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情态动词本身有一定的词义,但是不能独立作谓语,只能和行为动词一起构成谓语。威廉希尔app 整理了2016年安徽高考英语必考点,请大家参考。

(1) “I promise that she _____ get a nice present on her birthday.” “Will it be a great surprise to her?” A. should B. must C. would D. shall 2. You _______ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important. A. cannot B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t


【分析】最佳答案选A.cannot…too…是英语中一个十分有用的表达,意为“不可能太……,无论怎样……也不算过分,越……越……”。如: You can’t be too careful. 你越仔细越好。 You can’t praise the too much. 这本书值得大加赞扬。 We cannot work too much for the people. 我们为人民做工作是不可能做过头的。 A woman cannot have too many clothes. 女人买的衣服再多也不算多。 注:有时也可用 can never, impossible 等与too连用来表示类似意思。如: It is impossible to get there too soon. 去那儿越早越好。

3. “Is John coming by train?” “He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car.” A. must B. can C. need D. may

4. “I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.” “It ____ true because there was little snow there.” A. may not be B. won’t be C. couldn’t be D. mustn’t be


【分析】此题最佳答案为C,主要由下文的 because there was little snow there 这一语境所决定,既然“没下什么雪”,那么“滑雪”就应是“不可能”,所以选 couldn’t be,即选C. 5. “Do you think he is lazy?” “I _____ so once, but I don’t now.” A. may have thought B. can have thought C. may think D. might think 答案选A.从答话人的语境可知,空格处的意思“曾经这样想过”,即对过去情况作推测,故应用“情态动词+动词完成式”;又因为 can 表推测不用于肯定句,故选A.请看类例: Their answers are exactly the same — one of them ______ from the other. A. must copy B. must have copied C. should copy D. should have copied 答案选B,既然两人的答案完全一样,说明“抄袭”已经发生,故用“情态动词+动词完成式”,根据句意,应选B而不能选D. 6. You _____ be right, but I don’t think you are. A. can B. could C. must D. should


【分析】从语境上看,C、D不宜选,在剩下的A和B中,许多同学想当然地选了A,认为整个句子为现在时态,所以选can,而不选过去式 could,但是最佳答案却是B而不是A.按照英语语法,情态动词can 用于推测表示可能性时,通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,而不用于肯定句中;但 could 用于表推测时,却不仅可用于否定句和疑问句,也可用于肯定句,且此时的 could 并不是 can 的过去式,与 can 也没有时间上的差别,只是 could 比 can语气更委婉,所以答案选B.注:can 在以下特殊情况下,也可用于肯定句。一是表示抽象的可能性,即从理论上或逻辑上分析是可能的,但是实际上未必会发生。如:Anyone can make mistakes. 任何人都可能会犯错误。二是后接“be (get, seem, become)+形容词”,表示“有时会”、“时常会”等。如:My father can be very unreasonable. 我父亲有时候很不讲道理。

2016年安徽高考英语必考点:情态动词的全部内容就分享到这里,威廉希尔app 预祝大家考上理想的大学。





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