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71.According to the author, a bachelor resists marriage chiefly because ________ .

A. he is reluctant to take on family responsibilities

B. he believes that life will be more cheerful if he remains single

C. he finds more fun in dating than in marriage

D. he fears it will put an end to all his fun adventure and excitement

72.Raising children, in the author’s opinion is ________ .

A. a moral duty

B. a thankless job

C. a rewarding task

D. a source of inevitable pain

73.From the last paragraph, we learn that envy sometimes stems from ________ .

A. hatred            B. misunderstanding

C. prejudice           D. ignorance

74.To understand what true happiness is one must ________ .

A. have as much fun as possible during one’s lifetime

B. make every effort to liberate oneself from pain

C. put up with pain under all circumstances

D. be able to distinguish happiness from fun

75.What is the author trying to tell us?

A. Happiness often goes hand in hand with pain.

B. One must know how to attain happiness.

C. It is important to make commitments.

D. It is pain that leads to happiness.



第一节: 对话填空


W: Tell me, Jack. Do you look t 1    the Web much?

M: Well, to tell you the t   2    , I’m so busy with work. I don’t really have much time to s   3    the Web. Let me think…I s 4    I log on a couple of times a week, for about two or three hours.

W: So, What do you do o 5    the Internet when you log on?

M: Well I do a little e-mailing. I only get about two or three e-mails a week.

Actually I p__ 6    writing real letters, with pen and paper.

W: Yeah, I’m the same way. Anything e 7    you do on the Internet?

M: Well, sometimes I look up i   8  I need for my job. It s 9     a lot of time looking through books in libraries.

W: Yes, it sure d 10    .




1.  自然资源日趋减少

2.  环境问题依然严重

3.  人的环保观念淡薄

4.  贫富差距越来越大


1.  制定了相关的法律法规

2.  投入了大量的资金改善环境

3.  对民众进行教育

4.  加强了国际间相互合作





2. 可适当发挥

3. 词数:150左右

4. 文章的开头部分以给出

5.       参考词汇:差距 gap     相关法律 relevant laws

The idea of sustainable development has been accepted by the world. How to keep sustainable development is a big problem facing our planet, …






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