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I decided to accept her transfer to my unit. What started out as a shy, withdrawn and frightened employee turned out to be one of the most productive and loyal employee that I had eyer worked with. Maria couldn't do enough and was constantly asking for more and for more responsibility. I was morethan happy to give her what she needed-praise for work well done, respect as a person, and encouragement for doing well in anything she dealt with.

Sometimes, we are guilty of holding others back from accomplishing or doing, or developing as they should or could. It may be a wise idea that we all look in the mirror, from time to time, to seewhat we are really like.

41. What can we leam about the writer from the first paragraph?

A. He is a manager in the company.

B. He doesn't like his receptionist.

C. He likes to compete with others.

D. He wants to find another position.

42. After hearing his colleague's description of Maria, the writer thought that Maria_______.

A. attempted to settle the issues

B. was a problem to her boss

C. shouldn't stay in the company

D. could get on well with others

43. Why did Maria fail to perform well in her previous job?

A. Her previous job was not suitable for her.

B. She had difficulty responding to her manager.

C. Her boss didn't inspire her working enthusiasm.

D. Her boss showed no trust in her ability.

44. The writer accepted Maria's transfer to unit probably because he thought that

A. she was a ruined employee

B. she would need his protection

C. she would turn out to be a good employee

D. she was a shy and frightened employee

45. The writer probably believes that a good boss should____.

A. praise and award his employees a lot

B. respect, praise and encourage his employees

C. greet his employees and give them much work

D. always give his employees guidance in working





46. Theresa Gower (aged 21)

Has just finished college with a degree in Mathematics. Studied French in high school. Can drive and has a pleasant, outgoing personality. Is willing to do anything for a few months as long as it is interesting. Caring and patient. Likes animals.

47. Martin Badger (aged 27)

Seven years of working experience as a teacher in a public school and two years in this network corporation. Got degrees both in Maths and computer engineering. Tired of the present job in the corporation now. Would like ajob back at school, no matter teaching or something else.

48. Carol Simpson (aged 21)

Graduated from high school at 18 with good grades in all subjects, especially math and science.   Now works as a receptionist for an advertising agency but doesn't find it very interesting.        Optimistic about things. Gets along well with all kinds ofpeople and would like to travel.

49. Paul Edison (aged 22)

Has just graduated from a university. Got a degree in French and can speak good Spanish and       English as well. Is an ambitious man who really wishes to succeed in his future. Can communicate  well with others. Now seeking a suitable post.

50. Mike Lopez (aged 27)            .

Now employed as a television repair serviceman but wants something better. Speaks Spanish well. Is a good conversationalist and is very intelligent. Will work long hours, day and/or night, but must have weekends free for his family.



















If you ask people what makes them happy, you will probably get many different answers but

there are two fundamental things that will ensure happiness.

The first part of what makes people happy is growth. When you feel like you are improving your life, that's when you are happy. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to constantly buy bigger and better things. You need to feel like you are growing on a personal level. You need to know that the essence of who you are is continually improving in some way. Keep looking for ways to make yourself better today than you were yesterday. This can mean different things to different people but the point is that you have to feel like you are improving and getting better as a human being as time goes by.

The second part of what makes people happy is the sense of contribution. Everyone wants to

believe that they were put here to do something great. As long as you know that by your being here,by doing what you are doing, you are helping someone somewhere, it will bring you happiness.

These are two ways of how to find happiness. Are these the only answers to what makes people happy? That depends on how you define happiness.

















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