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Text 7

M: Wow, that was an amazing show!

W: Yeah, the crowd was totally out of control.

M: I know! Did you see what that guy did in the front of the stage?

W: You mean the guy who took a dive into the audience from the stage?

M: Yeah! He landed directly in the middle of all those crazy people and was carried to a safe place by the crowd. It was so cool!

W: What did you think of the opening band?

M: To be honest, that's who I really went there to see.

Text 8

W: What do you think of your city?

M: It's a very special place. There is nowhere else in the world like my city — it's so romantic.

W: What's the city center like?

M: The buildings are beautiful, and there is San Marco, one of the most famous churches in the world. San Marco Square is wonderful, and during February, Venice is the best place in the world to be.

W: Do you like living there?

M: To be honest, there are a lot of things that I hate about living there. It's horrible sometimes. There are always so many tourists everywhere.

W: Oh dear! What are the shops like?

M: Well, because of the tourists, the shops are really expensive and the rivers are dirty and polluted. My city is not big enough for all these people. Why don't they leave us locals in peace?

Text 9

M: My friend Mark is coming into town next week. Have you ever met him?

W: No, I haven't.

M: He's kind of crazy, but he's a great guy.

W: Yeah? What's he like?

M: He's really hard-working, but he usually keeps to himself. He's pretty talented and he can do just about anything.

W: He sounds interesting. Is he single?

M: Yes, he is.

W: What does he look like? Maybe my friend Karen would like to meet him.

M: He's tall, slim, and quite good-looking. I'm sure your friend would find him attractive. What's she like?

W: She's outgoing and very athletic.

M: Really? What sports does she play?

W: She's a great tennis player and she also goes cycling a lot.

M: What does she look like?

W: She's pretty good-looking, too. She's got short blond hair and dark eyes. Most people think she is really beautiful.

M: Do you think she would like to meet Mark?

W: Sure! Why don't we hook them up?

M: Great idea!

Text 10

This email is for all Sharpton Industries employees. Next week, we will be moving our offices from this location to the south side of the city. The new address is No.45 West Street. West Street is three miles south of Center Square, near Karns Bridge.

Each employee will receive $ 50 for moving expenses. Please apply for this money in the Human Resources Department. The new office will be a great improvement. There will be 25 floors of office space with a total area of 5000 square feet. In addition to the offices, there will be a sports center and a small movie theater for employees to use.

We wish to thank all of our valued employees who have made our company's growth possible. We have become one of the top five providers of Internet service in the country. Our goal is to be number one by 2015. Thank you for your continued support.






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