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52.What Michael Diresto said in the 5th paragraph show us that _____.

A.they want to remove the old buildings in the states

B.they have a strong sense of keeping the historic buildings

C.they don't have enough money to build a new school

D.they enjoy moving buildings from one city to another

53.Cancienne and his team made no money from the project because _____.

A.it' s a chance for them to do something for the state

B.the company is famous for doing volunteer work

C.the state is short of money to cover the cost

D.it' s easy for them to complete the project

54.The underlined word " demolish" in the second paragraph means ______.

A.to repair or rebuild a building

B.to destroy and rebuild a building

C.to decorate a building purposefully

D.to pull or knock down a building


SPEAKING in front of groups may not be a big deal for some people, and there are those who probably sail through their careers without ever having to do so.When I was studying for my C.P.A., I was sure that I d be safe.But life isn’t predictable.I ended up in a career that depends on public speaking.

I ran my own accounting firm for eight years, and in 2009 was co-founder of the American Institute of Certified Tax Coaches, a nonprofit group based in San Diego that educates accountants, lawyers and other tax professionals.

Before we started the organization, in fact, I thought I) d better get some practice—but my first talk around that time, in front of group of 200 professional advisers for older taxpayers, with

my body trembling all the time, was a fiasco (惨败).

After that, I decided to press on with as many speaking opportunities as possible, to try to become more comfortable with the idea of talking before groups.I knew it wouldn't be easy.I know the material —I’ve written two books about taxes ?but I am a bit of a perfectionist and rely heavily on notes, which can create a lot of anxiety.

I talked to my father about how the magic trick had bombed, and he suggested that I have him criticize me.I gave the same speech to him, without the magic trick.He said that I seemed more nervous when I relied on my notes and that I should speak more from my heart. I've done that ever since, and it has helped. To gain more experience, I still look for speaking opportunities. I speak before various associations, and I started appearing on television news and talk shows a little more than a year ago.I’ve been on local TV in places like San Diego, Los Angeles, New Orleans and Hawaii.

I’ve made much progress.I've had several audience members come up to me and say they thought my talk was great and that they learned a lot.It' s hard to believe, but some people have asked: u Do you ever get nervous? Because you don' t look nervous at all.You' re such a natural at this.

55.From the first paragraph we can get to know that _____.

A.the writer was good at speaking in public at first

B.the writer chose a major connected with speaking at college

C.the writer expected to take a career without speaking in public

D.the writer was not satisfied with his first career

56.The underlined part "press on with" in the 4th paragraph means _____.

A.hurry, continue in a determined way

B.push steadily against something

C.force or weight to something smooth

D.make repeated requests for

57.The writer's first talk in public failed because _____.

A.he was not familiar with the topic

B.the audience didn' t understand him

C.he was shy and miss the key points

D.he was too nervous to express himself well


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