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第I 卷(选择题 共115分)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1. Why is Tony crying?

A. He can’t get up B. He lost his pet bird C. He lost his favourite toy

2. What time is it now?

A. 6:10 B. 6:25 C. 6:30

3. What’s the woman going to do?

A. To fill out the form B. To do someone a favor

C. To give out the required information

4. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Employer and employee B. Next door neighbors C. Two good friends

5. What does this man explain to the woman?

A. Taking a train is cheaper than a bus B. Taking a bus is cheaper than a train

C. The train is fast than the bus




6. What is the man?

A. A guide B. A houseman C. A police officer

7. What happened to the woman?

A. Her leg was broken B. Her money was stolen C. Her briefcase was gone


8. Where does Kathy work now?

A. In a hospital B. In a telephone company C. At a police station

9. What would Kathy do if an angry man called to complain about something?

A. She would do nothing for him B. She would call the police

C. She would ask him to call the company office

10. Which of the following words best describes Kathy

A. Interesting B. Talkative C. Helpful


11. Why did the officer want to see the driver’s license?

A. Because the driver was speeding B. Because the driver was a stranger

C. Because the driver took the wrong turn

12. What is the speed limit in business area of the city

A. 25 miles per hour B. 20 miles per hour C. 35 miles per hour

13. What did the police officer finally do?

A. She took the man to the police station B. She just warned him and let him go

C. She gave him a ticket


14.What is the main topic of this conversation ?

A. A lunch B. An exam C. A class

15. What is the woman upset about?

A. Her most recent exam grade B. The material on the exam

C. Not being able to get lunch

16. What is the man going to do after they finish talking?

A. To study B. To play football C. To eat lunch


17. What is important to children according to the speaker?

A. Making mistakes B. Correcting their own mistakes

C. Judging their own work

18. Which of the following does no good to a child?

A. Depending too much on his teacher

B. Noticing the difference between their action and those of others

C. Making changes now and then

19. What does the last sentence “Let him do it himself” really mean?

A. Let the teacher point out the mistake to the child

B. Let the teacher make the child correct his mistakes

C. Let the child notice and correct his own mistakes

20. What’s the topic of the text?

A. Language B. Riding a bike C. How to educate children

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

(从A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项)

21.--- Derek, I owe you a thank – you for all your help.

--- __________

A.If you please B.Don’t mention itC.That’s it. D.All right.

22.I was surprised to know that ________ two top students were caught stealing in the supermarket. Worse still, _______ third one was found fighting with others.

A. the; a B. the; the C. 不填;a D. 不填;the

23.The program “Heart with Yushu, Love Has No borders” told touching stories about rescue volunteers, whose brave deeds __________ never be forgotten.

A.can B.may C.need D.must

24.--- Are you going to stay overnight?

--- Not __________ it’s really necessary.

A.if B.unless C.until D.since

25.The second half of his voyage was __________ dangerous part, during which he sailed round the Cape Horn.

A.more B.most C.the most D.the more

26.Putting down the receiver, he __________ his umbrella and made for the door.

A.picked up B.brought up C.opened up D. put up

27.The last few years __________ many disasters in and out of China, from earthquake to drought.

A.see B.are seeing C.have seen D.saw

28. A war is ________to break out between South Korea and North Korea, because each of them wants to ________its own land.

A. possible ;defend B.probable; defence C. likely;defend D.likely;defence

29 ----Long time no see. What have you been up to these past few days ?

-----I have been watching the 2010 Asian Games________being held in Guangzhou.

A.live B.lively C.alive D. living

30.Seeing the happy _____ of children playing in the park, I’m full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.

A. sight B. scene C. view D. sign

31.Could it be in the classroom_____ we had a talk last night _____you left your keys?

A. that; where B. in which; where C. where; that D. where; in which

32.______ to their own work, most of the parents spend little time with their children.

A. Devoting B. To be devoted C. Having devoted D. Devoted

33. --- Sorry indeed, I __________ to your birthday party if…

--- Forget it, I know you were out on business.

A.would have come B.should come

C.could come D.must have come

34. I was nearly killed by a car yesterday which passed me at ____ I thought a very dangerous speed.

A. as B. which C. what D. that

35. Ligang, a police officer said that little about what his son_______he know the moment all the media reported the traffic accident ________in Hebei University.

