【编者按】2011年外销员资格考试报名正在全国各地陆续开始,为使考生更好的备考威廉希尔app 特整理推出2011年外销员考试外贸英语练习题供大家学习。
For china—which is already the world’s 9th largest trading entity—it will mean more external trade, and external trade of a better quality. … At the same time, China will be cutting its tariffs on a broad range of products, from agricultural to industrial. Tariff reductions allow comparative advantage greater play. They will help eliminate trade distortions and facilitate more efficient allocation of resources among the trading partner, thus further promoting economic growth globally. …
1、a range of:一系列的,如:The speaker will deal with a broad range of issues affecting professional women.
We stock a wide range of office furniture.
2、eliminate: get rid of 如:Many infectious diseases have been virtually eliminated.
3、facilitate: make easy如:Modern inventions have facilitated housework.