of greenhouse effect

D. the effect of the rise of the earth’s temperature


A very rapid increase in the number of ships sailing between American and European ports began almost immediately after the end of the war of 1812 in order to meet the new need for the regular rapid transportation of mails, light goods, and passengers. It was the increase in emigration (移民) to America that for the first time made the carrying of passengers across the Atlantic more advantageous than the transportation of heavy goods. A new type of sailing ships, the packet, appeared to meet this new demand, and the ex-tent (程度) of the demand very soon caused strong competition among several packet lines. The earliest of these was the Black Ball Line opened in New York in 1816, only a year after the war. The service of the famous line started with four of the new fast packetseach of 400 to 300 tons/the Pacific, the Amity, the James Cooper, and the William Thompson. During the first twenty years o5 service, the average time from New York to Liverpool was 23 days and the average trip back to New York took 40 days. By the middle of the century, packets had increased in size between 909 and 1 000 tons, and their speed had increased. The Red Jacket once sailed from New York to Liverpool in 13 days 11 ( 1 /2) hours. The Mary Whiteridge took 4 (1/2) hours off this record on a run from Balti more to Liverpool. Such speeds were far greater than the average of from 19 to 21 days to Liverpool and from 30 to 35 homeward to New York, but the packets bad still set a new record for transoceanic (crossing an ocean) travel. No wonder that steamships, the first of which tried to compete with the packets itl 1838, only began to replace them in the 1850s.

70. The fastest Trans-Atlantic sailing by a packet mentioned in the passage was from _____.70. D

A. Liyerpoot to New York

B. New York to Liverpool

C. Liverpool to Baltimore

D. Baltimore to Liverpool

71. Which of the following was most important in the development of the fast packets? 71. B

A. The increased demand for the transportation of all kinds of goods.

B. The increase of the number of people who wanted to move to America.

C. The new need for the rapid transportation of mail, light goods and passengers.

D. Many people travelled between European and American ports.

72. The shortest time of te transportation crossing the Atlantic we can find out from the passage is 13 days and _____.  72. C

A. 11 hours  B. 7 hours

C. 7 hours    D. 4 hours

73. From the passage we can infer the writer’s feeling about the packet is one of the following. Which one do you think is the best answer? 73. B

A. ft is not surprising that tile steamship was not used until it replaced the pack et in 1850s.

B. The packet was so nice that steamship could not replace it until many years later.

C. Fhc packet was not good and so the advanced steamship was used instead of it finally.

D. Ahhough the packet wax very nice, it would be totally replaced by the ad-vanced ships.


Casablanca, Sep. 24

A flash flood swept across the coastal plain about 100 miles southwest of here, killing hundreds of Moroccans in a market place yesterday morning.

Reports from thc area said 218 bodies had been counted, and many of the people were missing.

The flood followed heavy rains which filled the coastal plain’s dry stream beds to o-verflowing. The flood crest, several feet high, hit the village of Khemis Nagua at mid-morning yesterday as farmers from the surrounding area joined town people in an open market place.

The roaring waters swept the village’s living places, the market sheds, shoppers, cattle and farm tools for miles across the plain.

The flood was over almost as soon as it started, the reports said, as the crest swept out to sea. ‘Rescue workers quickly moved into the area from sari, about 25 miles further south.

74. The underlined word “crest” means   74. A

A. top of a large wave    B. waters

C. flash flood           D. flood wave

75. According to the story, which of the following maps may be correct? 75. A

(KN=Khemis Nagua  C=Casablanca  S=Safi)







“I want to give you all one word of

warning,” said the new class teacher.

“You will find out that most people   76. _______76. out去掉

are very kind and help, But there are 77. _______ 77. help helpful

thieves in London, just as there were   78. _______   78. were are

in any big city. Three weeks ago a  79. _______  79. any后加other

purse belonging to one of the girls 80. _______ 80. √

in my class was stolen on underground  81. _______  81. on后加an

train. Unfortunately she only lost $ 10.  82. _______ 82. Unfortunately—Fortunately

It could have been many more. So don’t 83. _______   83. many—much

leave the purse which it can easily be seen, 84. _______   84. which—where

and not take more money with you.” 85. _______  85. not—don’t


假设你是班长,要给同学们介绍附近新华书店正在出售的一本新书《英浯会话常用语》(Expressions in English Conversation). 请以口头通知的形式写一篇讲话稿。字数100—120。要点如下:






Attention please, everyone,

I’ve got some good news for you. A new book,Expres$ions in English Conversation is now on sale in the nearby bookstore, Xinhua Bookstore. I think the book is a good help to our spoken English and it’s fit for us middle sehool students. Here I’ve got one, you come to have a look to see if you like it or not. The price is eleven yuan each. Those may who want to buy the book shoufd get your money ready. The money should be handed in either to me or to our League Secretary on Friday afternoon. We’ll go to buy the books on Saturday morning.

That’s allx Thank you.






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