A.did did ; happening B.did do;happened

C.would do; happening D. could do ;happened

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Stephen Glenn is a famous scientist who has made several medical breakthroughs. When 36 why he was so much more 37 than the average person, he replied that it all came from an experience 38 his mom…At 2, he was trying to 39 a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he 40 his hold on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling (洒) its contents all over the kitchen floor! When his mom came in, instead of shouting at him or 41 him a lesson, she said, “Robert, what a great mess you’ve made! I’ve 42 seen such a sea of milk. Well, now that the 43 has been done, would you please get down and 44 in the milk for a while 45 we clean it up?”So happily he did. After that, his mom said, “Robert, whenever you make such a mess like this, you’ll have to clean it up and restore (恢复) everything to its proper 46 . So which do you prefer, a sponge, towel or mop?” He 47 the sponge and together they cleaned up the milk. His mom then said, “Robert, you’ve just had a 48 experiment about how to carry a big milk bottle 49 with two tiny hands. Now go to the sink to fill the bottle with 50 and see if you can discover a way to carry it safely.” Instantly Robert learned that he could 51 it if he grasped the bottle at the 52 near the lip with both hands.

53 wonderful a lesson! The famous scientist then remarked it was then and there that he came to know that 54 were just opportunities for learning something new, which is what scientific experiments are all about.

Wouldn’t it be great if all parents could 55 the way Robert’s mom did to him?

36.A.puzzled B.explained C.asked D.wondered

37.A.creative B.diligent C.cautious D.aggressive

38.A.beyond B.with C.about D.from

39.A.deliver B.remove C.bring D.make

40.A.dismissed B.tightened C.caught D.lost

41.A.teaching B.punishing C.directing D.taking

42.A.sometimes B.always C.rarely D.mostly

43.A.experiment B.damage C.work D.favor

44.A.drink B.gather C.swim D.play

45.A.after B.when C.before D.once

46.A.situation B.model C.order D.size

47.A.chose B.used C.liked D.saw

48.A.useless B.funny C.valid D.failed

49.A.effectively B.heavily C.strongly D.luckily

50.A.milk B.water C.sand D.stones

51.A.complete B.try C.make D.get

52.A.bottom B.cover C.outside D.top

53.A.How B.Too C.Very D.What

54.A.tests B.mistakes C.exercises D.achievements

55.A.react B.keep C.show D.look





Nearly everyone is shy in some ways. If shyness is making you uncomfortable, it may be time for a few lessons in self-confidence. You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and psychologists.

Make a decision not to hold back in conversations. What you have to say is just as important as what other people say. And don’t turn down party invitations just because of your shyness.

Prepare yourself for being with others in groups. Make a list of the good qualities you have. Then make a list of ideas, experiences, and skills you would like to share with other people. Think about what you would like to say in advance. Then say it.

If you start feeling self-conscious in a group, take a deep breath and focus your attention on other people. Remember, you are not alone. Other people are concerned about the impression they are making, too.

No one ever gets over being shy completely, but most people do learn to live with their shyness. Even entertainers admit that they often feel shy. They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the cameras and the public. Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards. But perhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know more about you.

56.What is the source of the suggestions for fighting shyness?

A.The author of the article. B.Shy men and women.

C.doctors and psychologists D.Popular entertainers.

57.Which of these can you conclude from reading the article?

A.Shy people never have any fun.

B.Entertainers choose their work to fight shyness.

C.The attempt to overcome shyness is always successful.

D.The attempt to overcome shyness is always worthwhile.

58.The main purpose of the article is to .

A.explain how shyness developed B.recommend ways of dealing with shyness

C.persuade readers that shyness is natural D.prove that shyness can overcome

59.Where would this article probably appear?

A.In a popular magazine. B.On the front page of a newspaper.

C.In a science textbook. D.In an encyclopedia.(百科全书)


Loving France

Landing in France, a sacred feeling suddenly arises which attracts you to know more about this country.

France, about hexagonal (六边形) in shape, has a boundary on the east with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, and is bounded on the southeast by Monaco and the Mediterranean Sea; on the south are Spain and Andorra, with the Bay of Biscay on the west and the English Channel on the north as natural borders.

A series of massive mountain ranges includes the Alps, which separate France and Italy, and the Jura Mountains that delineate (画出轮廓) the Franco-Swiss border. The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary. The Pyrenees Mountains, extending along the Franco-Spanish frontier from the Mediterranean to the Bay of Biscay, forms the other mountain boundary of France.

