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第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


I’ve been married for seven years to an extraordinary woman,actress Catherine Zeta-Jones.We have two children,a daughter,4,and a son,7.My life is 36 around my family’s schedule.Our daughter just 37 kindergarten and our son began the second 38 last week.They are at a precious age,and I don’t want to miss a minute of it. 39 all parents,I labor to keep them on schedule,and try to teach them 40 to think positively and to work through daily life.I also try hard to be sure they have 41 .I read with my kids every night.That has become a 42 for me.

We’ve moved to the island of Bermuda,where I spent a lot of time as a 43 (my mother is in Bermudian and still has a large family there).I 44 my schedule to my wife’s,since she is in the prime(全盛期) of her 45 .The school year tells us when we are going to travel.The kids know what Mommy does for a living, 46 they have never seen Daddy’s movies (they’re too young),so Mommy makes 47 and Daddy makes pancakes! I don’t really 48 ,but I am the takeout(叫外卖的) and home-delivery expert.I enjoy it.It’s all given me great 49 .Don’t get me wrong.I still go to work,but now only on projects I really care about.I have a new movie 50 called King of California.We 51 it in only 31 days,not like some of the 90-day shooting schedules of the 52 .

There is so much to learn in 53 a family.Basically,you want to try to leave this earth having given more to it than having taken 54 .That makes you a good citizen of the planet.If I can 55 this on from generation to generation,that’s as close to immortality(永久)as I can hope to get.

36.A.fixed B.centered C.gone D.spread

37.A.started B.offered C.supplied D.gave

38.A.class B.school C.grade D.term

39.A.Like B.As C.For D.With

40.A.when B.what C.where D.how

41.A.horror B.fun C.game D.honor

42.A.success B.failure C.favorite D.struggle

43.A.kid B.adult C.merchant D.waiter

44.A.adopt B.arouse C.arise D.adjust

45.A.business B.career C.crisis D.affair

46.A.however B.so C.but D.and

47.A.movies B.pancakes C.food D.dish

48.A.work B.care C.wait D.cook

49.A.trouble B.satisfaction C.pain D.terror

50.A.coming out B.coming up C.coming across D.coming over

51.A.watched B.saw C.filmed D.observed

52.A.former B.latter C.next D.past

53.A.bringing B.raising C.taking D.leaving

54.A.away B.up C.off D.on

55.A.leave B.give C.pass D.hand

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me.I guess that would have been when I was about six or seven years old,just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage(孤儿院) turned me into an old man.

I would get up every morning at the orphanage,make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also liv

ed in my dormitory.


After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the bushes scattered around the orphanage.

I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures,one after another,and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings,pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.

How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty.I had walked many times out into the bushes,all by myself,just so the butterflies could land on my head,face and hands so I could look at them up close.


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