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高考英语知识点总结之易混淆词区别详解in a word, in words



高考英语知识点总结之易混淆词区别详解in a word, in words

in a word, in words

in a word 总之,一句话,例:In a word, you are right.

in words 口头上。

in place of, in the place of

in place of 代替;

in the place of 在…地方,例:A new building is built in the place of the old one.

in secret, in the secret

in secret 秘密地,暗自地,偷偷地,一般用作状语;

in the secret 知道内情,知道秘密,一般用作表语,例:My mother was in the secret from the beginning.

a girl, one girl

a girl 可泛指所有女孩;

one girl 一个女孩,例:Can one girl carry such a big box?

take a chair, take the chair

take a chair 相当于sit down坐下;

take the chair 开始开会。


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