


【摘要】2013年高考将至,威廉希尔app 应广大考生需求特体整理了“2013年高考英语冲刺复习:冠词”,希望考上在有限的时间里,收获更多知识。在此预祝考生取得理想的成绩。

23、When you listen to people talk or read something without a title,try to invent       title that summarizes          main ideas.

A.the;a                 B.the;the               C.a:a                      D.a:the

24、 There is no doubt that the Diaoyu Islands are ________ part of China and what some Japanese have done recently is actually ________ offence against Chinese people.

A. a; /           B. a; the              C. the; /             D. /; an

25、 Most scientists seem to agree that ________ certain limit should be set on ________ consumption of cars to ease air pollution.

A. a; the                  B. /; the                 C. the; /                 D. the; the

26、The crazy song Cangam Style is really turning into ____    global phenomenon, which gives some old people _         surprise.

A. a;a                  B. the; the              C.a; 不填               D.不填;a

27、As      birthplace of Huaxia civilization,Xi' an is     city with a long history and abundant cultural relics.

A. the;a  B. a;a  C./;a  D. the;/

28、The manager will put whoever he thinks has       strong sense of duty in        leadership position.

A.a; the                  B.a; /                      C.the; /                   D.the; the

29、 — We had ______ really damp October this year.

— I can’t remember ______ autumn when it rained so much.

A. a; 不填                      B. 不填; the              C. the; an                            D. a; an

30、— I want some information on         package tour to Thailand.

— Ok, it costs $400, including         accommodation.

A. 不填; the                  B. a; an                         C. the; an                   D. the; 不填

31、 China, with 56.6 million people living in Internet connected homes, is now     second only to the US,      leading online rating service reported Monday.

A.the :a                   B.不填;a               C.不填;the           D.a;the

32、 As for reducing expenditure and job growth, we can't afford to do just one or    other, we've got to do       both, Mr Obama said at a town-hall meeting in Illinois before the 2012 Presidential election.

A.the; the                B.不填;the            C.the;不填             D.不填;不填

33、 Holiday is ________ time for leisure. But making good use of ________ time is not an easy task for most people.

A. the; the                    B. a; the                C. the; a                       D. 不填; a

34、My teacher asked me to copy _____ article _____ second time.

A.an; the              B.an; a                  C.the; a                  D.the; the

35、—What do you think about       dress in the shop window?

—Oh, it’s beautiful. You may give it to Linda as       birthday present.

A.a; a         B.the ;a       C.a ;the        D.the ;the

36、 In __face of the global financial crisis, we must be all of __mind.

A. the; the                         B.不填; 不填      C. the; 不填   D. 不填;a

37、As Susan stared at ______ piles of plastic in her recycling bin, ______ strong sense of responsibility made her stick to her recycling work.

A.不填;不填      B.不填; a            C.the ; a             D.the; the

38、Our teacher asked us to use      Internet as       resource when we work on our essays•

A.不填;a       B.不填;the         C.the ; a         D.the ; 不填

39、Besides the others, there was still      third one who said he was        second to reach the end.

A.a; a                     B.a; the                  C.the; the               D.the; a

40、 This park is ______ wonderful place for people to visit, ______ place where everybody can have a good time.

A.       a; a                            B. a; the                       C. the; a                       D. a; 不填


1、B 2、C 3、D 4、B 5、C 6、B 7、D 8、A 9、C 10、C

11、A 12、C 13、A 14、A 15、A 16、A 17、B 18、B 19、A 20、C

21、A 22、A 23、D 24、D 25、A 26、A 27、A 28、A 29、D 30、D

31、B 32、C 33、B 34、C 35、B 36、 D 37、C 38、C 39、B 40、A

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