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21.  – Do you think I should get a good guidebook?

-- Yes ,  of course . ___ , you also need a good camera and comfortable shoes.

A. Furthermore  B. In other words C. By the way  D. All in all

22 --- I have learned that your husband’s family has a lot of money. ____?

---  I have never relied on him .

A. What for  B. What if   C. So what  D. How come

23. At the meeting they discussed three different       to the study of mathematics.

A. approaches  B. means C. methods  D. ways

24. I had to report the accident ___ length as the reporter asked me to describe it ___ detail.

A, in , in   B. at, in  C. at , at  D. in, at

25. Do you _____ her view of the state of the economy?

A. subscribe to   B. submit to   C. subscribe for   D. apply for

26. ________ I like Johnson personally, I don’t think what he is doing is right.

A. Despite    B. While    C. In spite of      D. Whatever

27. He kept a little notebook, in which__________ the names and addresses of his friends.

A. wrote  B. was writing  C. was written  D. were written

28. He insisted what he did ___ right and anyone who broke laws ___.

A. was, be punished  B. be, was punished

C. was, was punished D. be, be punished

29. The landlord ____ them white for their flat.

A. bled   B. rebelled   C. scolded  D. digested

30. We can’t possibly go. ____ with it’s too far and we can’t afford it either.

A. To begin   B. Beginning  C. Begin   D. Having begun

31. I admired my classmate Linda very much . ____ her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.

A.  Except for   B.  But  for    C.   On top of     D. In spite of

32. Without facts, we can’t form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge___ our thinking.

A. which to be based on    B. which to base on

C. on which to base         D. which to base

33. He made another wonderful discovery, ___ of great importance to science.

A. which I think is    B. which I think it is

C. which I think it    D. I think it is

34. ______left before the deadline, it doesn’t seem likely that John will finish the job.

A. Though such a short time   B. Because such a short time

C. With such a short time     D. As such a short time

35. Was it ___ she said or something that she did ___ you were angry at so much?

A. what; that     B. that; which    C. that ; what   D. what; which


21.A  furthermore 意为”此外,而且”;其它选项意义不符.

22. C. So what?那又怎样呢?  what for? 为何?  what if …. 如果….将会怎样? All in all总的说来

23. A. approaches  to …的方法, 固定搭配 ;  means /methods of ,  ways  of doing  sth / to do sth

24. B  at length =in detail  详细地

25. A. subscribe to 同意 ,  赞成;  submit to  屈从,  服从 ; apply for  申请 ;   subscribe for 认购 ,  订阅  , 预定

26. B    while   conj.  连词 意为”虽然, 尽管” ; despite=in spite of  是介词, 不引导从句 ;whatever  在从句中要作主语或宾语,此处不合适

27. D   in which = where  表示处所置于句首,引起一个完全倒装句.

28. A  insist” 坚持认为”其后的宾语从句使用陈述语气;  insist “坚持要求” 其后的宾语从句使用虚拟语气, 谓语动词形式为should + 动词原形,should 也可以省略.

29.  A  bleed sb. White/ dry 榨尽某人的血汗

30.  A. ,to begin with 意义为”首先” , 用作状语.

31. C. on top of = besides  此外  except for  除…..之外,(不包括) ;

But for   要不是 ;  in spite of   尽管.

32. C  base our thinking on actual knowledge  “ 将我们的思维建立在实际的知识基础之上” , 此处为不定式短语作定语,修饰knowledge .

33. A. I think 是插入语,  which 引导一个非限制性定语从句, 在从句中作主语.

34. C   A,B和D 三个选项都不能构成句子, C 项构成独立主格结构,作状语.

35. A  此处考查强调句型, 被强调部分是一个从句, 作介词at的宾语.

第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Do you remember last summer , when angry travelers were urging the government to do something about airline customer service ? Airlines     36     to improve , and they adopted (采用)new standards just before Christmas .    37     as another summer nears , plenty of     38

travelers don’t see much improvement in customer     39     overall .

This month , the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) office will publish its first critical   40

on whether airlines are     41     their promises . One survey(调查)suggests problems : the number of     42     to the DOT about the top 10 airlines in the first     43     rose 89% from a year ago .

Hit last summer by passenger complaints  and the threat (威慑)of consumer-protection laws by the    44      , 14 airlines     45     to adopt a set of basic customer-service standards called Customers First . The “12 promises” to passengers were introduced     46     a major effort to improve service . Since then , airlines have been redesigning websites , retraining employees and upgrading technology .

Recently , DOT inspector general Kenneth Mead , at McCain’s request , sent 20 examiners to airports to     47     whether each airline is doing what it promised . Mead warns travelers shouldn’t    48      too much . Most of the promises are    49      better communication with customers , not problems with flights .

“Passengers should show more understanding to airlines about their     50     to better air service .” Spokeswoman Shelly Sasson says . “And when     51     are made , it takes a long time for them to be noticed,” she says .

Now , the efforts may be working . During the first quarter , Delta had the second-lowest rate of complaints among the     52     10 carriers .    53     , its rate , along with other carriers’ , is up from last year . McCain and other lawmakers say there may be  a     54     to pass new consumer-protection      55    .

36.A.promised  B.managed  C.hoped  D.refused

37.A.So  B.But  C.Merely  D.Even

38.A.skilled  B.experienced  C.tired  D.puzzled

39.A.flight  B.opinion  C.service  D.travel

40.A.news  B.information  C.doubt  D.article

41.A.honoring  B.making  C.giving  D.improving

42.A.problems  B.travelers  C.passengers  D.complaints

43.A.quarter  B.year C.month  D.summer

44.A.customer  B.company  C.government  D.public

45.A.wished  B.agreed C.remembered  D.failed

46.A.to  B.for  C.as  D.by

47.A.explain B.discuss C.discover  D.check

48.A.travel  B.expect  C.complain  D.suggest

49.A.aimed at  B.considered as  C.joined to  D.made from

50.A.difficulty  B.situation  C.reality  D.efforts

51.A.suggestions  B.rules  C.decisions  D.improvements

52.A.large  B.first  C.top  D.bad

53.A.Still B.Therefore C.Instead D.Meanwhile

54.A.possibility  B.need  C.chance  D.use

55.A.examinations  B.service  C.laws  D.reports

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