












1. It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle ,

cut off , as a container to grow young plants in .

A. of which the top

B. the top is

C. the top of which

D. with its top

2. Not far from the club, there was a garden ,

owner seated in the garden , playing chess with some friends.

A. whose B.its

C. his D. which

3.You should leave things

you can find them again. (1999)

A. at which B. where

C. there D. both A and B

4.The result of the experiment was very good

we hadn"t expected. (2000春招)

A. as B. that

C. which D. what

5.Is this the reason

at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?(2002上海)

A.he explained

B. what he explained

C. how he explained

D. why he explained

6.There is a feeling in me

we"ll never know what a UFO is not ever .(2002上海)

A.that B. which

C. of which D. what

7. As far as I am concerned , education is about learning and the more you learn,

. (2002上海)

A. the more for life are you equipped

B. the more equipped for life you are

C. the more life you are equipped for

D. you are equipped the more for life


I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it .


A. Even though B. Unless

C. As long as D. While

9.Dad , I"ve finished my assignment .(2003上海)

Good, and

you play or watch TV , you mustn"t disturb me .

A. whenever B. whether

C. whatever D. no matter

10. Generally speaking ,

according to directions , the drug has no side effect .(2003上海)

A. when taking

B. when taken

C. when to take

D. when to be taken

11.It was evening

we reached the little town of Winchester .


A. that B. until

C. since D.before

12. As soon as he comes back , I will tell him when

and see him .


A. you will come

B. will you come

C. you come

D. do you come

13. People have lots of problems living in the Central Australian desert ,

getting water is the most serious .

A. of which B. which

C. for which D. that

14.I want to choose a university to study here. Would you give me some advice ?

Of course. I think you should look at the support the university that you are interested in

as an overseas student.

A. what can offer you

B. can offer you what

C. can offer you

D. what you can offer

15.He is a strict but kind-hearted teacher ,

his students respect but are afraid of .

A. one whom B. for whom

C. what D. that

16. Why didn"t you help the little boy ?

Oh, sorry . He had struggled to his feet

I ran over .

A. until B. after

C. before D. since

17. you may be right , I can"t altogether agree.

A. While B. As

C. If D. Since

18. He was nearly killed by a car once .

Oh, when was

exactly ?

It was in 2011 he was riding a bike on the drive way .

A. this , that B. that, when

C. that , that D. this, when

19. The school shop ,

customers are mainly students , is closed for the holidays . (2011四川)

A. which B. whose

C. when D. where

20. Nancy enjoyed herself so much

she visited her friends in Sydney last year . (2008福建)

A. that B. as

C. when D. where

21. Are you ready for Spain ?

Yes, I want the girls to experience that

they are young .

(2008 上海)

A. while B. until

C. if D. before

22. We had to wait half an hour

we had already booked a table .

A. since B. although

C. until D. before

23. Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada ,

this was a memory she especially treasured . (2006广东)

A.as B. if

C. when D. where

24. How can you expect to learn anything

you never listen ?(2006山东)

A. in case B. even if

C. unless D. when

25. He is the only one the students who

a winner of scholarship for three years .(2002上海)

A. is B. are

C. have been D. has been

26. A modern city has been set up in

was a wasteland ten years ago . (2004 天津)

A. what B. which

C. that D. where

27. You are saying that everyone should be equal , and this is

I disagree .(2004全国)

A.why B. where

C. what D. how

28. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months ,

the sailing time was 226 days .


A. of which B. during which

C. from which D. for which

29. Is that the town you often refer to ?

Right , just the one

you know I used to work for years.


A. that B. which

C. where D. what

30. Frank"s dream was to have his own shop to produce the workings of his own hands .


A. that B. in which

C. by which D. how

31. Smoking of any material is forbidden ,

is the drinking of the wine .

A. which B. what

C. as D. that

32. Her sister has become a lawyer,

she wanted to be .