The plains region is a projection of the great plain of Europe. The outstanding features of the plains are the river valleys. Among all the rivers, totaling more than 200 with numerous tributaries which are almost all commercially navigable, the Rhine River is the largest in terms of discharge volume.

The capital and largest city in France is Paris, which attracts many visitors every year. Marseilles is a chief port and Lyon is an industrial center famous for its textiles. Other major cities include Toulouse, an industrial and trade center; Nice, a resort(胜地); Strasbourg, a Rhine River port and industrial and commercial center; Bordeaux, a seaport and most famous for its wine.

French perfume(香水), champagne(香槟酒), and bridges in Paris… want to know more? Then next time we will return to Paris, and you will learn more about her.

60.How many mountain ranges are mentioned in the passage?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

61.The underlined word “discharge” means ______.

A. storage B. electric power production C. the release of water D. the money made

62.Which is not TRUE according to the passage?

A. Spain is to the south of France

B. Mountains are the outstanding features of the plains.

C. Both Marseilles and Bordeaux are ports.

D. Both Paris and Nice attract many tourists

63. Which city is flourishing both in its industry and commerce?

A. Marseilles B. Lyon C. Toulouse D. Alps


Hillary(希拉里) Rodham Clinton arrived at the White House after serving as First Lady of Arkansas for twelve year. On many occasions, Hillary Clinton has spoken about the need to find the right balance in our lives. For her, the elements of that balance are family, work, and public service.

Hillary Diane Rodham was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947. An excellent student. Hillary also enjoyed sports and was always interested in politics. Graduating from Wellesley College with high honors, she entered Yale Law School, where she developed her special concern for protecting the best interests of children and their families. It was there that she met Bill Clinton, a fellow student.

In 1973, Hillary became a lawyer for the Children’s Defense Fund. In 1975 Hillary left Washington and followed her heart to Arkansas, marrying Bill Clinton. The couple taught together in the University of Arkansas. Their daughter, Chelsea, was born in 1980.

As First Lady of Arkansas, Hillary continued to work tirelessly for the benefit of children and families. She introduced a program training parents to work with their preschool children. Because of her efforts, Hillary was named Arkansas Mother of the Year in 1984.

Hillary Rodham Clinton brings her own special talents, experience, style and interests to the role of First Lady of the US. She played a leading part in national Health Care Reform.

Hilary Clinton was elected to the US Senate (参议院) in 2000, becoming the first Lady elected to public office and the first female senator to represent New York. In 2006, Senator Clinton won re-election to the Senate, and in 2007 she began her historic campaign for President. In 2008, she campaigned for the election of Barrack Obama and Joe Biden, and in November, she was chosen by President elect Obama as Secretary of State.

64.What do we know from the first paragraph?

A.Hillary Rodham Clinton never finds it hard to balance herself in life.

B.Family, work and public service are all important to Hillary Clinton.

C.The experience as First Lady of Arkansas led her to the White House.

D.Before entering the White House, Hillary had worked for the First Lady.

65.Why did Hillary leave the Children’s Defense Fund?

A.Because she wanted to marry Bill Clinton who was in Arkansas.

B.Because she married Bill Clinton and had to move to Arkansas.

C.Because she found she fell in love with Arkansas.

D.Because she was offered a better job in the University of Arkansas.

66.Where did Bill Clinton get his high education?

A.At Wellesley College.

B.At the Children’s Defense Fund.

C.At the University of Arkansas.

D.At Yale Law School.

67.Which is the right order of the following events?

a. Hillary was elected to the United States Senate.

b. Hillary was chosen as Secretary of State.

c. Hillary served as the First Lady.

d. Hillary supported Obama in his presidential election.

e. Hillary began her campaign for President.

A.c, a, e, d, b B.c, e, d, b, a C.a, e, c, b, d D.b, e, c, d, a


New York Helmsley Hotel

New York City, NY

KAYAK members are specially offered the New York Helmsmen Hotel, a world – class hotel located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, within walking distance of Times Square, Grand Central Station and the United Nations, as well as the Theatre District and Rockefeller Center.

Gaylord Palms

Orlando, FL

Gaylord Palms Hotel and Convention Center offers excitement to KAYAK members with world – class restaurants, dynamic on – site recreation, and breathtakingly beautiful gardens under glass. The Gaylord offers great room and food service close to the world’s most trilling places – Disney, Sea World, and Universal.

Affinia Chicago

Chicago, IL

Steps from the Magnificent Mile, the Affinia Chicago is best known for its perfect location at the Windy City’s center of shopping, entertainment, culture and business. Known for its fast pace, famous museums, amazing buildings, and action – packed sporting events, Chicago offers something for every KAYAK member.

