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when you leave.

M: I learned a lot today. Thanks for your advice.

W: That’s all right.

Text 8

W: Hi, Patrick. Haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been these days?

M: I went to travel along the west coast of the United States of America.

W: Wonderful! How did you like your trip there?

M: It was marvelous. I really had a very pleasant time there.

W: Tell me something about Los Angeles.

M: I liked it better than I thought I would. It’s very clean and spacious. Trees are planted on either side of the streets. But the bus service there is very bad. Besides, they don’t have a subway, so it is not so convenient to get around.

W: And what did you see?

M: Oh, unusual things. We took a drive around Hollywood and looked at the stars’ homes.

Then we went to Universal studios and Disneyland.

W: You’re so lucky. What do you think of Disneyland?

M: It was great! We really enjoyed it. We took all the rides there, some of them twice. I felt just

like a kid again.

Text 9

W: Good afternoon, Sir. May I help you?

M: Yes. I’d like to buy a white shirt.

W: Yes, Sir. I’d be glad to show you some. What size, please?

M: Fifteen and a half, thirty-four.

W: There’s one in your size. This is a very fine shirt.

M: How much is it?

W: These are five ninety-five each.

M: That’s a little more than I wanted to pay. Don’t you have any less expensive shirts?

W: Yes, I think I can find some for you. Here are some for four fifty. And then we have some

here for three ninety-five.

M: This one will be all right. I’ll take one.

W: Are you sure one will be enough?

M: Yes. That’s all I need just now.

W: Have you seen our new ties?

M: Yes. I just bought one here yesterday.

W: Do you need handkerchiefs or socks? I’d be glad to show you some gloves, perhaps.

M: No, nothing else, thank you. That will be all for today.

W: Very well, Sir. Here you are. That will be four dollars and fifty cents, and ten cents for the

tax. Thank you, Sir. Please come again.

Text 10

M: Today, I’d like to tell you about two games I played. When I was young, I always enjoyed

playing with my friends. I particularly remember two games I used to play when I was about

ten years old. There was a wood which seemed quite big, I suppose it was really quite small.

We used to hunt each other in the wood and cook in an old hut. If there were six or seven of

us, we used to divide into two groups and pretended we were enemies. Hiding behind trees

and running silently, we played like this for hours and afterwards we used to return to the hut

to make meals. Unfortunately, one day the floor of the hut caught fire. Although we put the

fire out, my father ordered us never to cook in the hut again. Another game I remember was

one we used to play at school. There was a high wall running along the end of the school

playing fields, below which was a pond. We used to see who could walk along the wall fastest

without falling. Although we were all afraid we might fall into the pond, I expected a little

danger. However, one day a teacher found us playing this game. He ordered us to stop playing

and never to do it again.







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