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1. What is special about the newly discovered bird?

A.It usually walks.

B.It likes walking and flying.

C.It can eat other birds.

D.It can eat frogs.

答案 A

解析 细节理解题。由文章第二段第一句可知,这种新发现的鸟的独特之处是它喜欢行走,而不是飞翔。

2. Stuart Chapman believes that________.

A.most of the newly discovered species can adapt to climate change

B.climate change can cause massive extinction of the newly discovered species

C.the newly discovered species are not so vulnerable to climate change

D.many species have already died out because of climate change

答案 B

解析 细节理解题。由文章第四段可知,这些新发现的物种很少能适应气候变暖,因此会出现大量灭绝的情况。

3. When Lee Grismer discovered the tiger­striped pit viper,he probably felt________.

A.frightened       B.disappointed

C.excited        D.puzzled

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段可知,这种蛇的发现很偶然,而且后来被证明是一个新的物种,因此发现者应该感到“惊喜”,故选excited。

4. The tiger­striped pit viper is probably a kind of________.

A.frog        B.lizard

C.gecko        D.snake

答案 D

解析 细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段第一句和第二句可知,这种tiger­striped pit viper是一种新的蛇类。因为文中有明确的提示“the snake’s fangs”及“We caught the snake and the gecko...”,而the gecko的介绍在后面出现了。

5. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.The Greater Mekong region is a rich area for scientists.

B.Many rare species remain to be discovered in the Mekong region.

C.Scientists have discovered many new species in the Mekong region.

D.Climate change threatens Mekong new species.

答案 D

解析 主旨大意题。由文章第一段可知,本文重点在于说明大湄公河次区新发现的物种面临受气候变暖濒临灭绝的危险,而不是强调新物种的发现,故选D项。


Comfort zone is the mental place surrounded by borders in our mind where we feel secure.Even though this comfort area and its boundaries are just a state of mind that has nothing to do with reality,it plays a huge role in the progress of our development.Since the comfort zone is limited,there is not much benefit for you inside your comfort zone.Nothing new will happen until you open yourself and leave your comfort zone.

As long as you are still having the same beliefs,you cannot grow and you cannot expect new things in your life.When you change your beliefs,you will change your thoughts,feelings and actions,and only then you  can expand and grow in all aspects of your life.

Even though your background may be affecting your present situation,what really matters is not where you were born,your skin color,race,age,gender,religion,government,or even the poor environment in which you have been living for so many years,but what really matters and makes a big difference in your life is your attitude,to understand your comfort zone,how you limit yourself within it,who you are,why you behave the way you do it,and mainly where you are going.

Sadly many people don’t go anywhere because they stay within their comfort zone.They accept defeat after defeat before even trying or knowing how capable or valuable they really are.These circumstances are not the cause of our actual situation but the conformism (因循守旧) and the poverty of our thoughts and therefore the weakness of our broken spirit.Leave your past behind;constantly transcend (超越) your comfort zone!Your past within this comfort zone is nothing but a wasted load that you don’t need to carry at all.

Take constant action as many times as it is  required and never,never quit.As Napoleon Hill said,“A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.Defeat is never a failure;no circumstance ever is failure until it is accepted by the individual as a failure.”Nothing is impossible for an optimist attitude;everything is possible when we start blindly trusting ourselves,when we have a burning desire to succeed and a blind determination to make our dreams come true;everything is possible when we don’t take a no for an answer.

6. What is comfort zone according to the passage?

A.A place in our realistic life where we obtain comfort.

B.A mental place in our mind where we stick to our beliefs.

C.A limited place in our mind where we feel safe.

D.A secret place in our mind where we communicate with ourselves.

答案 C

解析 细节理解题。由文章第一段第一句可知,“安逸区”是我们心中被很多边界所环绕的一个特殊区域,在这其中我们感到安逸,但它是我们成长的藩篱。

7. The author believes staying in our comfort zone can________.

A.prevent us from being aware of the reality

B.protect us from the cruel reality

C.push our development in life

D.stop us making progress in life

答案 D

解析 细节理解题。文章第一段最后说明,待在我们心灵的“安逸区”是没有好处的,会阻止我们进步。

8. Napoleon Hill is quoted in the last paragraph to show that________.

A.one should not quit in order to succeed

B.a successful person can’t leave his comfort zone

C.there is a great difference between defeat and failure

D.it is important to take constant actions

答案 A

解析 推理判断题。文章最后一段中第一句是本段的主题句。下面引用名人名言也是为了说明这个主题:要成功,就不能退缩。

9. What is not necessary for us to  succeed?

A.A blind determination.

B.An optimistic attitude.

C.The poor environment in which we live.

D.Refusing to take a no for an answer.

答案 C

解析 细节理解题。由文章最后一段可知,A、B、D三项都是成功所需要的;而从文章第三段可知,“贫困的环境”也无碍于成功,但并非是成功的必要条件,故选C项。

10.The writing style of this passage can   be described as________.

A.defensive       B.persuasive

C.subjective       D.supportive

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。分析全文,把握作者态度可知,作者极力说服、劝告我们走出心灵的“安逸区”,因此B项persuasive“劝导的”最能说明文章的写作风格。defensive辩护的;subjective主观的;supportive支持的。


[1]All people have dreams and they obey the rule that if you can dream it,you can achieve it! Here are four goals for people to reach a perfect life in their future.

[2]The first goal common to all of us is health and energy.We all want to be healthy and fit,to have high levels of energy and to live free of pain and illness.Today,with the incredible advances in medical science,the quality of our health and fitness,and our lifespan,is largely determined by design,not by chance.People with excellent health habits are far healthier,have more energy,and live longer and better than people who have poor health habits.Remember that health is not everything,but without health everything is nothing!

[3]The second goal that we all have in common is to enjoy excellent relationships—intimate,personal or social—with the people we like and respect,and who ________ in turn.Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage,and in each area,of your life.How well you get along with people,and how much they like and respect you,have more impact on the quality of your life than perhaps any other factor.

[4]The third common goal is to do work that we enjoy,to do it well,and to be well paid for it.You want to be able to get and keep the job you want,to get paid more and promoted faster.You want to earn the very most that is possible for you at each stage of your career,whatever you do.

[5]The fourth goal we all have in common is to achieve financial independence.You want to reach the point in life where you have enough money so that you never have any financial worries.You want to be completely free of them. You want to be able to order dinner in a restaurant without referring to the price listing to determine what you want to eat.

1. What does this passage chiefly talk about?(no more than 12 words)


2. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)


3. Complete the following sentence with proper words according to Paragraph 4?(no more than 6 words)

Everybody wants to make as_much_money_as_possible/he_can no matter what job he is engaged in.

4. Why does the author put health ahead of other goals?(no more than 20 words)



5. What does the underlined word “them” in the last paragraph probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)












I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon.My uncle is returning home from France,and I have promised to meet him at the airport at 3∶30 tomorrow afternoon.

I am very much interested in American society and history.I wonder if it is possible for the talk to be recorded,and if so,could I borrow the tape?It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and make up for what is covered in the talk.I would appreciate it if you could allow me to ask for a leave of absence.

Thank you.


Li Hua

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