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我的教练是美国最出色的之一,他叫麦克沙舍夫斯基,他曾经这样说道:“你最好准备好下一场的比赛,因为在篮球场上,有很多事情会发生,比如你在运球的过程中,突然一下被鞋子绊倒了,每个人都在嘲笑你,那么多国家的电视台都在直播你的现场,所有人都看到了,那你会怎么办呢?你会坐那儿哭吗,会说我被绊倒了太丢脸了,所有人都在嘲笑我?不,一定不要这样子。那你应该怎么做呢?你只有站起来,继续下一场的比赛,下一场的比赛是最重要的。” 我一定要进行下一场的比赛,这是非常重要的一种思维模式。如果我们能够形成这样的思维模式,会使你受益终生,你会一直能够继续打下一场的比赛。抓住下一次的机会,以及实现下一次的目标。到时我们必须拥有面对之前那个挑战时的激情和热情,如果一直这样坚持的话,你肯定会取得成功,我相信你肯定会取得成功。


Hello everyone!

First of all I want to thank you very much host Sa Beining, thanks for inviting me to China column group, thank you for inviting me to participate in this program today, to share with you the story of my life. I want to share with you might not just about basketball, in fact, which can be applied to everyone's work and life. No matter what profession you choose, as long as you have a dream we must dedicate ourselves to chase, to find your dream to pursue it.

I grew up in Detroit, civilian family, my father, who was a few words, he is a businessman, my father told me a very important point, which I saw from him, my father taught me, every day To dream of every effort. That is, after he gets up every day to wear clothes, he would tell himself, whether you are sick or you feel tired, but he always best.

Many people think that one day I woke up to find themselves suddenly grow up to 2 m 05, I could have scored NBA is also very natural thing, but nobody recognizes become NBA players rely on the persistence and perseverance. In fact, I always rely on persistence and perseverance in the whole process only to make their dream of eventually entering the NBA. When I was 12 years old when my height is 1 m 8, was as thin as a pencil, does not want to be with a girl I was dating or kissing me because they think I looked funny. One day I chat with small partners, and I told them that one day I will go to the NBA game, you guess what they react, they laughed at me, they laughed at my dream. They told me that Sean you too thin, and you run fast, jump high is not enough, you absolutely can not go to the NBA to play, you absolutely can not fulfill your dreams. As a 12-year-old boy I heard so I feel very sad because they do not recognize my dream. So at that time I think I saw most of my own thoughts. Every morning I got up and looked in the mirror, I asked myself: Sean, you are ready every day? Today you have to make every effort to get close to dream a little, too.



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