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【编者按】高考即将到来,威廉希尔app 为高三考生搜集整理了一些2012湖南长沙二模英语试题,供广大考生参考。


Part II Language Knowledge (45 marks)

Section A (15 marks)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C

andD,Choose the one answer that best completes the sentences

21 .Now her only chance to go anywhere was to take a bicycle, or_for a ride.

A. ask B. asking C. asked D. asks

22._my friend's face when I arranged the gifts on her kitchen table!

A. To imagine B. Imagining C. Imagined D. Imagine

23. Born and brought up in the East, I had to get used to the English accent_sounded quite

different to `our' way of speaking.

A. who B. where C. which D. when

24._he didn't have anything, he was still in good spirit.

A. When B. If C. Because D. Thouga

25. They may have already thought that I was strange as I_while reading.

A. had smiled B. was smiling C. smiled D. have smiled

26. I_have passed my examination easily, but I made too many stupid mistakes.

A. must B. will’C. sluall D. could

27._with Uma, a dentist, made the long flight from the US much faster.

A. Talking B. Talked C. Having talked D. To have talked

28. When times are so tough for many people, even the smallest acts of kindness_with so

much appreciation.

A. has received B. ark received C. receive D. is received






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