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Cloud seeding is a method of artificially causing clouds to produce precipitation (降水) in the form of rain or snow.Cloud seeding has also been used in attempts to modify the severity of hail storms and hurricanes.The effectiveness of cloud seeding remains controversial.but it continues to be used in some regions to try to increase rainfall for agriculture and to build snow packs for water supplies and power production.

Cloud seeding was developed by American scientists Irving Langmuir and Vincent Joseph Schaefer during and after World War II.Their work began as an effort to learn more about the buildup of ice on airplane wings, and eventually led them to attempt to create rainfall by releasing several pounds of crushed frozen carbon dioxide into a cloud from an airplane.In this form, the carbon dioxide is called dry ice.On November 13, 1946, the technique appeared to produce snow directly under the cloud; the snow then turned to rain as it fell to the ground.

For their experiment, Langmuir and Schaefer selected a supercooled cloud, one in which the water droplets remain liquid in subfreezing temperatures.Their theory was that small grains of dry ice falling through the cloud would cause tiny droplets of water vapor in the cloud to freeze into crystals(晶体) that attracted more water vapor.Their theory proved to be correct and eventually the crystals became heavy enough to fall from the cloud as snow.As the snow reached the warmer temperatures closer to the ground, it melted and became rain.

Another scientist, Bernard Vonnegut, produced a method of cloud seeding using silver iodide (碘化银).He used particles of silver iodide because its crystal structure resembled that of ice in clouds.Silver iodide also had practical advantages over frozen carbon dioxide It could be stored at room temperature and did not require an airplane as a delivery mechanism.Instead, silver iodide crystals could be fired by cannons (大炮) high into the air, where wind carried them into the clouds.

56.The underlined word “modify” in the first paragraph probably means “______”.

A.increase    B.ease       C.cause   D. avoid

57.According to the text, Langmuir and Schaefer had intended to deal with__

A.how to freeze carbon dioxide

B.how to remove ice on plane wings

C.how to make weather forecast for the war

D how to hide planes in clouds at war

58.What is the CORRECT order of the course for cloud seeding with dry ice?

a.snow becoming rain in warmer temperatures

b.crystals attracting more water vapor

c.crystals falling in the form of snow

d.crystals becoming very heavy

e.freezing tiny droplets of water vapor into crystals

f.putting small grains of dry ice in the cloud

A.a-c-f-d-b-e                 B.b-f-e-a-c-d

C.f-e-b-d-c-a                     D.e-a-d-c-b-f

59.Bernard chose silver iodide as a method of cloud seeding because___.

A.it is much cheaper than dry ice         B.it can be stored at any rooms

C.it can be sent into clouds by wind     D.it is similar

60.The best title for the passage may be "____".

A.Cloud Seeding                     B.Artificial Raining

C.Weather Changing                   D.Cloud Gathering


Australia has passed regulations that will enable more international students to further their education in the country.

The new measures were released by the Australian Department of Tertiary Education, Skills, Jobs and Workplace Relations in September and will take effect in mid­2014.

As a result, the student visa application process for overseas students has been simplified, and the deposit(押金)required to study in Australia has been reduced. Language requirements for overseas students have also been eased.

Also, overseas students receiving a higher education in Australia will be granted a working visa lasting from two to four years after graduation, as long as they meet the basic IELTS requirement.

“This change will definitely make Australia a more attractive destination for Chinese students planning to study overseas,” says Wang Lan, a consultant from Education International Cooperation Group(EIC), a Beijing-based company that provides services to students wishing to study overseas.

However, in the past few years, many of Wang’s student clients(客户)could not start studies in Australia because they did not meet the language requirements, visa processing took a long time and deposit regulations were tough. The change in policy is good news for the parents of students wishing to study in Australia, Wang says.

A 22­year­old female student surnamed Li, in Beijing, who is planning to do her postgraduate studies in Australia, learned about the policy change several weeks ago.

“According to the previous deposit requirement for my student visa, my family was required to put down 550,000 yuan ($86,850). Now we only need to prepare 410,000 yuan. This is a relief for my parents,” Li says.

She also says that the two to four years working visa makes her feel much clearer about her study plans.“ I believe several years of working experience abroad will strengthen my competitiveness when I return to China,” she says.

Gaining a competitive advantage is the major reason for Chinese students to study abroad, according to the report by EIC.

61. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Language requirement for overseas students have been eased in Australia.

