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1-5.ABCCA  6-10ACABC   11-15.BCB AB 16-20.CACCB



22.C考察冠词,gift 和best-seller可数名词前应加不定冠词。

23.C whatever引导让步状语从句,符合what+adj+n.结构。


25.B  result in相当于cause。take over接替;接管;接收;hold on抓紧,不放松;别挂断;keep to遵守诺言等。

26.C 句中缺主语,应用动名词,且表被动。



29.A  交际用语,由下文“Could I have a few more minutes?” 可知没准备点菜,“Not quite ”“不怎么样”、“没那么好(确定,真实,满意)”符合此意。

30.D whoever引导宾语从句,相当于anybody who。

31.D 根据下文可知我不在那里工作应经两年了,应是否定回答,且上文是do,故选择D。

32.A 考察动词词义,resemble“像,类似”


34.C考查形容词。be convenient for sth.附近的,近便的,容易到达的。be close to ...离……近。

35.D 考察定语从句,从句中缺少状语,应用where和介词on+which。



37.A。这句话说明了我的女儿刚上幼儿园,所以选A。offer “提供”;supply “供应”;另外,give也不能和kindergarten搭配。




41.B。这句话说“我也努力地确保他们快乐,过得愉快”,have fun才是“过得快乐”的意思。horror是恐怖的意思,honor是荣誉的意思,game是游戏的意思。所以选B。


43.A。 这里说的是我是个孩子地时候,在这里度过了很多时光。adult是成人的意思,merchant是商人的意思,waiter是服务员的意思,所以选A。





48.D。根据上文中的make pancakes和下文中的叫外卖及上下文中的but可知,这里讲的是作者不是真地会做饭。


50.A。这句话的意思是我有一部新的电影正在发行。coming out是“出版,发行”,coming up是“走进,发芽”,coming across是“偶然遇见”,coming over是“改变立场或意见”,根据语境选A。



53.B。这里的语境是养活一个家庭有如此多的东西可以学习。raise是“养育,培养”,而bring up才是此意,所以选B。

54.A。这句话说的是当你离开这个星球是你给予的要比你带走的多。take away是“带走,拿走”,take up是“从事”,take off是“脱掉,起飞”,take on是“呈现,负担”,所以选B。




56.推理判断题,答案选B。根据第一(There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me)、五段(How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty)的描述,推理判断可知。

57.推理判断题,答案选A。根据第一、二段,尤其第一段中the orphanage(孤儿院) turned me into an old man.,以及蝴蝶被别在硬纸板上的命运得知。

58.推理判断题,答案选C。根据全文,尤其第五段得知,作者对house parent把美丽的蝴蝶别在硬纸板上,联想到被困在孤儿院,所以对house parent的行为是反感的、厌恶的。

59.细节理解题,答案选D。根据最后一段中I spat on its wing and tried to get it to stick back on,But it would not stay on him.得知。

60.细节理解题。答案选D。根据文中“How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty.”一句可知答案。


61.D 推理判断题。根据第一段的第一句话以及第三段的We want to take our audience to the front lines of global warming可以判断Steger是想通过到北极的探险,让人们了解全球变暖对北极以及对地球的影响。

62.C 细节推断题。根据第三段的The team will be uploading videos,stories and photos to the website global warming 101.com as they  march  along,allowing armchair adventurers and kids in classrooms to follow their progress day to day可知Steger等人会把探险过程中的录像、图片等上传到网站上,人们可以到网站上了解他们的进程。

63.D 细节判断题。从第五段可以直接得出A、B项是正确的,C项也可以从第三句推断出来:极地地理环境将改变,这同时也是极地生物的生存环境,它们的生活必将面临危险。而D项则是极地探险活动希望达成的目的,即引起人类对此问题的关注和对自身行为的反思。

64.A 细节推断题。根据最后一段中的信息可知Steger认为如果人们愿意改变现在的生活方式,就可以重塑地球的未来。

65.B 归纳标题题。根据文章内容可知Steger要带六名年轻的探险家利用狗拉的雪橇到北极探险,因此选B项。


66.C 词义猜测题,根据“We had a hard time calming down students”以及“Media coverage may arouse some students’ negative emotions again.”可知校方对此的态度是拒绝采访。

67.C 具体细节题,根据文中“Advisors and class leaders conducted dorm-to-dorm checks to find students suffering depression.”可知答案。


68.D 具体细节题。根据原文中“Leaflets carrying similar information were handed out to each dorm.”可知D项错误。

69.具体细节题,根据文中“But the school didn’t know this until the students’ close friends outside school and their parents unveiled the truth after the suicides.”一句可知D项正确。

70.B 主旨大意题,按照提出现象和问题,分析产生此现象的原因,给出解决方法,方法是重点。

D篇 为了给慈善事业募捐, 英国56岁的老妇横渡英吉利海峡,意外的是,她创造了最慢的记录

71.C.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Mrs Cobell took to the water so well at school.”可得答案。

72.B。推理判断题。根据第一段The time was 6:40am.28 hours and 44 minutes later 和Mrs Cobell started at Dover Saturday morning 可判断

73.A。 细节理解题。根据第二段She had struggled through changing tides that swept her first one way, then the other,可知

74.C。细节理解题。根据第三段Her feat (壮举) raised more than $2,000 in charity sponsorship 和 That was why she did it.可知

75.A。判断推理题。 根据末段But maybe next time I might be a bit quicker 可推断,她对这个记录不满意。


76.Rules of Internet communication / Rules we should follow when chatting online.(3分)


77.Because we should treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.(3分)


78.to ask others personal questions(3分)


79.I think the basic rule is the best.In real life, we usually want others to be good to us, but we seldom consider our own behavior.


