【编者按】2011年外销员资格考试报名正在全国各地陆续开始,为使考生更好的备考威廉希尔app 特整理推出2011年外销员考试外贸英语练习题供大家学习。
In modern era, it’s unlikely for a nation to produce everything (it needs) and consume everything (it makes). To alleviate the dilemma of surplus and shortage, goods are exchanged between nations. … A country might prohibit importing or exporting certain products, or it might set quotas controlling the number of certain products to be imported or exported, or it might charge duty tax on certain products. …
1、be likely/ unlikely to do sth.;be likely/ unlikely that(不)可能的,如:He is not likely to succeed.他大概不会成功。It’s highly likely that he will succeed.他成功的可能性很大。
2、alleviate v.减轻,如:The UN’s most important objective is to alleviate world poverty.