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第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)



21.As the _____ rose she realized that this was the moment of truth —she would have to prove that she was good enough to be a professional singer.

A.curtain B.fence C.bell D.sign

22.The US has been under pressure for some time to recognize this when forming a domestic economic policy that often appears to ignore the international _____ of the dollar.

A.image B.currency C.role D.effect

23.Stop doing what you* re doing.In other words, take a break and _____what is working and what is not working.

A.copy B.share C.assess D.experience

24.In 1965, in a general revision of our immigration laws, many more Chinese were permitted to settle here, as discrimination against Asian immigration was _____.

A.found B.limited C.protected D.abolished

25.The same is true of America as a whole, where surveys consistently _____ the state of

the economy, and unemployment in particular, as the voters' main worry .

A.rank B.show C.clarify D.complain

26.David Axelrod, Barack Obama' s senior adviser, complains that the Republicans' strategy is to oppose everything the Democrats propose unless public opinion forces them to _____.

A.go away B.go along C.go around D.go up

27.School buses that have potential safety risks must immediately be _____ the road and

be repaired, the ministry said in a statement.

A.put off B.got off C.turned off D.taken off

28.After the earthquake I went there, I saw the whole town _____,and now everything has

been changed.

A.in ruins B.in poverty C.in disorder D.in rags

29.Growing human populations are destroying the tropical forests, pushing tigers into areas where there is not enough prey _____ for them to survive.

A.delicious B.alive C.available D.dangerous

30.Today they usually publish the results of their research only if they are positive, but if there is more data about negative results, scientists are less likely to repeat experiments ______.

A.successfully B.needlessly C.nervously D.fortunately


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