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10. How does the man describe his city in the beginning?

A. It's big. B. It's horrible. C. It's romantic.

11. What's the city center like according to the man?

A. It's crowded with boats.

B. There's a famous church there.

C. There aren't many shops.

12. Why doesn't the man like living there?

A. It's too quiet.

B. There are too many tourists.

C. The drinking water is polluted.


13. What will happen next week?

A. The man's friend will visit him.

B. Mark will leave.

C. Karen will come into town.

14. Which word can be used to describe Mark?

A. Selfish. B. Talented. C. Lazy.

15. What do we know about Karen?

A. She is shy. B. She has blue eyes. C. She is single.

16. What did the speakers decide to do?

A. Go cycling together.

B. Introduce two friends to each other.

C. Have dinner together.


17. In which direction will the company move?

A. North. B. West. C. South.

18. Where will the employees get money for moving expenses?

A. From the bank.

B. From the community fund.

C. From the Human Resources Department.

19. What is the new office building like?

A. It has 25 stories.

B. It's next to a movie theater.

C. It includes a big restaurant for employees.

20. What's the goal of the company?

A. To rank among the top five providers of Internet service.

B. To become the biggest Internet service provider by 2015.

C. To have a total area of 50000 square feet.


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