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湖北高考英语知识点:run out与run out of



湖北高考英语知识点:run out与run out of

二者均表示“用完、耗尽”,但run out不及物,同give out, run short;而run out of及物,相当于use up, run short of。对比:Money is running out.钱快用光了。We’re running out of money.我们的钱快用光了。

All the money has given out./All the money has been used up.所有的钱已花光。

The oil is running short.油快用完了。

He is running short of oil.他快把油用完了。


Key:Two weeks passed, and their food ran out.

Two weeks passed, and they ran out of the food.

Two weeks passed, and their food gave out.

Two weeks passed, and their food had been used up.

Two weeks passed, and their food ran short.

Two weeks passed, and they ran short of the food.


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