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“A very disruptive(制造混乱的) six­year­old child kicked my legs and clawed at my hand,”said one teacher. “I broke up a fight and was kicked between my legs,”said another. Many people have heard stories like this. But the situation is more worrying still and it involves parents.

Every child, regardless of the circumstances into which they are born, has the right to achieve their potential, regardless of their parents' wealth and class. And we recognize that, as a nation,it is a long way to achieve this goal. But rights come with responsibilities and what worries people is that we are in danger of neglecting the latter.

Far too many children are behaving badly at school,even to the point of being violent to staff. This is terrible enough,but it is hard to be surprised since many children are just mirroring the behavior of their parents. Too many are starting school unable to hold a knife and fork, unused to eating at a table,and unable to use the lavatory properly.

We are in danger of becoming a nation of families_living_separate_lives_under_one_roof. The bedroom, once a place to sleep,has become the living space for the young. Spending hours in front of computer screens, on social networking sites or being immersed in computer games, children and young people spend little time with their parents. Parents are unable to monitor just what their children are watching.

Schools cannot right the wrongs of society and teachers cannot become substitute parents. Both parties need to work together. Parents must be helped and given confidence to take back control. They are responsible for setting boundaries for their children's behavior and sticking to those boundaries when the going gets tough. They are responsible for setting a good example to their children and for devoting that most precious of resources—time—so that children come to school readily and are willing to learn.

36.In the opinion of the writer, what problem do people ignore?

A.The school violence.

B.The pressure of students' learning.

C.The right to achieve students potential.

D.The responsibilities of the students.

37.The writer's attitude to the behaviors of parents may be that of ________.

A.dissatisfied  B.unconcern

C.understanding  D.tolerance

38.The underlined part in Para. 4 means________.

A.parents and children live in their separate rooms

B.parents care little about children's life at home

C.children don't live with their parents in the same room

D.at home children live a different life from that of parents

39.From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________.

A.schools can't correct the wrongs that society does to teachers

B.teachers have no responsibility for playing the role of parents

C.parents should spend time with children making them ready to learn

D.students are responsible for making themselves known in society

40.What't the main idea of the passage?

A.Children's behavior at school is worrying people.

B.Parents expect schools to correct their children's bad habits.

C.There is no point in parents' teaching children at home.[来源:Z,xx,k.Com]

D.Don't blame teachers when it's parents who are failing.


Motorists who used to listen to the radio or their favorite tunes on CDs may have a new way to entertain themselves, after engineers in Japan developed a musical road surface.

A team from the Hokkaido Industrial Research Institute has built a number of “melody roads”, which use cars as tuning forks(音叉)to play music as they travel.

The concept works by using grooves(凹槽).They are cut at very specific intervals in the road surface. The melody road uses the spaces between to create different notes.

Depending on how far apart the grooves are, a car moving over them will produce a series of high or low notes, and designers are able to create a distinct tune.

Patent documents for the design describe it as notches(刻痕)“formed in a road surface so as to play a melody without producing simple sound or rhythm and reproduce melody­like tones”.

There are three musical strips in central and northern Japan—one of which plays the tune of a Japanese pop song. Reports say the system was invented by Shizuo Shinoda.He scraped some markings into a road with a bulldozer(推土机)before driving over them and found that they helped to produce all kinds of tones.

The optimal speed for melody road is 44 kph,but people say it is not always easy to get the intended sound.

“You need to keep the car windows closed to hear well,”wrote one Japanese blogger.“Driving too fast will sound like playing fast forward, while driving around 12 mph[20 km/h]has a slow­motion effect, making you almost car­sick.”

41.According to the passage,melody roads use________to create different notes.

A.cars  B.grooves

C.spaces between intervals  D.bulldozers

42.We can learn from the passage that the highness of notes is depended on________.

A.how far the grooves are

B.how big the grooves are

C.the number of the grooves

D.the speed of the car

43.The underlined word “optimal” in the passage might mean________.

A.fastest  B.possible

C.best  D.suitable

44.In order to hear the music well,you have to________.

A.drive very fast

B.drive slowly

C.open the windows wide

D.keep the windows closed

45.What's the best title of the passage?

