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1 听力1-5 BABCB     6-10ACCBB       11-15BCABB     16-20CAABB

2 阅读21-23BCB  24-27DACB   28-31 ADBC     32-35 BCDA   36-40GDFCA

完形 41-45 CBDAB   46-50 DDCBA  51-55 CABDA   56-60 CACBD



61. a 62. if 63. such as 64. widely 65. following

66. either 67. with 68. Why 69. considered 70. gentleness

5. 改错

Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park. The park was full of freshness and beautiful of spring, with the sun shining and birds sing. When I was

beauty                                         singing

enjoying the fantastic scenery around, something unpleasant caught their eyes. A young


couple in a boat was eating, talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only people in the


world.Which  is  worse ,they spat and even threw rubbish into the lake, total ignoring the

What                                                   totally

noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby. What ∧ shame!


Such behavior leaves me deep in thought. If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do as the


couple did so, the lake will be severely polluted or soon turned into a huge dustbin.


6. 作文范文

Being driven by my father to school one day, I suddenly noticed many public bicycles parked along the road in my neighborhood. Behind them on the wall was a sign reading “Green Travel”. Feeling it my duty to do something, I told my father that I would give up his car and rent a bike instead.

Back home that day, I searched the Internet for information about how and where to rent a bike. I found out that there was a rental service nearby, where I could apply for a rental card. The next day I headed toward it immediately after school. To be honest, I was a bit surprised to find quite a few people lining up there for the cards. I joined them and finally got one. The next day I first rode a bike to the subway station and then took the subway to school.

The bicycle seat is not as comfortable as a car seat, but I feel proud that I am doing something for the environment.






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