


2013年高考将于6月7日、8日举行,威廉希尔app 高考频道编辑为广大考生整理了2013高考英语复习核心考点解析,帮助大家备考。

The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,_____it more difficult.

A.not make B.not to make C.not making D.do not make





例1:My brother ______while he ______his bicycle and hurt himself.(MET'89)

A.fell,was riding B.fell were riding

C.had fallen,rode D.had fallen,was riding


例2:On saturday afternoon,Mr Green went to the market,_____some bananas and

visited her cousin.(MET'91)

A.boughtB.buying C.to buyD.buy


例3:Playing football not only makes up grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit.(NMET'98)

[分析] not only … but also … 在这里连接并列谓语,根据对称原则,前面用的是一般现在时单数第三人称形式makes,后面一个应是一般现在时单数第三人称,故这行give应改为gives.

例4:They eager to know everything about 93.______China and asked me lots of questions.(NMET'96)




例5:The police found that the house______and a lot of things ______.(MET'91)

A.has broken into,has been stolen B.had broken into,had been stolen

C.has been broken into,stolen D.had been broken into,stolen

[分析]答案D.主句谓语动词found后有两个并列的宾语从句,因为其主语the house和a lot of things是物,谓语动词应用过去完成时被动语态。为避免重复第二省略了相同的助动词had been.

例6:The car was quite old but in excellent condition.



例7:The noun is the name of a person or thing.名词是人或物的名称。


例8:It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.(NMET'96)89._____.

[分析]此题it是形式主语,and连接两个不定式to meet me 和to drive me 是真正的主语。为避免重复第二个不定式要省略to,所以drove要改成drive.


To be or not to be ——that is the question.是生是死,就是问题所在。

I came not to scold,but to praise you.我来不是骂你,而是夸你的。

To try anf fail is better than not to try at all.尝试失败总比不尝试好。


We are to take the train to Hancow and after that to travel up the Changjiang River by ship.我们将坐火车到汉口,然后再坐船沿长江往上行。

现在回到本文开头的那道高考题,它含有用逗号分开的两个不定式短语,to make life easier 和not tomake it more difficulet,句中并列作连系动词be(is)的表语,因为有强烈的对比意义,不定式符号to不省略,所以B为其正确答案。