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50. A. shows B. affects C. predicts D. introduces

51. A. enjoyment B. sadness C. excitement D. laziness

52. A. guess B. use C. change D. improve

53. A. windy B. bad C. fine D. cold

54. A. when B. while C. although D. as

55. A. industry B. intelligence C. technology D. people

56. A. monitoring B. predicting C. shaping D. moving

57. A. used B. processed C. taught D. answered

58. A. also B. still C. only D. even

59. A. gift B. concern C. application D. liking

60. A. necessary B. easy C. unique D. possible

61. A. happens B. occurs C. appears D. estimates

62. A. start B. shift C. cure D. crash

63. A. living B. working C. health D. weather

64. A. encourage B. quicken C. limit D. shorten

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Being a victim of schoolyard violence can help pupils learn how to manage argument and develop their ability to get along with others, it was claimed.

Helene Guldberg, associate lecturer in child development at the Open University, said trying to stop the “supposedly terrible dangers of bullying(欺负)” can do more harm than good. She insisted teachers should not break up “everyday playground argument”, saying children should be left to deal with it themselves.

In an on-line article, Dr. Guldberg said that bullying was “an experience that children need to develop”. But the comments were strongly criticized by anti-bullying campaigners.

According to official figures, almost half of children claim they are bullied at school. One of the biggest studies of its kind by Ofsted showed 48 percent of young people had been orally or physically abused in the last year. It comes despite a number of government measures designed to crack down on the threats.

Writing on a website, Dr. Guldberg said: “Teachers are increasingly taking the task of looking after children’s health and well-being rather than being allowed to get on with the task of educating them. Children are encouraged to assume their relationships with other children are damaging, and encouraged to look upon their classmates with suspicion.” She added: “If we treat children as if they cannot possibly cope with hurtful experiences, then we will likely to weaken their confidence and make them less likely to cope with difficult events in the future. In effect, we will prevent them from growing up.”

The comments echo(附和) remarks made by teachers in recent years who claim the education system has been too focused on developing children’s social skills at the expense of academic learning. But Sue Steel, national manager of the Anti-Bullying Alliance, said: “Children who are being bullied often find it difficult to tell anyone. Teachers can help by giving appropriate attention.”

65. The underlined word “abused” in Para. 4 is similar in meaning to “_________”.

A. criticized B. attacked C. helped D. judged

66. Which of the following is TURE according to Helene Guldberg?

A. Teachers should take the task of dealing with children’s argument.

B. Children should be left to cope with their argument themselves.

C. Children will gain their confidence if teachers manage their argument for them.

D. Children can’t cope with difficult events after dealing with hurtful experiences themselves.


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