A. who B. that

C. what D. which

33. Having checked the doors were closed , and

all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom . (2007湖南)

A. why B. that

C. when D. where


1-5 DBBCA 6-10 ABCBB 11-15 DAACA 16-20 CABBC

21-25 ABADD 26-30 ABACB 31-33 CDB


1. It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle是个完整的句子,所以后边要么是个从句,要么是个并列句(并列句里要有主语、谓语),要么是个独立成分。由于the top cut off 不是完整句子(完整的句子应该是the top is cut off),答案是D。 with its top cut off 是独立成分。

2.there was a garden 是个完整的句子, 后边要么是个从句,要么是个并列句,要么是个独立成分… owner seated 不是完整的句子(…owner was seated 才是完整的句子),所以选择B。

3.这是一个需要辨别定语从句和地点状语从句的题型。只有在定语从句中,关系副词( when,where,why,how)才可以转换为介词加上which。where引导的是状语从句。学生的易错点在于把句中的从句当做定语从句。可是定语从句应该和前面的名词即先行词有着修饰限定作用。然而, 本句的意思是:你应该把东西放在你下次能找到的地方。

4.很明显we hadn"t expected 的是 The result of the experiment was very good 这件事,这时,我们答题要从as 和which中选择。As常常翻译成:正如,好像。

5.学生按照思维定式,见到 reason,time,place 不假思索就想选择why, when, where.可是做定语从句题的时候需要对从句进行句子成分分析。通过分析发现,reason 做 explained 的宾语,所以选择A。


7.根据比较状语从句的前后句子结构相同,选择 B。

8.这道题学生的易错点在于学生没有正确掌握unless的含义。Unless=if … not所以为了不引起歧义,在做题时,一定把它理解:如果不。

9.本题的易错点在于:学生对whether 的理解就是它常常和or not 连用。没有看到or not就不选whether .其实whether自己就可以表示不论。

10.这是一个考查状语从句省略的问题。本题的答案是:B。 补充完整后变为:when the drug is taken 。

11.解析:这是一个考查强调句式与其他从句区别的题。学生的易错点是:见到it was …就把它当做强调句式了。这是强调句式的判断方法是把在it was …that去掉后,句子仍然成立,只不过可能需要颠倒一下句子位置。这句话的意思是我们没有达到小镇之前,就已经是傍晚了。

12.解析:这是一个辨别宾语从句和时间状语从句的题型。根据Tell sb sth,when 引导的是宾语从句。而只有在时间、条件、让步状语从句中才用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以选择A。

13.这是一个考查定语从句先行词在定语从句中的位置的题。正确语序应该是 getting water is the most serious of the problems .所以选择A。

14.这是一个考查复杂句式分析能力的题型。第二个人所说的话里中心句子是you should look at the support the university can offer you。

15.这是一个定语从句常考的一个题型。one 是a teacher 同位语,whom 引导定语从句修饰one。

16.这道题考查的知识点是:before 表示:还没来得及。

17.while 位于句首可以表示:尽管、虽然。

18.本文的易错点是:定语从句和强调句式容易混淆;that 既可以是连词还可以是代词。另外, 我们也要考虑对话情景。When was that exactly 中, that 代指he was nearly killed by a car once 这件事。 It was in 2011 when he was riding a bike on the drive-way(that he was nearly killed by a car once)中括号部分被省略了,如果想在2011后填that 理解为强调句式, 又和上文when was that exactly 所问非所答。


20.这是一个习惯性的错误。看到so,学生就想到它的搭配是as 或 that,没有仔细把后文读完。


22.这道题容易犯经验主义错误,认为although 只能放在句首, 其实它既可以放在句首又可以放在句中。


24.when 可以表示:考虑到。这一点也容易被忽略。


26.这是一个容易受汉语翻译影响的题型。Where, when,why 等是副词, 在从句中不能充当主语或宾语, 所以选择A。

27.这是一个容易受母语干扰的题型。 汉语中同意是及物动词, 可是disagree在英语中是不及物动词。

28.这道题容易犯的错误是:没有正确地把先行词还原到定语从句中。还原后句子变成the sailing time of the nine months was 226 days 而不是 the sailing time during the nine months was 226 days。

29.这是一个考查断句能力的题型。本题应该在work后断开,即 for years 是状语。



32.这道题看起来简单, 但是学生却容易把lawyer当做一个人而不是一个职业。

33.这道题的考察点是:几个并列从句从第二个从句起, 连词不能省略。










\威廉希尔app 高考试频道  
