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Sometimes you feel you are treated unfairly. If you want to change others’ attitude towards you, you must change yourself first. 根据以上提示,结合生活实例写一篇120个词左右的短文。

It goes without saying that(不用说,不言而喻) you’d better change yourself if you want to change others’ attitude towards you.

When I was admitted to high school two years ago, I dreamed about the same life and treatment as before. However, with time going on, teachers seemed not to pay much attention to me. Additionally, my classmates didn’t treat me as well as my former classmates did. Therefore, I felt isolated and greatly depressed(感到孤独和沮丧). When my English teacher noticed that I was in low spirits, she came to me and had a heart-to-heart talk with me.

What impressed me most in her talk was that the best way to change others’ attitude towards me is to change myself . It was not until then that I realized what the problem was. After that, I tried to adjust to the new environment. I concentrated on what I should do and learned to get along well with my classmates. I have been enjoying my high school life ever since.






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