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Called the “embodiment(化身)of pure intellect(智力)”, Albert Einstein has long been considered one of the most brilliant men who ever lived. During his life, and ever since his death, people everywhere have wondered how one man could have possessed such genius.海南高考英语试题真题由威廉希尔app 提供!

Now, over 50 years since he died, a new study by Falk of Florida State University, US, has uncovered more about the physicist’s brain, thanks to some newly presented photos.

When Einstein died in 1955 at the age of 76, a scientist named Thomas Harvey removed Einstein’s brain and preserved it. Harvey sliced(切片)the brain into hundreds of pieces and took 14 photos from several angles. Harvey showed these brain slices to the public, but kept the photos private.

The displayed brain slices allowed scientists a glance into the source of Einstein’s genius, but the findings were very limited. In 1999, for example, researchers at McMaster University, US, compared Einstein’s brain with those of about 90 normal people and found that “one area of his brain was significantly different from most people’s”.

Three years after Harvey died, his family finally donated the 14 photos to the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington DC in 2010. Falk and her team began analyzing the photos in 2011 and have made out several previously unrecognized unusual things.

In the new study, published Nov 16 in the magazine Brain, Falk found that the size and shape of Einstein’s brain are both normal, but the brilliant physicist had extra folding in his brain’s gray matter, which is responsible for conscious thinking. Scientists believe that more folding creates more connections between distant brain cells, allowing one to make mental leaps(跳跃)more easily.

In addition, a part called the frontal lobes(脑前叶), which plays a key role in abstract(抽象)thought, also had unusual folding. This may have helped Einstein develop the theory of relativity.

“He did thought experiments where he’d imagine himself riding alongside a beam of light, and this is exactly the part of the brain one would expect to be very active in such thought experiments,” Falk told Live Science.

However, scientists are still puzzled: Was Einstein’s brain extraordinary from birth or did years of pondering(思索)physics make it that way? Falk believes both played a role. “He was born with a very good brain, and he had the kinds of experiences that allowed him to develop the potential he had,” she said.

Look into Einstein’s mind

71  for the study ◆Albert Einstein is considered one of the most brilliant men worldwide.

◆People everywhere always wonder   72   could make a man with such genius.

Harvey’s contributions ◆Harvey took out and   73   Einstein’s brain when he died.

◆Harvey cut the brain into pieces and showed them to the public, but he kept private the   74   he had taken.

Researchers’ findings from the brain slices ◆There are significant   75    between Einstein’s brain and most other people’s in some area.

Donation of Harvey’s family  ◆After Harvey died, his family donated the 14 photos, which helped   76  more about Einstein’s brain.

Falk’s findings ◆Einstein had far more folding in his brain’s gray matter, which is in   77    of conscious thinking.

◆  78  , Einstein had unusual folding in the frontal lobes, which plays a key role in abstract thought.

A new   79   of the scientists Was Einstein born with the extraordinary brain or did he   80   it through his scientific work?海南高考英语试题真题由威廉希尔app 提供!


71. Reasons  72. what  73. preserved / kept / stored   74. photos   75. differences76. uncover / find / discover / learn / know  77. charge   78. Besides / Moreover / Additionally / Furthermore      79. puzzle / question    80. develop / evolve




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