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43. According to the writer, who can be considered as a hero?

A. A person who is brave. . A person who writes wonderful stories.

C. A person who can hold a door for others. D. A person who helps someone in trouble.



The Lusitania was a luxury ocean ship that sailed the Cunard Line’s Liverpool. She was the largest ship at that time. With a total of seven decks,it was estimated that over 200,000 people gathered to witness her departure on her first voyage.

The Lusitania set off on her last voyage in May 1915, from Pier 54 in New York with about 1,959 people on board. It was reported that foodstuffs, metal rods, and ingots were loaded on its cargo. She sailed approximately thirty miles from Cape Clear Island to the coast of Co. Cork, Ireland where she got stuck in fog, had to reduce speed, and crossed the path of a German U-boat. Not realizing the ship was just a civil one, the U-boat fired on the Lusitania, striking her under the bridge, and as a result, there was a second much larger explosion which caused the ship to bend heavily to her starboard.

The ship’s captain ordered all the people to abandon the ship. However, there were serious problems of launching the lifeboats: out of the total of 48, only six were successfully launched. The Lusitania sank in less than twenty minutes, eight miles off the Old Head of Kinsale.

Similar to the Titanic, she sank with her back part almost fully perpendicular(垂直的)to the water. Of those on board, 761 were rescued, but 1,198 people died with her, including 100 children. The rescue operation was led by Vice Admiral Sir Charles Henry Cooke, the naval commander at Queenstown.

It was a serious sea disaster that shouldn’t have taken place. After that, countries all over the world began to consider the safety of commercial ships.

44. According to the passage, the Lusitania ________.

A. was the largest ship in history . sank on her first voyage

C. boarded more than two hundred thousand people

D. was loaded with passengers as well as various goods

【解析】选D。细节理解题。由第二段的“…with about 1,959 people on board. It was reported that foodstuffs, metal rods, and ingots were loaded on its cargo可知答案。

45.How did people feel when they witnessed the departure of the Lusitania?

A. Depressed. . Excited. C. Sad. D. Doubtful.

【解析】选 。推理判断题。the Lusitania是当时最大的轮船,很多设施人们闻所未闻,因此看到这艘船的人一定是非常激动的。

46.The German U-boat fired the Lusitania because ___________.

A. the Lusitania got stuck in fog

. the Lusitania fired on it first

C. it mistook the Lusitania for a dangerous ship

D. there was a larger explosion in the Lusitania

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Not realizing the ship was just a civil one, the U-boat fired on the Lusitania…可知,德国舰艇没有识别出这是一艘民用船只,所以发动攻击只能是因为它误以为那是一艘对它构成危险的船只。

47.What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Sinking of the Lusitania . The Lusitania and the Titanic

C. A Serious Sea Disaster Made on Purpose D. A Ser ious Accident on Sea



London has become a cycle friendly zone after the launch of a new bike hire scheme. It has been designed to encourage more people to cycle in and around central London.

So how does it work?First you have to sign up to the scheme to be sent a key. The key will unlock one of the bikes,which are kept at docking stations in and around central London. You have to pay an access fee for the key and then you pay as you go,for the length of time you use the bike.

Transport for London,which runs the scheme,are hoping to have 6,000 bikes and 400 docking stations in place by the end of the year. The new hire system is hoping to ease congestion (拥挤)in London and is expected to create up to 40,000 extra cycle trips a day into the city centre. London Mayor oris Johnston launched the scheme and said London had been “filled with thousands of gleaming machines that will transform the look and feel of our streets and become as commonplace on our roads as black cabs and red buses”.

However,there have been a few problems since the scheme was launched last Friday. On the first day some people found they couldn’t dock their bike properly and their usage of the bike had not registered. Transport for London did admit they had been expecting a few “teething problems” and have said they wouldn’t charge for the first day as a “gesture of goodwill”. Some other people have criticized the lack of docking stations and locks for the bikes as well as the price it costs to hire the bicycles.

