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46. What is the best title of the passage?

A.    Nonverbal communication and first impression

B.    Nonverbal communication is culture-related

C.    Nonverbal and verbal communication

D.    The importance of nonverbal communication

47. We can know a person’s feeling through our eyes because_________.

A.    we can see a person’s feeling on his face.

B.    a person’s emotions can be reflected through eyes.

C.    a person’s feeling can be reflected through his body languages

D.    we can see a person’s feeling through his posture

48. Which of the following statements is not True?

A.    Meaning can be conveyed both by words and body language.

B. We can use nonverbal communication to learn about a person’s emotional states.

C.    We often get the first impression by what a person says.

D.  The first impression can affect what we will do in the following.

49. How many reasons are mentioned in the text to show nonverbal

communication is important?

A. 2       B. 3      C. 4       D.5

50. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?

A. we can use different ways to express friendship

B. each culture has its own specific interpretation on nonverbal


C. snapping fingers to call a waiter is acceptable

D. learning a country’s culture is very important.

46. D             根据第二、三、四段的首句可知本文所讲述的主要内容。

47. C             根据文中第二段可知答案。

48. C             根据文中第三段可知C项错误。

49. B             文中二、三、四段为原因。

50. B            本段所举的例子都证明了B项,再则根据本段第一句也可推出答案。


Turning Waste into Energy

Everyday rubbish could provide a valuable source of energy thanks to a clever new invention Smelly methane(沼气)gas expelled from landfill sites containing tones of rotting household waste could be used to produce a valuable energy resource In Europe alone landfill tips can produce 94 billion cubic meters of methane per year but currently only one per cent of what could be a valuable source of energy is used,the rest is burnt off to prevent an explosive build-up of gas.

Methane gas forms when organic matter breaks down and is drawn off from large rubbish tips by pipes sunk into the middle of the waste.Until now this process wasn’t possible on small sites because the pipes allowed oxygen to seep(渗入)in and that stopped the breakdown process.

Viktor Popov of the Wessex Institute of Technology has now developed a system to modify existing landfill sites by making them airtight while the methane is extracted from sunken wells.The site is covered by a special three-layered skin whose two outer layers are made of clay with a pressurized layer of carbon dioxide gas in the middle.As the methane is sucked out through a central well it is replaced by carbon dioxide from the middle layer rather than oxygen,allowing the breakdown process to continue.

Unfortunately there are no plans to use the power of methane even though Popov claims his invention could provide a valuable source of energy over the next 20 years.


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