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21. Have you heard _____ news?The price of _____ petrol is going up again!江苏高考英语试题真题由威廉希尔app 收集整理!!!

A. the; the    B.  the; 不填   C. 不填; the   D. 不填; 不填

22. ---May I borrow your bicycle for a day, David?

---Oh, sorry! My bicycle is not        ,and it is being mended.

A. legal    B. available    C. positive   D. constant

23. __________ his great achievements in science, he still worked hard to do better.

A. Even if   B. Despite    C. Because of    D. Although

24. The passer-by jumped into the cold water to save the ________ boy, who cried for help, but it was too late and the boy was ________ at last.

A. drowning; drowned        B. drowned; drowning

C. drowning; drowning        D. drowned; drowned

25. Only when one grows old enough        able to understand what love really means.

A. he was    B. he will be    C. will he be     D. was he

26. She was so absent-minded while typing that she ____ __ the entire second paragraph.

A. gave out        B. found out      C. put out     D. left out

27. --- Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?

--- She ______ in the classroom. I saw her there just now.

A. shall be  B. should have been    C. must be    D. might have been

28. ______ the day went on, the weather got worse.

A. With           B. Since          C. While           D. As

29. John's success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work        has made him what he is today.

A. why    B. when    C. which    D. that

30. Even though the scientist ______ the experiment for three months, it isn’t finished yet, since it is too challenging.

A. has been conducting                B. has conducted

C. had conducted                     D. had been conducting

31. The boy ran into the house, ____________.

A. hunger and thirsty           B. hungry and thirsty

C. hungrily and thirstily         D. hunger and thirstiness

32. Mo Yan, the first Chinese writer______ the Nobel Prize for literature, was interviewed by a      reporter from CCTV last night.

A. winning       B. wins       C. to win        D. won

33. _______ road you take, the drive won’t be more than an hour.

A. Whatever        B. Whichever         C. However        D. Whenever

34. _____ is reported, a new town has been built on the ruins left by the big earthquake.

A. It     B. As    C. Which     D. This

35. Look at the trouble I am in. If only I _____ your advice.

A. followed   B. would follow   C. had followed  D. should follow

36. I owe what I am to my parents. ______ money, they managed to send me to university.

A. Though lacked      B. Lacking of

C. Though lacking      D. Lacked in

37.______ Mary was free on Monday morning.

A. That happened    B. It is happened that   C. That happened to    D. It happened that

38. —I’m afraid I’ve failed the driving test.

—______. Maybe things are not so bad as you think.

A. That’s OK     B. I think so     C. Take it easy    D. It’s very kind of you

39. It is high time that we _____ ourselves to environmental protection and ecological improvement.

A. have devoted   B. devoted C. are devoting  D. had devoted

40. It is required that the students____ mobile phones in their school, so seldom____ them using one.

A. don’t use; will you see    B. not use; will you see

C. mustn’t use; will you see          D. not use; you will see

4 1. Though ____to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome.

A. surprising    B. was surprise    C. surprised        D. being surprised

42. I’d appreciate ____ if you could help me wash the dishes.

A. that         B. what          C. it           D. this

43. _____ scores of times , but he still couldn’t understand it .

A. Having explained                  B. Having been explained

C. Though it was explained            D. It was explained

44. — Are you pleased with what he has done?

—Not a bit. It couldn’t be ________.

A. so bad           B. much better    C. any worse       D. best

45. Is this question worth _______ again?江苏高考英语试题真题由威廉希尔app 收集整理!!!

A. discussing     B. being discussed  C. to discuss     D. to be discussed

21—25 BBBAC     26---30DCDDA    31----35BABBC

36----40 CDCBB   41----45CCDCA




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