Despite the comments,the green-thinking London Mayor still seems very positive about things,saying,“My campaign for the capital to become the greatest big cycling city in the world has taken a big pedal-powered push forwards.”

48. London Mayor boris Johnston launched the new bike scheme in order to ________________.

A. reduce the air pollution of the city

. encourage the citizens to take exercises

C. deal with the city’s traffic problems

D. increase employment opportunities

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句的The new hire system is hoping to ease congestion (拥挤)in London可知,伦敦实行自行车出租的目的是减缓伦敦市内的交通拥挤。

49.If you want to hire a bike, in which order will you do?

a. pay for the bike according to the time you use it

b. pay for the key to a bike

c. cycle in and around central London

d. sign up as a member to get a key

A. b-d-c-a . b-c-a-d C. d-c-b-a D. d-b-c-a


50.All the following are the problems of the scheme EXCEPT________.

A. the high cost to hire a bike . not registering their usage of the bikes

C. not charging for the first day of the scheme D. docking the bikes properly

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第四段第二句可知, 和D都是该项目实施过程中出现的问题;该段的最后一句说明有人批评租自行车的费用可知,A项是一个问题,而C是解决问题的方法而不是问题。

51. From the passage we can infer that .

A. the London Mayor is confident in the scheme

. the scheme will be cancelled because of the problems

C. all the citizens in London support the scheme

D. the cycling revolution is not successful

【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句话Despite the comments,the green-thinking London Mayor still seems very positive about things,可推出伦敦市长对该行动非常有信心。


You probably sort paper, plastic, and household metal on a daily basis — but what about the tough stuff? There are reasons to go beyond the usual recycling: Unwieldy(笨重的) household wastes take up tons of space in landfills. Worse, items such as computers and cell phones leach(过滤) dangerous materials like mercury(水银) and lead into nearby water supplies. Now, thanks to environmental groups, retailers(零售商), and people nationwide, doing the right thing is a lot easier. Here’s how.


• Give to a charity. If you have a computer or a component(组件) that still works, contact Share the Technology (sharetechnology.org), which will match you with a nonprofit organization that needs equipment.

• If the computer isn't working, take it to a recycling center or a traveling electronics recycling fair. To locate a center in your area or to find out when a fair will visit your city, go to the Web site for Earth 911 (earth911.org), click on Electronics, and put in your zip code.

Cell phones

• National programs like Donate a Phone and Collective Good accept used phones and resell them, giving the proceeds to charities. To find links to these and other groups, visit Earth 911’s Web site.

Printer ink cartridges(打印机墨水盒)

• Many branches of OfficeMax, Staples, and other office-supply stores have set up on-site drop-off recycling bins. Check your local stores.


• Most muni cipal collection centers allow you to bring in your used batteries for recycling and disposal.

• If you’re a heavy battery user, consider switching to rechargeable ones, which also save you money. but even these batteries eventually wear out. When they do, they need to be disposed of responsibly.

Old clothes and linens(亚麻)

• Your best bet is a local Salvation Army. Anything in poor condition will be made into rags. And you’ll get a tax write-off. Just be sure to ask for a receipt.

52. How many kinds of waste things are mentioned in the passage?

A. 5 . 6 C. 7 D. 8


53.If you have an old computer that works, you should _________________.

A. take it to a recycling center . contact Share the Technology

C. continue to use it until it doesn’t work

D. go to the Web site for Earth 911

【解析】选 。细节理解题。根据computer的处理建议:如果电脑还能运作,最好把它送给一家需要设备的非盈利机构。如果电脑不能用了,就带到回收中心或者访问Earth 911网站。

54.From the passage we can know that _____________________.

A. rechargeable batteries do no harm to environment

. clothes and linens pollute the water supplies

C. Earth 911's Web site where there is information on recycling fairs

D. Donate a Phone and Collective Good are charity organizations





威廉希尔app 高考试频道 2012年高考在线模拟考试


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