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第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)



1. If a person has never tasted ______ is bitter, he does not know ______ is sweet.

A. that; that B. what; what C. that; what D. what; that

2. The world’s supplies of coal _______ gradually _______ up with the development of modern technology.

A. is; used B. are being; used C. has; used D. have been; using

3. --- You 've made great progress in your English study.

--- Yes, but much _________.

A. remains to do B. is remained to do

C. remains to be done D. is remained to be done

4. I shall certainly not tell him the news. ________, it will go to his ears.

A. Besides B. Moreover C. Nevertheless D. Meanwhile

5. I was surprised to know that ________ two top students were caught stealing in the supermarket. Worse still, _______ third one was found fighting with others.

A. the; a B. the; the C. 不填;a D. 不填;the

6. --- I know your English was a little weak. Do you need my help?

--- ______, but I think I’ll be all right.

A. No, thanks B. That’s OK

C. You are helpful D. That’s very kind of you

7. The students are having a test. You ______ make so much noise.

A. won’t B. may not C. needn’t D. shan’t

8. Now parents often give their children much pocket money, _______ that in this way they love their children more.

A. thinking B. think C. thought D. to think

9. With two children ______ to school in town now, the father had to work hard.

A. to go B. going C. went D. having gone

10. Distant villages need more devoted teachers _______ the children how to learn so that they may finally lead successful lives.

A. teaching B. to teaching C. to teach D. for teaching

11. To _______ his good nature, we tried to persuade the boy to change his behavior.

A. bring out B. make use of

C. take advantage of D. account for

12. ______ your proposal, I’m pleased to inform you that most committee members consider it acceptable.

A. Considering B. Regarding C. Seeing D. Supposing

13. ______ his arrival, John was given a warm welcome by the local pe ople.

A. For B. At C. On D. In

14. He invited us to his birthday party but if she doesn’t go today, ________?

A. nor do I B. neither do I C. nor shall I D. neither I shall

15. Whom was it up to ________ the matter?

A. decide B. to decide C. deciding D. decided




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