B. Australia is a most attractive place for students in China.

C. Australia widens window of opportunity for international students.

D. More students will work in Australia after their graduation.

62. Which of the following is NOT the content of the new regulations?

A. The student visa application process for overseas students has been simplified.

B. The deposit required to study in Australia has been reduced.

C. Language requirements for overseas students have been more difficult.

D. After graduation, some overseas students can get a working visa in Australia.

63. After the new regulations are passed, ________.

A. more students will come to Australia to work

B. more Chinese students will choose to live in Australia

C. the opportunities to work in Australia decrease for overseas students

D. more Chinese students will choose to further their education in Australia

64. How much can Li’s parents save according to the new regulations?

A. 550,000 yuan     B. 140,000 yuan      C. 410,000 yuan    D. 86,850 yuan

65. Why do many students want to work in Australia after their graduation?

A. The working experience abroad will strengthen their competitiveness.

B. They can earn more money in Australia.

C. Their working experience can make them stay in Australia forever.

D. They have to do so according to the new regulations.


iPhone owners are vainer (虚荣) and spend more on clothes and grooming(仪容) than those who have BlackBerrys and Android phones, new research claims.

BlackBerry owners earn the most and are more likely to have long-term relationships, while people with Android handsets are most creative and the best cooks.

The study, carried out by TalkTalk Mobile, surveyed 2,000 owners of the three major smartphone brands to determine whether the choice of handset was an extension(延伸) of their personality. The study rated users in various walks of life using a point scoring system including personalities, daily habits and the type of industries they work in.

Other results from the study found that people with an iPhone are more image conscious and generally rate themselves more attractive than those with other handsets. They are most likely to describe themselves as adventurous, bright and are most likely to work in media, publishing and education. They also believe their boss rates them highly. Apple owners also tend to have done more travelling and are the most active on social media sites.

BlackBerry owners were found to be the least punctual(准时的) ,but despite putting in the least hours at work they are the most active phone user—sending more texts and making more calls in the average day than any other phone user. They are more social and have more friends overall. They also earn nearly two and a half thousand pounds a year more than other smarphone owners, with an average salary of $27,406. BlackBerry users classed themselves so loud and mainly work in the health, finance or property sectors. They were also found to drink more tea and coffee each day than any other phone user.

Android owners were found to watch more TV than others and drink the most alcohol—consuming more in an average week than iPhone and BlackBerry drinkers. They have the most jobs in engineering, the government and public services and environmental services. They have the best manners and are more shy and relaxed than their counterparts.

Dan Meader, Director of Mobile at TalkTalk, said, “Many of us have our mobile phones on us almost constantly so they do become an extension of us in many ways. It’s interesting to see then how the choice in handset may reflect different aspects of personality and the results do show some unusual differences.”

66. What do we know about BlackBerry users?

A. They work latest.          B. They drink most alcohol.

C. They are the highest earners.       D. They are values most by their bosses.

67. What were Android users found to be like?

A. Loud.      B. Brave.      C. Polite.   D. Confident.

68. Dan Meader may agree that the kind of mobile phone we use            ..

A. will decide the way we live our life

B. can be a window into the lives we lead

C. can change our personalities gradually

D. has become the most important part of our life

69. How is the text organized?

A. By drawing comparisons.             B. By giving reasons only.

C. By providing examples.             D. By giving solutions.


“OK,”I said to my daughter as she bent over her afternoon bowl of rice. “What’s going on with you and your friend J.?” J. is the leader of a group of third-graders at her camp-- a position Lucy herself occupied the previous summer. Now she’s the one on the outs. and every day at snack time, she tells me all about it, while I offer the unhelpful advice all summer long.

“She’s fond of giving orders, ”Lucy complained. “She’s turning everyone against me. She’s mean.  And she’s fat.” “Excuse me,” I said, struggling for calm. “What did you just said?” “She’s fat.” Lucy mumbled(含糊地说).“We’re going upstairs,” I said, my voice cold. “We’re going to discuss this.” And up we went. I’d spent the nine years since her birth getting ready for this day, the day we’d have the conversation about this horrible word. I knew exactly what to say to the girl on the receiving end of the teasing, but in all of my imaginings, it never once occurred to me that my daughter would be the one who used the F word-Fat.

My daughter sat on her bed, and I sat beside her. “How would you feel if someone made fun of you for something that wasn’t your fault?” I began. “She could stop eating so much,” Lucy mumbled, mouthing the simple advice a thousand doctors have given overweight women for years.