80.We shouldn’t tell strangers online our home address, phone number, bank account or password etc.(3分)



One possible version:

Would you offer a hand to strangers in trouble?

Recently, some unbelievable events happened in our country.Some aged citizens fell down carelessly in the street,unfortunately the passers-by didn't offer a hand to help them up.What's worse, in a hit-and-run accident, a baby girl was run over by cars but ignored by many passers-by at the scene.

On hearing the terrible news, I was shocked at some people's lack of sympathy.How can they be so cruel? An ordinary person will even give a dog a hand when the accident occurs to it, let alone a living human.Being ready to help others is a traditional virtue.As far as I'm concerned, if I have the chance to offer others a hand when they are in need, I will spare no effort to help them out.Only if everybody devotes their love can we make a better world.


Text 1

M: I'm not feeling so well.

W: Get some rest and take these three times a day and you should feel better.If you don't, come back and see me.

Text 2

M: I met Sam on the street today.

W: Really? Did he say something about his sister?

M: Yes.She ought to be leaving New York very soon, because her husband has taken a job in Los Angeles.

Text 3

M: Are you sure you've corrected all the mistakes in the paper?

W: Perhaps I'd better read it through again.

Text 4

M: Does this bill belong to you?

W: Oh thanks, I've just lost five pounds.

M: I'm glad that I've found the owner, otherwise I would have to go to the Lost and Found.

Text 5

M: We'd better hurry.I think that's our flight.

W: Have I got time to get a newspaper?

M: Well, I don't think we have time.Look---

W: All right, well, you take that bag, and I'll take this one.

Text 6

W: Err, well, I think there is a job that could well interest you.

M: Really?

W: Yeah.It’s at a high school in the North of London.

M: Oh, yes.

W: Yeah.They’re looking for a French teacher.

M: Oh, that sounds interesting.How much do they pay?

W: Well, I seem to remember they mentioned something in the area of sixty-five thousand a year.

M: Uh huh.

W: And, well, I think the job, you know, includes the normal teaching hours.I suppose you’d have a thirty-five-hour week.

M: Oh, really? When does the job start?

W: Err, well, you know, at the beginning of September.

(Text 7)

There were three professors at the railway station.They were deep in conversation.The train had just moved, but they did not notice it.Then the guard shouted, “Take your seats, please!”

The professors heard the guard and rushed for the train.Two of them got on the train before it moved.The third one was left behind.It was Professor Egghead.He looked sad.

One of the professor’s students was at the station.He tried to comfort the professor.“It wasn’t bad, sir,” said the student, “two out of three caught the train.That’s quite good, you know.” “I know,” the professor said, “but it was my train.My friends only came to say goodbye.”

Text 8


W: Do you have any suggestions for getting along with others? It seems that none of my classmates likes me.

M: Is that so serious? Don't be so pessimistic; at least you have my friendship.

W:Well, except you.

M: I heard that you and Lucy had a quarrel yesterday.

W: You mean that spoiled rich kid?

M: Actually she is kind-hearted, too.Could you tell me why you quarreled?

W: Just for a small thing.Well, I thought she was just a rich princess, but it seems that we have a lot in common.

M: I'm glad you've realized that at last.You don't really hate each other, so why don't you make up?

W: You mean I take the initiative? No, that's the last thing l want to do.

M:Come on,you can do it.

W: Well, not now, maybe later.

M: OK.It doesn't matter as long as you do it.

W: Thank you.You helped a lot.

Text 9

M:Say,Lisa,what are you watching?

W:A Japanese film.I’m going to spend all next year in Japan,and I’d better get to know more about its culture.

M:You mean you are accepted into the program?


M:That’s wonderful.You must be excited.

W:Excited and nervous.You know I must work on some basic conversation skills.

M:How much Japanese can you understand?

W:Only a little now.But I’11 attend a special language class next month.

M:I wish 1 were as clever as you are in foreign languages.I’d love to study abroad.

W:Then why don’t you? The school has a lot of programs that don’t require the mastery of a

foreign language.You just have to be the kind of person who is and can get used to a new environment fast.

M:I thought all programs required one to know a foreign language.Thank you for letting me know this.

Text 10

It was very difficult to find a job in the northeast of England and John lost his.He found it impossible to get a new one.He has spent all his money.So he decided to go down to the south of the country, where it was said that things were better, and that it was easier to find a job.The best way to go was by train.So he went to the railway station and got into a train which was going to London.He was the only passenger in his car, when another man came in carrying a gun and said to him, “Your money or your life?” “I haven’t got a penny,” John answered.“But why are you shaking so much?” The man with the gun asked angrily.“Because I thought you were the ticket-collector, and I haven’t even got a ticket, “answered John.






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