A.A New Type of Music

B.Melody Roads in Japan

C.A Musical Road Surface[来源:Zxxk.Com]

D.A New Invention in Japan

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



A.Bing Wing Carrels

Study desks with a lockable storage compartment are located on the third floor of the Bing Wing of Green Library. Graduate students and visiting scholars are given priority for carrel assignments. Undergraduate students, if assigned, may use a carrel for one quarter at a time.

B.The Velma Denning Room

The Velma Denning Room provides a focused environment for the data and software services offered by Social Science Data and Software (SSDS).

SSDS provides access to an extensive collection of datasets from consortia, foreign governments, international organizations and US agencies and offices on CD ­ROM and diskette. Users can view, download, or transfer numeric data on CD ­ROM and diskette from computer workstations.

C.Bender Room

The Albert M. Bender Room, with its wonderful views of the quad and the hills beyond the campus, offers comfortable seating and a quiet atmosphere for study, leisure reading, and reflection. The Bender Room contains a collection of good books of current and classic interest in fiction and non­fiction. This collection has been made possible by a generous gift from the Stanford University Bookstore.

D.Lane Reading Room

The Lane Reading Room, houses the Humanities and Area Studies Resource Center. From the beginning, the room has served as a reading room, first for general purposes, and later for the study of rare books and manuscripts(手稿). Traditional study and reading space is now complemented by Internet access (available from all seating in the room) and computer workstations. The Lane Reading Room houses the Humanities Digital Information Service (formerly the Academic Text Service), which provides access to SUL/AIR's electronic library of humanities texts as well as to electronic indexes, publications, and the Internet.

E.Dissertation(专题论文) Rooms

Dissertation Rooms are available to currently registered doctoral students. Priority is given to those students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who use the Green Library collections. Because the rooms are in high demand, all rooms are double­assigned and are available only to students who are both currently registered and advanced to candidacy.

F.Jonsson Social Sciences Reading Room

The Jonsson Social Sciences Reading Room is designed to facilitate a range of social science learning and research activities. A social science reference collection of over 15,000 volumes as well as classic texts, new and notable publications, and current issues of core journals in the social sciences are available. The Jonsson Reading Room is also home to the Social Sciences Resource Center computer cluster.


46.Lisa intends to go into studies on social science, and she is considering which specific question should be focused on. Rather than getting easy access to electronic texts, she would like to take a quick look at the new publications in the printed form first.

47.Ali is on a visit to the university. He has been invited to stay on campus for 2 weeks. At the library, he may need a place that can be locked up to keep his belongings.

48.Jack has finished his project on humanities. For several months he was seated in front of the computer screen writing his dissertation. Today he wants a change. A comfortable place with interesting novels, short stories, or even fairy tales is most favorable.

49.Ann, with a master's degree on social science, is one of the currently registered doctoral students. Her supervisor has asked her to search for some information in the SUL/AIR's electronic library. This is an urgent task.

50.Nick is doing a research on the Middle East. He badly needs a wide range of datasets from the area. He also plans to store the data on CD ­ROM so that he can use them later.


第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)























Joining Together to Build a Civilized City 大家齐动手,共建文明城











第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


News report:Four young female college students died on Friday after falling or jumping from a blazing room on the sixth floor of Shanghai Business School. Witness said one woman who jumped appeared to be aiming for bushes on the ground, but missed and landed on concrete. Witnesses said the other three were desperately trying to climb to another room amid roaring flames when they fell to the concrete paving.

The fire broke out in Room 602 of the seven­floor dormitory at the school's downtown campus on Zhongshan Road West, just after 6 am. The fire was caused by an electrical device used to heat water. This had ignited flammable objects, police said late Friday afternoon. After receiving reports of the fire at 6:12 am, police, firefighters and ambulances were quickly on the scene. The fire was extinguished by 6:30 am, according to the school.

There is only one public toilet on each floor to get water and fire extinguishers in the dormitory were outdated, students said.



2.以约120个词针对此篇报道发表你对校园安全问题的看法, 至少包括以下内容要点:










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