“It’s not always that easy,” I said . “Everyone’s different in terms of how they treat food.” Lucy looked at me, waiting for me to go on. I opened my mouth, then closed it. Should I tell her that, in teasing a woman’s weight, she’s joined the long tradition of critics? Should I tell her I didn’t cry when someone posted my picture and commented , “I’m sorry, but aren’t authors who write books marketed to young women supposed to be pretty?”

Does she need to know, now, that life isn’t fair ? I feel her eyes on me, waiting for an answer I don’t have. Words are my tools. Stories are my job. It’s possible she’ll remember what I say forever, and I have no idea what to say.

So I tell her the only thing I can come up with that is absolutely true. I say to my daughter, “I love you, and there is nothing you could ever do to make me not love you. But I’m disappointed in you right now. There are plenty of reasons for not liking someone. What she looks like isn’t one of them. ”

Lucy nods, tears on her cheeks. “I won’t say that again,” she tells me, and I pull her close, pressing my nose against her hair. As we sit there together,  I pray for her to be smart and strong. I pray for her to find friends, work she loves, a partner who loves her. And still, always, I pray that she will never struggle as I’ve struggled, that weight will never be her cross to bear. She may not be able to use the word in our home, but I can use in my head. I pray that she will never get fat.

70.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 indicates that Lucy ______.

A. often makes fun of her friend J.             B. has turned against her friend J.

C. gets along well with her friend J.            D. has begun to compete with her friend J.

71.Why does the author want to discuss with Lucy?

A. Because she wants to offer some other helpful advice.

B. Because she has prepared the conversation for nine years.

C. Because she is really shocked at Lucy’s rudeness.

D. Because she decides to tell Lucy a similar story of her own.

72.What does the author want to tell her daughter?

A. It is not easy to take the doctors’ advice to eat less.

B. People shouldn’t complain because life is unfair.

C. She herself was once laughed at for her appearance.

D. People shouldn’t be blamed for their appearance.

73.It can be inferred from the passage that_________.

A. the author earns a living by writing stories.

B. the author is a fat but good-looking woman.

C. the author will stop loving her daughter for what she said.

D. the author’s daughter agreed with her from the very beginning.

74.We can learn from the last paragraph that_________.

A. Lucy was deeply moved by her mother’s prayer.

B. a mother’s prayer will shape her daughter’s attitude towards life

C. the author allows her daughter to use the F word in her head

D. the author hopes her daughter will never have weight trouble

75.The author’s attitude towards her daughter can be best described as _________.

A. loving but strict                    B. indifferent but patient

C. satisfied and friendly                D. unsatisfied and angry

第II卷(非选择题  满分35分)

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节   阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


[1]If you can’t find your keys , ask a woman. It’s reported that females are better than males at multitasking, particularly if those tasks include searching for lost items, for example , the car keys.

[2]Researchers carried out two experiments, in which men and women have to juggle(同时做)several tasks. Examples of this include working in a busy office or cooking several dishes at once for a meal. In the first battle of the sexes , the volunteers played a computer game that required rapid changes of attention. Both sexes slowed down , but the women slowed less. This suggests that they found multitasking easier.

[3]In the second experiment , volunteers were given 8 minutes to complete a set of sums , search for restaurants on a map and work out the route they would take to search for a set of keys lost in a field. The two sexes did well on all the tasks, but the key hunt — in which the searches planned by the women were judged to be clearly superior. When it is the only thing to be done, both sexes are equally good at it. It showed that men’s ability to plan a search for lost keys breaks down, when put under the pressure of multitasking. The results suggest that women are better at multitasking than men.

[4] Women’s advantage at doing tasks has its roots in evolution. In the Stone Age , men could probably go out and hunt for food , while the women stayed at home and multi-tasked. They were always looking out for their children , as well as doing other things , like gathering fruits and doing mending and making stone tools. Men probably have somewhat more of a one-track mind.

76. What does the text mainly talk about ? (no more than 6 words )

77. How many experiments did researchers do ? (no more than 2 words )

78. In the first battle of the sexes , what did the volunteers do ? (no more than 12 words )

79. When searching for lost keys is their only task , how do both sexes perform ? (no more than 5 words )

80. What work did men mainly do in the Stone Age ? (no more than 8 words )

第二节 书面表达(共25分)

假如你是李华,你们班的交换生Mandy 想让你推荐一本书给她。你推荐的书是《千万个为什么》,请根据以下要点写一封E-mail向她介绍一下这本书。






参考词汇:《千万个为什么》The Big Book of Why   随附accompany

Dear Mandy,

I’m very happy to hear that you are enjoying reading books.


Li Hua






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