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第二档 基本完成了试题规定的任务。






第三档 未恰当完成试题规定的任务。





第四档 未完成试题规定的任务。




0分 未传达任何信息;所写内容与要求无关。

三、One possible version:

Seeing the picture, I can’t help thinking how silly the boy is! He is cutting the thorns off the cactus. Maybe he thinks the thorns will hurt him. But a cactus without thorns is not a cactus anymore. What’s more, cutting down thorns can cause deadly effects because thorns can prevent loss of water and protect cactuses from birds and animals.

Just like the boy, we human beings always try to change nature according to our will. For many years we have been doing things against nature, just for our own benefits. Now we are suffering from the disasters we have caused---pollution, climate change, deforestation and so on. I think it’s time for us to correct our mistakes and learn to respect nature.




Text 1

W: Would you mind if I visit your class this evening, Mr. Johnson?

M: Of course not. But the students will take examinations tonight. Can you come tomorrow?

W: I’m not free tomorrow. How about next Monday?

M: No problem.

Text 2

M: Jenny! Could you please turn off the radio? It’s too noisy here. I’m preparing for my test tomorrow.

W: I’m not listening to the radio. The noise comes from our neighbor upstairs.

M: Oh! How terrible! I’m afraid I have to talk to them and make them quiet!

Text 3

W: What’s your plan for the weekend, Jack?

M: I’ve read a lot about the Great Wall. Now that I come to China, it’s a good chance for me to visit it. How about you?

W: I’m going to buy some silk ties for my father.

Text 4

M: Would you mind having a coffee with me, Jane?

W: Well…actually, I’m expecting some friends. We’re going to the concert.

Text 5

W: Everyone is here, except John. Shall we start the meeting?

M: If we wait for John, we might be here all night.



W: Where are you going to take your vacation?

M: Hawaii. I’m going there to attend a friend’s wedding.

W: Oh, Hawaii is a romantic place for wedding.

M: Definitely. And my whole family is going together. We plan to go fishing and swimming. And enjoy the warm sunshine.

W: Your children must be excited about it.

M: Yes, they are sure. Are you going to Italy again this summer?

W: No, not this time. We are going to visit my cousin in Egypt.


M: Kathy, you’ve been a little quiet since you came in. Is anything wrong?

W: Oh, I’ve just been thinking about my classmate Don.

M: What’s the matter?

W: He failed the mid-terms, and decided to drop out of school. But his father expected to see good grades.

M: I see. So he couldn’t deal with the pressure?

W: Right. His father expected nothing but high marks. It’s really too bad, because Don tried hard to succeed.

M: I think it’s wrong for parents to pressure their children like that. I’m glad my parents have never pressured me that way.

W: I agree. Don said that his father never stopped applying the pressure. He was constantly making comments like “You had better study hard”.

M: It makes things really tough.


W: I’m not optimistic about finding a job after I finish college.

M: Oh?

W: The situation is getting worse.

M: I know. What is this world coming to? Even a college degree won’t help you anymore.

W: That’s right. I’m now living with my parents. I have to get a job to support myself.

M: I know what you mean.

W: By the way, how’s your business coming along?

M: Our sales are going up only 2 percent, but it’s a step in the right direction.

W: I remember you were in a difficult situation when you opened it five years ago. The company certainly has come a long way.

M: Yeah, but it’s got a long way to go. Say, maybe you’d like to work for me!

W: Well, I’m not sure whether I want to work as a salesgirl.

M: No. I mean as a manager.

W: That’s more like it.


Hello, everyone. I’m Jack Nelson, the head of the Students’ Program Faculty. On behalf of the faculty I would like to welcome and invite you to take part in our wide range of activities.

While we pride ourselves in our academic programs at the university, we know that there is more to the learning experience than study. Our job is to take you “beyond books” and make sure you have a good time.

Now I’d like to give you a clear idea of what we offer in our training programs and we’ll look at the type of courses.

Firstly, the Physical Fitness course is offered. Our PE teachers will instruct you how to exercise correctly and regularly to keep fit. The fee is $40 for the five-week course, Sunday 9:00-10:00, from Feb.1 to March 10.

Secondly, we offer a two-month course for gymnastics. It is an excellent way to improve you strength and balance under the guidance of a trained gymnastics coach. The course is from Jan.26 to March 28, Saturday from 10-11. The fee will be $85.

Last we provide a special program called Music and Movement. You can enjoy singing and participate in musical activities. It’s a six-week course from March 6 to April 17, Friday, 2:00-4:00. It will be free of charge for all registered students in the university.

Come and have fun. I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourselves. Thank you for listening.



W: Good afternoon, Rainbow Hotel.

M: Good afternoon, my name is Steve Robinson from Paris. I’d like to book a room for 20th March, please.

W: A room for 20th March. Your nationality is French?

M: That’s right. I’m French.

W: Well, how long do you intend to stay?

M: Well, let me see. The conference will finish on Wednesday. I’d like to visit some of my friends there. I’ll leave on Friday.

W: You’re leaving on Friday. That’s the 24th March.

M: Yes, that’s right.

W: What kind of room do you like, a single or double?

M: I’d like a single room. And I prefer a room away from the street. I hate noise.

W: Ok. A single room away from the street.

M: How much is it?

W: $60 for one night including English breakfast.

M: It sounds good.

W: All right, Mr. Robinson. Can I have your passport number, please?

M: Of course. My number is H33049795.

W: H33049795. Ok, Mr. Robinson. You’ve booked a single room from 20th March to 24th. We’re expecting your coming.

M: Thank you very much.

W: You are welcome.

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