The Liaison Capitol Hill, An Affinia Hotel

Washington DC

KAYAK members seeking the typical DC experience are offered the Liaison Capitol Hill. Having a great location on Capitol Hill, The Liaison Capitol Hill is the closest hotel to the U. S. Captiol. The Smithsonian, Union Station and dozens of the country’s most visited museums and monuments are within walking distance.

68.What do these hotels have in common?

A.They are all near shopping center.

B.They are all favorably located.

C.They all have world – class restaurants.

D.They all attract people with their low prices.

69.Which might be the best place for parents with kids to spend their holiday?

A.Orlando, FL B.Chicago, IL

C.Washington DC D.New York City, NY

70.If you are interested in museums, which may be your best hotels to stay in?

A.New York Helmsely Hotel and Affinia Chicago.

B.The Liaison Capitol Hill and Gaylord Palms.

C.The Liaison Capitol Hill and Affinia Chicago

D.Gaylord Palms and New York Helmsley Hotel.




When I was a little girl, my mom would say, “Half the fun of doing anything is sharing it with others.” 71 Friends and mates allow us to enjoy our successes and our joys, comfort us in our hard moments, and provide a mirror for us to learn more about ourselves. I’ve always looked at friends as the family we choose. They enrich our lives. As Robert Louis Steven once said, “ 72 ”

To be a good friend or partner, it’s important to be a good listener. Hear what your friend or mate has to say first rather than jump to conclusions or get defensive. 73 When they hear their words repeated back to them, it can help them to realize what they said was not exactly what they meant to say.

74 You know the old golden rule, “Care for others the way you would like them to care for you.” The support of a friend during a tough time could make the difference between success and failure. Encouragement and confidence are the gifts that can help change a person’s life.

Take care, though, with whom you choose to have close relationship, for they can have a great effect on yourself – respect and life path. As someone once told me “ 75 They will either take you up or down.”

A.I am afraid so.

B.It is quite true

C.Friendship is the most important factor.

D.Sometimes it is useful to be their mirror.

E.A friend is a present which you give yourself.

F.The attitudes of your friends are like the buttons on a lift.

G.Patience, sympathy and understanding are also important qualities.


第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1 分,满分10分)







Behind my apartment, there was used to be a dirty and messy corner.Bits of plastic bags hanged on the trees.Broken bottles were left laying here and there.There was a damaging car in the center.The whole corner gave away an unpleasant smell.One year ago, we decided to turn it in a beautiful park.Since then, great changes have been taken place in that corner.All the rubbish have been cleared away.Flowers and young trees have planted all over.Now birds come here to sing, children come here to play, and adults come here to enjoy our peaceful life.It has taken on a new look.



1. 保持良好的心态有助于减轻焦虑,还能增强克服困难的勇气;

2. 目标明确、正确评价自己。太低的目标使人松懈,太高的目标使人丧失信心;

3. 与父母、老师或同学沟通帮忙走出困境;

4. 作息合理,饮食均衡,以保持旺盛的精力。



3. 参考词汇:明确的(definite) 评价(estimation)

No doubt every Senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the National College Entrance Examination. _______________________________________



Behind my apartment, there was used to be a dirty and messy corner.Bits of plastic bags hanged

去掉 hung

on the trees.Broken bottles were left laying here and there.There was a damaging car in the

lying damaged

center.The whole corner gave away an unpleasant smell.One year ago, we decided to turn it in a

off/out into

beautiful park.Since then, great changes have been taken place in that corner.All the rubbish have

去掉 has

been cleared away.Flowers and young trees have∧ planted all over.Now birds come here to


sing, children come here to play, and adults come here to enjoy our peaceful life.It has taken on a


new look.


No doubt every Senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the National college Entrance Examination. Yet what should we do in order to achieve success? Here are some suggestions.

First, it’s very important to have a right attitude, for a normal state of mind and self-confidence not only helps us to relax but also enables us to overcome difficulties bravely. Meanwhile, we should have a definite goal and a correct estimation of ourselves. Only in this way will we not be easily pleased or disappointed with what we have known and done. Besides, we’d better sometimes talk with our parents, teachers or classmates, who may help us out when we’re in trouble. Finally, striking a proper balance between study and rest keeps us energetic and a healthy diet is useful as well.

With these done, I think we can greatly improve our performance.


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