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第一档 完全完成了试题规定的任务。






第二档 基本完成了试题规定的任务。






第三档 未恰当完成试题规定的任务。





第四档 未完成试题规定的任务。




0分 未传达任何信息;所写内容与要求无关。

三、Possible version

Jim, look at this funny picture! One boy has just caught a fish from a shallow basin in the boat, looking quite content with himself. But it is the only fish in the basin. Obviously, he can’t get more. Compared with him, the other boy, who is fishing from the river, seems not to have tasted the fruits of victory, but he keeps calm and still works hard. We know there are a wide variety of fishes in the lake; if he holds on, he will sure catch more fish than the boy fixing his eyes on the only fish in the basin.

In reality, we should be a person with a grand vision. Put our mind to a better harvest and I think extra effort will pay us off in the end.


Text 1

M: Linda, how about going for a bike ride over the weekend?

W: Sure, Mike. Where shall we go?

M: Let’s call Harry and ask him. He always knows the best places to go.

Text 2

W: Dr. Brown’s office. May I help you?

M: Yes. This is John Smith. I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr Brown. What

time is best for me to see him?

W: Well, let me see. Dr. Brown is busy from Monday to Thursday. He is free on

Friday afternoon.

M: OK, I’ll see him then.

Text 3

W: What did you do during the storm, James?

M: Stayed in my car.

W: Why didn’t you drive back home? I was worried about you.

M: My car broke down.

Text 4

M: This lunch is on me today.

W: I think you got it last time.

M: It’s my pleasure. Let me pay the bill.

Text 5

M: Lucy, you look nice with that blouse on today. It goes so well with your skirt.

W: Thank you. I happened to see it yesterday in a fashion shop and there was only one

left in my size. And what’s cool is that it only costs me 18 pounds.

Text 6

W: Prof. Mill, may I have a talk with you? I’ve got a problem.

M: Oh, yes, Mary.

W: I’ve been looking for a job as a translator. I read a job ad in today’s newspaper for

an English interpreter. But I am afraid I am not qualified.

M: Why?

W: They said they want someone experienced.

M: It’s not difficult. If I were you, I would call the company and tell them I’m a quick

learner and I would not let them down if they could give me a chance.

W: That’s a good idea. Prof. Mill, thank you very much!

Text 7

W: Good morning, Mr. Black. I’m afraid that the air conditioning in your room needs

repair. We would like to request you to change your room. We are very sorry for

the inconvenience.

M: OK. Well. I suppose I have no choice.

W: What time is the most convenient for you to change rooms, sir?

M: I’m going out in about half an hour.

W: What time will you be back?

M: Oh, around seven o’clock, I suppose.

W: We could move your luggage while you are out. But could you take any valuables

with you? You may pick up your new room key from the Front Desk when you


M: I’ll do that.

W: Thank you very much, sir.

Text 8

M: Hello. Is this People’s Theatre?

W: Yes, it is. May I help you?

M: Yes. Are the tickets for Nut Crackers still available?

W: What date, sir?

M: October 16 th or 17 th.

W: Let me see. Oh, sorry, the tickets for October 16 th and 17 th are sold out. But we

still have some tickets left for October 18 th.

M: Let me see. October 18th. Oh, it’s Saturday. I think it’s OK.

W: Which performance?

M: 7:30 p.m. performance, please.

W: OK. We have tickets at 50 dollars, 100 dollars and 150 dollars.

M: I’d like to reserve two seats for 150 dollars, please.

W: All right. May I have your name, please?

M: David Johnson.

W: When would you like to collect the tickets?

M: Tomorrow.

W: We can hold them until one day before the show.

M: How do we cancel, just in case?

W: Just telephone us. We don’t charge for cancellation.

M: All right, thank you very much. Good bye.

W: You are welcome.

Text 9

M: Hi, Amy.

W: Hi, Tommy. I was just looking for you.

M: What’s up?

W: Which term should I apply for the schools?

M: Usually, American schools start in the fall, about the end of August. You can apply

for the spring term as well, but your chance of getting financial aids is lower.

W: For the fall term, when should I send the application materials?

M: All the application materials should arrive at the schools before the end of

February to make sure you get full attention. You’d better start early since it takes

10 days for letters to get there.

W: I got the forms for taking TOFEL and GRE. When do you think I should take


M: It takes a month for the score to get to schools, so you’d better take them before

the end of this year if you apply for the fall of next year.

W: I’m going to apply for ten schools. It will cost me a fortune to send the scores to

every school.

M: Plus the application fees, $20 to $50 for each school. Good luck.

Text 10

M: Hello. Fourth Street Police Station. Can I help you?

W: Yes. I’m calling to report a missing credit card.

M: What’s the card number, miss?

W: Oh, I don’t remember.

M: What’s your name and address?

W: Janet Wilson. W-I-L-S-O-N, 1275 Greenlake Road, Florence, Italy.

M: I see. Janet Wilson, 1275 Greenlake Road, Florence, Italy. You are not an American citizen, are you?

W: No, I’m an Italian. Does that matter?

M: Oh, no, no. Did you say your card was lost or stolen?

W: Stolen. I left my purse on the counter in the shopping mall while I went to the fitting

room to try the dress on.

M: When did you discover it was stolen?

W: I didn’t discover until I went to pay. Do you think there is anything you could do?

Someone may be charging things to my credit this very minute.

M: You don’t need to worry, Miss Wilson. Once we get your card number, your card

won’t work all over the world within 30 seconds simply by informing the terminal.

W: Oh, I’m so relieved to hear that. Thank you very much.

M: That’s all right.

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